The Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc) has published a list of KVPY Exam Centers for 2022 on their official website: kvpy.iisc.ac.in, along with certain crucial instructions that candidates should remember. The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY), launched in 1999, is one of the most well-known scholarship programs.
Students will be assigned to KVPY exam centers in 2022 based on their preferences. According to the latest update, 34 new cities have been added to the KVPY Exam Centres 2022 list. Only one exam city, Uttara Kannada, has been eliminated, leaving 144 exam centers.
How Will the KVPY Exam Centres for 2022 Be Assigned?
The following factors may influence the distribution of KVPY 2022 Exam Centers:
The preferred cities listed on the KVPY Application form 2022 are the critical element influencing the distribution of KVPY Exam Centers 2022.
Students can select three favorite cities for the KVPY Exam Center 2022 throughout the application process.
IISc will try to place the KVPY Exam Center 2022 in the first preferred city. Still, if that location is already taken, they will move on to the second preferred city and the third if neither of the first two locations is available.
The KVPY test centers for 2022 are primarily assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. So, if you want to acquire your preferred KVPY 2022 Exam Center, fill out the application as soon as feasible.
On the KVPY Admit Card, the designated KVPY Exam Center 2022 will be listed, along with its entire location.
KVPY Exam Eligibility
Candidates must meet the following KVPY exam eligibility criteria before filling out the KVPY 2022 Application Form.
SA Stream Eligibility Criteria
Candidates who completed XI Standard (Science Subjects) in the academic year 2022 are eligible to take this exam.
Candidates must have received at least 75% (65%for SC/ST/PWD candidates) in Science and Mathematics courses in Class X.
Candidates must obtain a minimum of 60% aggregate in Science Subjects in the XII Standard Board Examination (50% for SC/ST/PWD).
SX Stream Eligibility Criteria
This stream is open to candidates who have completed their 10+2 education. They must pass the 12th Board test with a score of 60% (50% for SC/ST/PwD candidates).
Candidates must obtain a minimum of 75% in class 10, whereas SC/ST/PwD candidates must score 65% in aggregate of all Science courses and Mathematics, according to KVPY eligibility requirements 2022.
SB Stream Eligibility Criteria
Candidates in the first year of a UG course in Basic Science such as Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics and Biology culminating in B.Sc/BS/B.Stat./B.Math./Int.M.Sc/MS in the academic year of 2020-2022 can give this exam.
In the Intermediate Board Examination, candidates must obtain at least 60% in the GEN category and 50% in the SC/ST/PWD category in Science courses.
KVPY Exam Centres
Following are the new centers for KVPY Exam 2022. After meeting the KVPY exam eligibility, students can select one of the centers as per their preference:
Zone & State-wise Updated List of KVPY Exam Centres
Following are the KVPY Test Center lists of the North, South, East and West Zones:
KVPY Test Centers: North Zone
KVPY Test Centers: South Zone
KVPY Test Centers: East Zone
KVPY Test Centers: West Zone
List of KVPY Exam Centers for Interview
What is the Procedure for Changing the KVPY Exam Center?
The cause for changing the center must be genuine unless the application to change the KVPY Exam Center will be refused.
Following is the procedure for changing the exam center:
Students should go to kvpy.iisc.ernet.in, which is the official website.
A notice about the change of KVPY Exam Centre 2022 will appear at the top of the page.
When you click on the notification, a login form will appear.
Use the registration ID and password to access the KVPY dashboard.
Choose the city to which you want to relocate your KVPY Exam Centre 2022 and provide a convincing reason.
Your request to change the Exam Center will be sent when you click submit.
When to Arrive at Exam Centers for Giving KVPY Exam?
Candidates taking the KVPY exams must arrive before or at the reporting times listed on their admission cards; otherwise, they will not be permitted to sit the exam.
Exam dates and times are listed below:
Important Instructions Regarding KVPY Exam Centers 2022
To the KVPY Exam center, aspirants must bring their admit card, as well as their school ID or other forms of identification.
Candidates are encouraged to arrive at the exam center at least one hour early to ensure a smooth sitting schedule.
Any technological devices, such as cell phones or calculators, will not be permitted in the KVPY Exam center.
Aspirants will not be allowed to leave the KVPY exam center until 90 minutes after the exam has begun.
The costs of traveling to the KVPY 2022 exam sites will not be reimbursed.
FAQs on KVPY Exam Centres: Check Zone Wise List, Exam Eligibility in Details
1. Is it necessary to wear a uniform to KVPY Exam Center?
No, there are no restrictions on what you can wear to your KVPY Exam Centre, although it is recommended that you wear nice, plain attire and refrain from wearing any fashionable accessories.
2. Is there a place in the KVPY Exam Center 2022 where we may keep our valuables?
There will be no provision for keeping expensive items inside the KVPY Exam Centre. Students will be obliged to keep them outside the center, and in the event of a loss, neither the KVPY Exam Centre nor IISc will be responsible.
3. Is it okay if we bring a calculator to the KVPY Exam center?
No, you are not allowed to bring a calculator or any other electronic device to the KVPY exam center. On the computer screen, the applicants will be given a virtual calculator.