Overview of Bihar Polytechnic Exam 2022
Bihar Polytechnic exam 2022 exam will be conducted by the Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB). This is a state-level entrance test which offers admission in various polytechnic programmes offered by many polytechnic colleges and institutions in the state of Bihar.
Keeping about the aspiring candidates’ convenience in mind, we have provided all the necessary information in the following. Take a glance through it.
Here is the List of Programmes that are Being Offered through Bihar Polytechnic:
PE (Polytechnic Engineering)
PPE (Part-time/ 4-year/ Polytechnic Engineering)
PM (Para Medical/ Intermediate level)
PMD (Para Medical Dental/ Class10th level)
Bihar Polytechnic Application Form:
The application form for Bihar Polytechnic exam 2022 has been made available online. The form was released on the official website of BCECEB on 1st week of May 2022. The last date for the application form submission is now 2nd week of June 2022.
Every candidate has to register themselves by entering their email ID and contact details. Upon the registration, the candidate should fill up the required details very carefully. Last but not least they also have to upload their scanned passport-sized photograph and signature in the specified format. This step is followed by the application fee payment. It is mandatory to pay the application fee (through online/ bank challan).
Below is the Application Fee as Per the Courses and Candidates’ Categories
Documents that every candidate should keep handy while filling up the Bihar Polytechnic application form-
Date of Birth proof
Caste certificate (if required)
Passing Certificate
Passing Mark sheet
Income certificate
Character certificate
Bihar domicile certificate
Scanned photograph (as per the specifications mentioned in the website)
Scanned signature (as per the specifications mentioned in the website)
Conducted by the Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB), Bihar Polytechnic 2022 Exam dates have been postponed due to nationwide lockdown caused due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Bihar Polytechnic Exam Date:
Bihar Polytechnic Admit Card:
Bihar Polytechnic exam 2022 Admit Card will be available on the official website of BCECEB very soon. The official date has not yet been announced by the authorities. Candidates can download the admit card and must take a printout of it for future reference. Every candidate must know that they will not be allowed to enter the examination hall without the admit card or the hall ticket of the exam. They will also carry along a valid ID proof at the examination centre. It would be greatly appreciated if they can reach the examination centre/ venue at least 30 minutes prior to the examination. That’s how they can avoid any kind of inconvenience.
Bihar Polytechnic Cut off:
BCECEB will release the cut-off for Bihar Polytechnic following the announcement of the result. The cut-off basically indicates the minimum qualifying marks that every candidate should achieve in order to be eligible for the Bihar Polytechnic admission procedure (counselling). The Bihar Polytechnic 2022 cut-off will vary on various factors such as the number of applicants, seat availability, and difficulty level of the question paper of the respective year. On the basis of the Bihar Polytechnic cut-off 2022, the conducting authorities will prepare the merit list of all qualified candidates.
Bihar Polytechnic Eligibility Criteria:
All the Bihar Polytechnic candidates should be aware of the eligibility criteria before applying for the examination.
Nationality: Ever candidate must be an Indian citizen
Qualification: Candidates must qualify the Class 10th examination from a recognized board or university.
Para Medical Intermediate level: Every candidate must pass 10+2 examinations from a recognized board or university.
Candidates appearing for Class 10th or 12th will be also eligible to apply for the Bihar Polytechnic examination.
Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board is responsible for conducting the Bihar Diploma Certificate Entrance Competitive Examination (DCECE) for admission into polytechnic colleges and institutions of Bihar. Below is the exam pattern that’s being followed in the respective exam.
Bihar Polytechnic Exam Pattern:
Bihar Polytechnic Syllabus 2022:
To get admission into Bihar Polytechnic programmes, all the aspiring candidates need to study the following subjects as per their preferred programmes. The syllabus of Bihar Polytechnic 2022 examination comprises these subjects - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, General Science, Biology, General Knowledge, Hindi, and English.
Check out the Prescribed Syllabus in the Following:
Polytechnic Engineering/ part-time polytechnic engineering (PE/PPE): Candidates must follow Class 10th or equivalent syllabus for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
Paramedical course: Candidates must prepare General Science, Numerical Ability, Hindi, English and General Knowledge.
Para medical-dental course: Every aspiring candidate should study Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Hindi, English, and General Knowledge.
Bihar Polytechnic Result:
The result of the Bihar Polytechnic 2022 will be published on the official website of the BCECEB. The authority will publish the rank card for every individual candidate and an overall merit list as well. They need to check their result with the help of their login ID and password from the official website. The subject-wise merit list will be released following the result announcement. The result card will contain some crucial information such as the date, venue and procedure of counselling as per the course choice made by every individual candidate.
Bihar Polytechnic Counselling 2022:
Upon the announcement of the result, Bihar Polytechnic Counselling 2022 will begin. The counselling procedure will be through online mode. The qualified candidates will be eligible to attend the counselling session where they need to do choice filling (as per their preferred colleges and branches). It is mandatory for all the qualified candidates to download the counselling call letter from the official website to attend the counselling. The call letter contains important information regarding the counselling process such as Date, Time and Venue. Therefore the candidates will be allotted a seat according to their rank, seat availability, and choice filling.
Bihar Polytechnic 2022 Preparation Tips:
Prepare a timetable and allot equal time for all the subjects
Follow the timetable rigorously
Complete the syllabus in time and start revising
Solve the previous years’ questions papers and sample question papers as much as possible
Know the Bihar Polytechnic syllabus and eligibility criteria very well before starting the preparation.
Refer to the e-learning portals if required and the best quality study materials.
Last but not least, eat healthy food and stay healthy. Follow a healthy sleeping pattern as well. It will help you to beat anxiety.
FAQs on Bihar Polytechnic Exam 2023-24
1. Will the Bihar Polytechnic Exam be Conducted in Hindi?
Yes, the Bihar Polytechnic exam will be in two languages, Hindi and English.
2. How can I Apply for the Bihar Polytechnic Exam 2022?
Check these following steps to apply for Bihar Polytechnic exam 2022.
Visit the official website of BCECEB
Click on the tab ‘Apply for DCECE (PE/ PPE/ PMD/ PM)- 2022’
Fill in all the important information such as name, DoB, contact details, address etc.
Apply for your preferred course
Fill up the required academic details
Click the ‘sign up’ tab and log in with the ID/ password
Verify all the information that you inserted
Click on ‘Save & Continue’ tab
Upload the scanned photograph and signature of yourself
Pay the application fee (online/ challan)
Make the final submission and take a printout of the form