NDA 2 2019 General Ability Test Question Paper PDF Download
FAQs on NDA 2 General Ability Test Question Paper 2019
1. What are the section-wise marks distribution and duration provided for the NDA 2 exam?
The marks distribution for the NDA 2 exam section-wise can be provided as follows:
Mathematics: 300 marks. This section will have a time limit of about 2 and a half hours
General Ability test: 600 marks. This section will have a time limit of 2 and a half hours.
Both the sections total up to give 900 marks. It is also to be noted that out of the total marks assigned to the General Knowledge section of the general mental ability paper, questions on physics, chemistry, science, history, geography, and current events will carry approximately 25%, 15%, 10%,20%, 20%, and 10% marks weightage respectively.
2. What will happen once the NDA 2 exam has been passed by the candidate?
Once the NDA 2 exam has been passed by the candidate he or she will be promoted to the next stage, which is the SSB interview. This interview round will further consist of two separate rounds such as :
Psychological aptitude test
Intelligence test
Those candidates who have qualified will be called for the remaining test. The remaining tests include the medical test which every candidate who passes the SSB interview will have to undergo. This medical test once passed will let the candidates get through the final merit list. Those mentioned on the final merit list are then sent for training based on their positions.
3. Will practicing from NDA 2 General Ability Test Question Paper 2019 help students get an idea of the questions and paper pattern?
Practicing questions from the NDA 2 General Ability Test Question Paper 2019 via Vedantu will help students gain confidence about the types of questions that they can expect during the exam. The students also become more assured that they can attempt any sort of questions that are provided if they make sure they practice hard before the exam. Hours and hours of practice will make the candidate ready for the exam and hence making sure you give time to understand each question and its answers are mandatory.
4. How to get study materials for the NDA 2 exam?
Vedantu is here to supply all the study material that you are looking for to ace the NDA 2 exam. You can get all the past NDA 2 papers to reference them and understand how each year the questions change and what pattern they follow. You also need to make sure you read adequate books on general knowledge and on current affairs that keep you updated regarding recent events. Some of the best books recommended for NDA 2 exams are:
Mathematics by R.S. Aggarwal
Mathematics for NDA and NA by R.S. Agarwal published by S. Chand publications
NDA entrance exam by E.S. Ramasamy
Objective General English by S.P. Bakshi
All of these books will help you prepare for your NDA 2 exams.
5. What are some of the practical tips that will help pass the NDA 2 exam?
Here are some practical tips that will help you prepare for NDA 2 exam:
Make sure you know your goals early which means that you should have an idea about your goal as early as during your Class X.
Make sure you have a thorough understanding of the syllabus and make a firm timetable that will cover all the subjects in the given period of time.
Get back to the basics, start with Class VI and go ahead to Class X.
Make sure you give special concentration on the English language
The NDA exam is held in 2 parts after which you will have an interview. Making sure that you are prepared for only the written exam won't help start preparing for your interview as well as that will help you get prepared well in advance.