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KCET 2019 Previous Year Question Paper for Physics


Karnataka CET 2019 Previous Year Question Paper for Physics - Free PDF Download

The previous year question paper of KCET conducted by the Karnataka Examinations Authority whose short form is KEA, is a type of entrance exam for professional courses like Medical and Engineering. The aspirants would have already started their preparation for the exam and their first step towards the preparation of the KCET Exam is to solve the previous year Physics KCET Question Papers. Solving KCET previous year papers will help the student to get an idea about the pattern of the question paper. Here, we have provided the last 10 years of the question paper of KCET for your reference.

KCET 2019 Physics Previous Year Question Paper

How to Solve Previous Year Question Papers?

To make the best use of the Physics KCET previous year question papers and develop an efficient test-taking strategy, students should follow certain steps given below:

  1. We need to allocate separate time slots of 80 minutes for each subject of the exam. We must take the tests just like you would take the actual exam. Then we must keep Mathematics for 1 day and Physics and Chemistry for the next day.

  2. During the time which is allocated, start our test. Then go through each and every question as they appear in the paper and assess whether or not we can solve them.

  3. If we are absolutely sure about a question, then only attempt it. But do not answer it in a hurry as there are chances that known answers can get wrong. And then we might make silly/careless mistakes.

  4. If we are not sure about a question but we think it is worth giving a shot then just mark it. We need to note that do not try to attempt it at that point.

  5. As for questions we have no idea about then skip them.

  6. Once we have gone through the entire paper and attempted all the questions we were sure about and try to answer or solve the marked questions.

  7. we need to keep track of the time all through the test. Then we need to make sure you do not spend too much time on any question. Basically, we should learn to move on.

  8. Once we have taken the tests for all three subjects for a particular year then we need to analyze your performance in each of the tests and find out our weaknesses.

Benefits of KCET Previous Year Papers

We have provided the students with details on how to make the best use of these Physics KCET previous year papers so that students can increase their score. Some of them are listed  below:

  1. Although we say that most engineering entrance exams have almost the same syllabus but the difficulty level and exam pattern of the exam vary. By solving the KCET previous year question papers students will get a clear idea about the exam pattern and the type of questions asked in the exam and the difficulty level of the questions. Previous year KCET question papers will help us to not get surprised in the exam when we get the actual question paper.

  2. Taking KCET previous year tests in a time-bound manner is just like the actual exam which will help us improve our ability to select the right questions to answer and manage time properly. Of course, we need to put a conscious effort to improve our overall test-taking strategy.

  3. By solving the KCET previous year papers will help us to know where we are standing exactly in terms of our preparation. Are we going to clear the cutoff? Which college and branch are we likely to get with our current level of preparation? Also, a detailed analysis of how we performed in each of the KCET previous year papers will help to identify your strengths and weaknesses. We can then work on the chapters and concepts which we got wrong or couldn’t answer or where we went overtime.

  4. It will also help us build our stamina and concentration as well for those kinds of examinations.


Previous year KCET question papers are one of the best ways to practise for your exam preparation, as they get aware of the pattern, the number of questions asked in the subject, time duration and the type of questions asked in the KCET.  Students can download KCET previous year question papers for free in the form of PDF from the Vedantu site. Students will feel more confident while answering Kcet question papers if they have solved and gone to multiple previous year KCET question papers.

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FAQs on KCET 2019 Previous Year Question Paper for Physics

Q1. Mention the Subjects Which are Required for KCET.

Ans: The examination includes the four subjects namely Chemistry, Physics, Maths and Biology. The syllabus is based on the higher secondary curriculum of KCET. The duration of the exam is 80 minutes.

Q2. Which One is Better: KCET or COMEDK?

Ans: Both of them hold equal importance as KCET is only for the students who belong to Karnataka. For outsider students who want to take admission in Karnataka, they can go for the COMEDK exam.

Q3. What is the Cutoff KCET?

Ans: The cutoffs are provided by the colleges themselves after the exam and along with the results. The general category students need at least 50 percent marks while SC, ST and OBC need to score 40 percent marks in the 12th exam.