MP PPT Exam 2022 - Dates, Admit Card
MP PPT exam is conducted by Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB) for admission to various Diploma courses. This is a state-level examination, and the government and the private polytechnic colleges of Madhya Pradesh participate. The interested class 10th pass out and appearing candidates seeking admission in polytechnic colleges of MP can fill the online application form on the main website. The merit list is prepared on the basis of the candidate’s performance and the cut-off, and accordingly, the seat is allocated.
MP PPT 2022 – Important Dates
Steps to Download
To download MP PPT Admit Card 2022, follow the following steps:
Registered candidates can download the MP PPT 2022 admit card at peb.mponline.gov.in.
Click on the download link of MP PPT Admit Card.
You are required to enter the application number & DOB details to login to admit card download portal.
Press, Submit button.
The admit card will be displayed.
There is an option to download and save the admit card.
Download & take a print out of the same.
You require to carry a physical copy of the admit card and it should be torn or damaged.
Details Mentioned on Admit
The candidates should check for the details mentioned on your MP PPT Admit Card 2020 before taking a printout.
Candidate’s Name
Contact details
Candidate’s Photograph
Candidate’s signature
Examination Centre
Date & Exam Timings
Documents to Be Carried Along With Admit Card
The admit card is the id proof of the candidate to appear for the exam. The candidate should carry a passport size photograph, the same one that they uploaded in the application form. On the basis of the admit card and photograph, the candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall.
Primary Features of Admit Card
The MP PPT Admit Card has two sections. The candidates should review all the details so that their admit card is valid and he gets permission to take the exam.
Part I
Applicant’s Name
Date of Birth
Father’s Name
Address of the Exam Centre
Date & Timings of the Exam
Roll Number
Part II
Left Hand Thumb Impression
Handwriting Proof
Part II part has to be completed at the examination centre.
Further, once the admit card is issued, no changes can be implemented. The admit card is available online as per the instruction, and no offline means is available for the issuance of the admit card.
Admit cards will be issued one week prior to the entrance exam date. In case of any confusion, contact the MP PPT Exam controller.
FAQs on MP PPT Admit Card 2023-24
1. When should I expect my admit card for the MP PPT 2022 entrance exam?
In view of postponement due to lockdown, the dates of the entrance exam have been revised. You will receive the admit card in June, one week prior to the entrance exam date. Keep checking on the official website of peb.mponline.gov.in. The admit card is only available online.
2. What documents should I carry to the entrance exam centre?
A physical copy of the admit card and a copy of the same snap that you uploaded in the application form are only allowed at the exam centre. You are not required to carry any other things other than these two.