Have your Fingers Crossed and Check SAAT Exam Result
SAAT is an entrance exam conducted by Siksha O Anusandhan University for various UG and PG courses. If you are waiting for the SAAT exam result then pay a regular visit to the official website of the university. However, the authority has postponed the exam date due to the COVID 19 outbreak.
The SAAT cut of marks is fixed by the university officials. With respect to the cut off marks, the cream candidates will get a chance to enroll in the courses conducted by Siksha O Anusandhan University. Certain factors such as the total number of available seats, the total number of students, and the difficulty level of the exam control the cut off marks of the SAAT exam result.
SAAT 2022 Exam Pattern
The candidates are required to complete 120 questions in 2 hours. There will be a penalty of 1 mark for each wrong answer and a reward of 4 marks for each right answer. However, the number of sections will depend on the course selected by the candidate.
How to Check the SAAT Exam Result?
SAAT exam results will be released online. The applicants will have to click on the activated link provided by the authority. Follow the given directions and check your SAAT result.
Visit the official website and click on the result link, generated by the university officials.
You will be navigated to a new page. Provide your application number. Click on the submit button.
Next, you will be able to check the result on the screen. The result will be published in a scorecard format.
You are advised to download the scorecard for future references.
Details to Check on the SAAT 2022 Exam Result
The following information will be highlighted in the SAAT exam result.
The name of the candidate
The name of the parent
Roll number
Subject wise marks
Total marks obtained
SAAT Exam 2022 Merit List
Based on the SAAT 2022 result, the officials prepare a separate merit list. The merit list for the candidates of B.Tech courses is prepared after reviewing the obtained marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The final selection will be done on the basis of the ranks secured by the candidates. Follow the below steps and check the merit list.
Visit the official website.
Click the active link for the merit list.
Select the preferred course.
A PDF file for the merit list will be displayed on the screen.
Check the details of SAAT results and download the same for future use.
Cast Reservation for SAAT 2022
Before checking the final result, note down the caste reservation policies in SAAT exams.
FAQs on SAAT Result 2023-24
1. Is the Selection Procedure for SAAT Lengthy?
The admission process of the SAAT examination is a bit lengthy. Starting from the availability of the application form, the candidates have to undergo several steps before the completion of the admission process.
2. How to get the Complete Guidelines for SAAT Exam Admission?
To get the complete details and notification for SAAT 2022 you can visit the official website. The university authority remains responsible for each update. However, you can check the details only via online mode. No offline mode will be entertained by the authority regarding the SAAT exam 2022.
3. How to Find out the Exam Center?
To find out the examination center, the candidate can follow the nearby landmark mentioned in the hall ticket. However, in case the place is completely unknown, the candidates are advised to visit the examination center a few days before the examination date. This process is just to get familiar with the location to avoid unwanted harassment on the examination day.
4. Which Details are needed to check the Result of the SAAT Exam 2022?
To check the result of the SAAT exam the candidate is required to enter the application number in the concerned space. Once you submit the number, the result will be displayed on the screen.