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NDA General Ability Test Syllabus 2023-24


NDA General Ability Test Syllabus 2023 PDF Download

Before starting the preparation for the competitive exam, it is really crucial to learn the entire NDA General Ability Test syllabus (National Defense Academy Exam) from where the questions will appear in the exam. The General Ability segment will contain questions from various subjects such as General Knowledge (GK), English, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Current Events. Check the detailed NDA syllabus PDF given below.


Candidates are advised to read newspapers and magazines or keep their eyes on the various news websites on a daily basis to be well prepared for the exam. All the topics of the NDA General Ability Test syllabus 2023 PDF are available for download here.


NDA 2023 Syllabus involves Mathematics and General Ability areas. Public Defense Academy (NDA) is the Joint Services institute of the Indian Armed Forces. The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) leads a public level test called the NDA Exam. This test is held for the competitors who need to join Indian Defense Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force). Consistently numerous applicants approach to take this test. NDA Examination is coordinated twice in a year. Here, at Vedantu we provided  the total data about NDA Syllabus 2023.


NDA test is conducted in two phases: composed test and SSB Interview. The composed test is led in two movements morning and evening. The composed test is partitioned into two sections: Mathematics and General Ability Test (GAT). The GAT is additionally separated into Part A-English Test and Part B-General Awareness or General Knowledge Test. A Total of 150 questions are asked in the GAT area and 120 in Mathematics.

NDA Syllabus 2023

Before you start preparing for the NDA make sure you are upto date with the syllabus and basic pattern of how the questions are asked.


NDA is a Defense placement test directed to enlist qualified staff to the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force Wing of the National Defense Academy and Indian Naval Academy Course - INAC. The Union Public Service Commission had delivered the NDA 2 2022 Notification on the authority site on 9th June 2023. Applicants can find out about the NDA test at the given connection. 


This article means to give exact data or information on the National Defense Academy Syllabus and the latest NDA Exam pattern, acknowledging which can help aspirants with making a simple assumption about the upcoming examinations and their pattern.

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FAQs on NDA General Ability Test Syllabus 2023-24

1. What is the syllabus for NDA GAT? 

The question paper on General Knowledge will widely cover the subjects include Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Social Studies, Geography and Current Events. The points referenced are not to be viewed as comprehensive and questions on subjects of almost similar type are not much referred to in the syllabus and may likewise be asked. Competitors' answers are relied upon to show their insight and knowledge, understanding of the subject. The questions asked in the General Ability test examinations will be objective type with multiple choices.

2. What is the General Ability Syllabus? 

The overall General Ability examination  includes two sections which are referenced underneath: 

Part – A 

English: The English prospectus covers the themes like vocabulary, Grammar and use, perception and union in stretched out text to test the competitor's capability in English. 

Part – B 

General Knowledge: The Question papers involve general information and cover the subjects that incorporate Physics, Chemistry, Social Studies, General Science, Geography and Current Events.

These are a few of the important topics that are covered in the examinations.

3. What are the points to remember when attending the NDA GAT examination?

There are few points that the students or the candidates should remember when practicing for the examination.

1. Both the paper 1 and 2 will have only objective questions.

2. Both the exam papers are set in two languages, English as well as Hindi.

3. For every wrong answer there will be a one third negative mark deducted.

4. Scribing is not allowed in the examinations so students should answer the questions with their own hand.

5. The participants are not allowed to use any sort of calculators or mathematical and logarithm tables for answering these questions.

4. How can I self review for NDA GAT? 

In this article, we have referenced some significant preparation tips and tricks crack the  NDA GAT Examination: 

  • Plan your Study Plan Smartly 

  • Your Basics Should Be Clear 

  • Complete knowledge in on General Knowledge and English Subject 

  • Use Study Materials and practice. 

  • Address Previous Year Question Papers of GAT

  • Revisie the wholeGAT syllabus again and again.

The pass mark in NDA examination is given as follows:

Candidates are needed to score at least around 25% marks in each dependent upon clearing the NDA Written Examination.

5. How should you prepare for the NDA General Ability test?

To plan for the General Knowledge portion, contenders ought to get their thoughts clear for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. For History, Civics and Economics, candidates need to hold a few critical thoughts. For English, candidates need to up their game with regards to Grammar and Vocabulary. The timetable covers alternate topics like: Grammar and use, language, comprehension and corrections, and many random topics to test your capacity in English. Candidates are expected to score basically around 25% marks in every ward after clearing the NDA Written Examination.