Exam Pattern 2022 MP PPT
MP PPT exam pattern 2022 will give you a glimpse of how the actual test looks like. The exam pattern will include details like types of questions asked, what will be the duration of the examination, marching scheme, and the number of sections the test will include. MP PPT test is eligible for students who are willing to take admission in Madhya Pradesh institutes (private or public) offering polytechnic courses. The test is conducted by the Madhya Pradesh professional examination board. Following is the MP PPT exam pattern for the year 2022.
MP PPT Exam Pattern Marking Scheme
As per the MP board, the MP PPT exam stands for 150 marks. Every question in the test will have equal marks. Here are the pointers you should be aware of in the MP PPT exam patterns marking scheme:
If your answer is right, you will be, you will be awarded 1 mark for every question.
If you have marked an incorrect answer, no negative markings will be performed.
If you have left a question unattempted, then no negative markings will be performed.
MP PPT Exam Syllabus
If you want to do well in MP PPT exams 2022, then you should be aware of the latest MP PPT exam pattern syllabus, and know where you have to spend the maximum time to strengthen your weak points.
The test will be set up on the basis of 10th class standards and will be focusing on subjects like mathematics, physics and chemistry. Following are the concepts on the basis of which the test will take place:
1. Mathematics:
2. Physics:
Solar system
Domestic electric circuit
Magnetic effects of electric current
Human eye.
3. Chemistry:
Chemical bond
Mineral cycle
Types of fuel
The necessity of a balanced diet
Ecological balance
Classification of matter
Physical and chemical change
Human dependence on natural resources
Difference types of substances and their nature
Electrochemical cell
MP PPT Exam Pattern (Question Pattern)
MP PPT exam pattern states that the test will only be conducted in the offline mode i.e. Pen and paper mode. The students applying for the exam will be given four options to choose from, out of which one will be correct. Here are the following guidelines as per the MP PPT exam pattern 2022:
The exam will be conducted in two languages: Hindi and English
The exam duration will be 2 hours.
The test will contain 150 questions in total.
The question paper will consist of three divisions mathematics, physics, chemistry and every division will be of 50 marks each.
MP PPT Instructions for Exam Day
Students can start entering the examination hall 60 minutes prior to the commencement of the exam.
Students have to carry their original online valid photo id.
Students are not allowed to enter the hall after 9:30 am.
No electronic gadgets or textual papers and bits are allowed inside the examination premises.
Students have to carry 2 passport-sized photos, which are recent with name and number written behind the photographs.
MP PPT Preparation Tips
Here are some points which can lead you to score better in the test:
The students should be fully aware of the exam pattern and syllabus to prepare accordingly.
You can make detailed notes according to the topic for a better learning experience.
You can refer to previous years' exam papers with the answers for practice.
Make sure to give the last week before the exam just to revision.
FAQs on MP PPT Exam Pattern 2023-24
1. How will the Students be Selected After the Exam for Counselling?
The students will be selected on the basis of merit and according to the seats available in the colleges. The merit list will be released by the MP professional board of examination. The checking will be done on the basis of a marking scheme where there is no negative marking for any wrong or unattended answer. One mark will be given for every correct answer marked by the student.
2. I am Worried about Scoring Good in the Examination. Please Help with Some Tips and Tricks.
The exam pattern is based on the standards of 10th grade and if you wish to score good, then you only need to follow the guidelines which have been laid by the MP examination board. The guideline suggests that you should be thorough with the exam syllabus and give at least one week for revision to take place before the exam. You should also make sure that you attempt all the questions wisely until you don’t know the answer at all. All the best!