Karnataka CET 2015 Previous Year Question Paper for Maths - Free PDF Download
FAQs on KCET 2015 Previous Year Question Paper for Maths
1. What is KCET?
KCET also known as the Karnataka Common Entrance Test is a state-level entrance test conducted in the state of Karnataka. The examination is conducted for the students residing in Karnataka and appearing for Karnataka State Board examination.
2. What was the Pattern of the KCET 2015 Previous Year Question Paper?
The question paper of KCET Maths Previous Year 2015 was in 2 sets wherein - there were 60 questions in Set A and 60 questions in Set B. For checking the answers, students were also provided with the answer key set wise on a later date. It is advisable to the candidates that they understand the paper pattern thoroughly before starting the preparation of any examination a candidate is appearing for.
3. How Previous Year Question Papers Benefit the Students?
Previous year question papers prove to be very beneficial for the students in the following ways as mentioned below -
It helps the candidates get an idea of the question weightage given to various topics and solve the paper accordingly as per the convenience and preparation
It helps the candidates to solve questions faster and learn time management. By knowing the previous year’s question papers and the pattern, students tend to chalk out which question to attempt first and vice-versa.
It helps the candidates to familiarize with the different methods of solving a particular problem and bring out the best solutions for the same
Solving more questions helps the candidates to attempt each question with the best solution and speed leading to good marks
Candidates will get an idea about the questions frequently asked in the examination
4. What is the Role of Educational Platforms Like Vedantu in the Preparation of the Students?
Vedantu is an online educational platform with multiple tasks performed, namely - teaching students through their online classes, providing notes and then making sure that deserving candidates get scholarships too. Getting previous year question papers is like getting a complete hang of the question paper, and that is what is provided by Vedantu. Students get to explore different topics and questions with the help of the free online PDF provided by Vedantu for a better understanding of the examination leading to good marks. Vedantu plays a great and role when it comes to scoring good marks for the candidates appearing in the examination.