Bihar Polytechnic Cut off 2022 - Explanation
DCECE, which is well known as Bihar Polytechnic Exam, is a state-level entrance Examination for admission into various Polytechnic courses in the state of Bihar. Aspiring candidates for DCECE Examination will be able to get to know the 2022 cut-off once the Exam result is out by the concerned authorities. The cut-off for Bihar Polytechnic varies every year on the basis of various factors such as the difficulty level of the question paper, the number of candidates appearing for the Exam etc.
Bihar Polytechnic cut-off 2022 varies as per the candidates’ categories as well. Below we have provided the table for previous years’ cut-off for the candidates’ convenience. Candidates can visit its official website to check the cut-off and other relevant details.
Here, we are providing DCECE cut off & qualifying marks as per the categories:
DCECE 2022 Qualifying & Cut Off Marks:
DCECE Cut off 2022 - PCB Group:
DCECE Cut off 2022 - PCM Group:
Previous Year Cut Off for Engineering:
Every candidate should be aware of the important Exam date for Bihar Polytechnic before appearing for the Examination. Conducted by the Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB), Bihar Polytechnic 2022 Exam has been postponed this year due to a nationwide lockdown caused due to the Coronavirus pandemic. There are no updates announced regarding the new dates.
Bihar Polytechnic Exam Date:
Bihar Polytechnic Result:
Every Bihar Polytechnic aspiring candidate might be curious about the DCECE 2022 cut-off. But it will be announced after the result announcement. Speaking of Bihar Polytechnic 2022 result, it will be published on the official website of the BCECEB. The authority will publish the rank card and an overall merit list as well on the website.
All the candidates need to enter their login ID and password on the official website. The result card will contain some important information such as the counselling date, venue, and procedure as per the course choice made by every individual candidate.
Bihar Polytechnic Counselling 2022:
Upon the announcement of the Bihar Polytechnic result, the counselling procedure will begin. The counselling procedure will be done through online mode. The qualified candidates will be eligible to attend the counselling session where they will do the choice filling they need to fill in preferred colleges and branches.
It is mandatory for all the qualified candidates to download the counselling call letter from the official website to attend the counselling. The call letter contains important information regarding the counselling process such as counselling date, time etc. Then the candidates will be allotted a seat according to their rank, seat availability, and choice filling.
How to Prepare for the Bihar Polytechnic Exam 2022?
Students can aim for a lot of things and if they want a taste of Engineering and want to be a part of the field for a short period of time, then they can give the Bihar Polytechnic Exam and try to crack it to receive a diploma in Engineering by participating in Competitive Examination, which is conducted by the Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB).
Like many other Competitive Entrance Examinations, Bihar Polytechnic Exam is a pen and paper Exam. There are many skills that the students must master in order to crack the Exam. Students can before well in hand and train themselves in various techniques to be fully prepared. Some of the tips to crack the Exam are: -
Use Effective Study Materials
The syllabus of Bihar Polytechnic Exam consists of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics and a combination of all three. In order to prepare for all the topics for the Exam, it is advised to collect good study materials that cover all the topics. Students can then prepare from these study materials and practice for all the questions.
Understand the Pattern of the Examination
Just like every other Exam, the Bihar Polytechnic Exam will also have a pattern. Students should go through the pattern and syllabus before the Exams so that they will be familiarized with it when they give the Exam. This will help them to manage the time and to write all the answers effectively.
Use Revision Notes and Practice Hard
One of the most important tips is to use revision notes and to make comprehensive study notes while studying for the Exams. This way, students will find it easy to go through the material right before the Exam and they will be prepared for all the questions. By practicing well, they will understand how to manage time and will also practice skills like how to remember effectively.
FAQs on Bihar Polytechnic Cut off 2023-24
1. When will DCECE 2022 Cut-off be Announced?
The cut-off will be announced by the concerned authorities once the result is published. However, the date has been announced yet.
2. How will the DCECE 2022 Cut-off be Determined?
BCECE is responsible for the announcement of the DCDCE cut-off. The cut-off is based on various factors such as the toughness of the paper, the number of candidates appearing for the exam in the respective year, and also the average marks obtained by all the candidates.
3. How to study for the Bihar Polytechnic Exam?
Students can prepare for the Bihar Polytechnic by making sure to go through all the syllabus and pattern of the Exams. They can do this by visiting Vedantu website where all the information about the Exam is available. It is important to not miss any topic and to make sure that all the concepts are understood very well. Students can also practice skills like time management so that it will be easy for them to write the answers effectively in the Exams without worrying about the time.
4. What is the syllabus for Bihar Polytechnic Exam?
The Bihar Polytechnic Exam consists of three papers which are Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry. The syllabus for Physics is:
Physics World and Measurement
Laws of Motion
Work, Energy, and Power
The motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
Properties of Bulk Matter
Heat and Thermodynamics
The behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic theory
Oscillations and Waves
Current Electricity
Magnetic effects of current & Magnetism
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Electronic Devices
Communication Systems
5. What is the syllabus for Maths in Bihar Polytechnic Exam?
The syllabus for Mathematics is:
Sets and Functions
Coordinate Geometry
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Mathematical Reasoning
Statistics and Probability
Continuity and Differentiability
Application of Derivatives
Differential Equations
Vector Algebra
Three Dimensional Geometry
Linear Programming
6. What is the syllabus for chemistry and how to prepare?
The Exam consists of three major subjects that is Maths, Chemistry and Physics. Students can prepare by practicing all the questions beforehand and understanding the concepts of the topics. The syllabus for Chemistry is:
Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Structure of Atom
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Solid State
Chemical thermodynamics and energetic
Solutions and colligative properties
States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
Chemical kinetics
General principles and processes of isolation of elements
Redox Reaction
S- Block Elements
P- Block Elements
f- Block Elements
d-Block Elements
Coordination compounds
Halogen derivatives of alkanes (and arenas)
Organic Chemistry
Alcohols, phenols and ethers Alcohols
Aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids Aldehydes and Ketones
Organic compounds containing nitrogen
Environmental Chemistry
7. What are some tips to score well in the Bihar Polytechnic Exam?
Students can score well in the Examination by preparing well for it. It is important to cover all the topics in the Exam and to make sure that they practice well with all the sample questions. Time Management is also an important skill and students should also understand the pattern of the Exams before attempting. It is also important to revise as much as possible before the Exam and to not leave out any topic as all the topics are equally important.