TANCET Counselling is extremely important for every aspiring student. Counselling sessions are like interviews that test the candidates and also give a snippet view of the list of colleges they can choose. You are advised to consult their seniors and teachers before attending the sessions.
Counselling sessions for TANCET are conducted by TANCA or Tamil Nadu Common Admission. You would need to register for the counselling session and visit your allotted center for further process.
These sessions don’t ask about your academic qualifications or subject-oriented questions. Since you have already cleared the exam, you are presented with a set of choices for colleges according to seat allocation and merit list.
Who Are Eligible to Participate in Counselling?
Every year counselling is conducted to determine the eligibility of candidates. You should possess:
Bachelors degree with at least 50% marks
Your TANCET score
GATE qualified scores in your discipline
GATE score in Engineering branches
Let’s take a look at the TANCET Counselling dates with the help of a table:
Schedule for TANCET Counselling 2020
Anna University has announced that the dates are subject to change due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Students will be notified in due course about the upcoming schedule.
How to Register for TANCET Counselling
You would need to register for appearing in the TANCET Counselling rounds. Below are the steps that you need to follow:
Visit the official website of Anna university
Enter your email id and mobile number. All communications will be done through these two channels
Enter your academic details like Marksheet, Board, Passing Year and category in the specific sections
Upload your scanned photograph and signature in JPEG format
After entering the details click on the save/submit icon
Review the application form and edit if required
The registration fees for TANCET is Rs 500 for General Category and Rs 250 for SC/ST and differently-abled persons.
What Are The Documents Required During Counselling Session?
Here is a complete list of documents that you would need to carry at the counselling venue:
All Marksheets starting from Class X to Bachelors
Any other professional mark sheets, degrees or certificates
Transfer and migration certificates
Admit Card in physical form
Caste Category and Community Category Certificates
Sri Lankan Tamil domicile certificate if applicable
Certificates for Differently Abled Categories
Experience Certificate if any
Identity certificate from local police station or Councillor
Nativity Certificate is applicable.
Counselling Rules for TANCET
There is also a basic guideline for attending the TANCET Counselling. These are:
Seats for colleges would be allocated through counselling only
GATE candidates are required to appear with a valid scorecard
Candidates should download the admit cards only from the Anna University website against their registration number
You will have to attend the session at your own expense, and nothing would be remitted
FAQs on TANCET Counselling 2023-24
1. What is the cut off marks for TANCET?
Cut the number of seats determines off Marks, the number of candidates, and average marks scored during that particular year. You should always aim to score the maximum marks as only a fraction less can through you out of the competition.
2. What if you forget to bring the admit card?
Anna University has specifically mentioned that students who forget to bring their admit cards will not be allowed to sit for the exam. So, it is advisable to keep your hall ticket in a safe place and inside your folder before going for the exam.
3. Can you choose more than one center for TANCET?
At the time registration, you are not allowed to choose more than one center for TANCET. So, choose your exam center wisely as you have only one chance.
4. How many sessions are there in TANCET?
TANCET examination is conducted in three sessions. One session each is allotted for MBA, MCA and MTech Courses. The exams are of two hours duration and continue for two days.