Preparing for TANCET Exam 2022? Here’s Everything You Want to Know
TANCET stands for Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test. It is a state-level examination conducted by the state of Tamil Nadu under the aegis of Anna University.
This examination is conducted for admissions to the MTech, March, Mplan, ME, MBA and MCA programs offered as degree courses in various colleges. TANCET is a widely recognized program and approved by close to 200 colleges across the state of Tamil Nadu.
This comprehensive guide about TANCET Exam 2022 will walk you through the various eligibility criteria for applying to this coveted examination.
TANCET in a Nutshell
As already mentioned, TANCET is an important entrance examination for the students of Tamil Nadu. Every year thousands of students apply for this entrance, and only the bright few pass out and get a chance to study in a reputed institution. The exam is generally held once a year in May. However, the board defers the exam time under some critical circumstances.
Question papers are bilingual, that is, English and Tamil. Anna University is the conducting authority for TANCET Exam 2022. It should be remembered that this examination is conducted in the Tamil Nadu regions only.
The examination is conducted for 2 days, and the center details with timings are sent to the candidates beforehand. Under no circumstances, a change of venue or deferring of exam date in entertained by the conducting authorities. However, candidates with a valid GATE score are exempted from taking this examination.
This article will give a detailed guide about the examination patterns, schedule, cut off marks, and much more. Read below and prepare yourself to brace the tough challenge of clearing the TANCET examination.
How to Apply for TANCET 2022?
Anna University has just released the TANCET application form on March 30th, 2022.
Let’s First Look at a Few Important Points Regarding TANCET
How to Register and Fill Up the Application Form?
Let’s go through the steps to fill up the application form:
Open the website and fill up your necessary details
Create your unique USER ID and password using SMS based OTP through a valid phone number
Enter the captcha and click on the I Agree tab to complete the registration.
Fill out the personal and academic details minute in the application form.
Select the exam center
Upload your recent passport size photograph in JPEG format
Pay the fees online through debit/credit/net banking.
Recheck all the details and note down the auto generated application number
Take a printout for future reference.
The Exam Dates for TANCET 2022
TANCET exam dates have been announced between, 30th March 2022. The examination will be held across Tamil Nadu on 14th and May 15th, 2022 for MCA and MBA candidates.
The Candidates Must Remember Some Important Dates.
Commencement of registration March 30th, 2022
Last date for Registration April 18th, 2022
Hall tickets download May 2nd, 2022
Announcement of Results – May 2022
Marksheets – May/June 2022
How to Download Admit Cards For TANCET 2022?
The admit cards for the TANCET examination 2022 is available for download from May 2nd 2022 onwards. Candidates are positively advised to visit the official website of Anna University to download their hall tickets before going to the venue.
No candidates should be allowed to enter the examination center without a proper admit card with a passport size photograph and signature affixed. If you lose your TANCET hall ticket before the examination, you can apply for a duplicate one by paying a fine of Rs 100 in the form of demand draft and write an application to the secretary of Anna University.
Cut Off Marks for TANCET Exam 2022
Anna University has been entrusted to conduct the TANCET exam 2022 on behalf of the Government of Tamil Nadu. As such, they have also fixed the new cut off marks for qualifying in the exams. Candidates who obtain higher grades will be assigned their preferences.
The standardized procedure for determining the cut off marks are using the formula:
40+(10/S) (R-M)
Here S stands for standard deviation, R is the total raw marks obtained from all three sections, and M stands for median marks, that is, the marks divided by 3.
Some factors affect the cut off marks:
Number of registered candidates
The difficulty level of the exam
The normalized score for that year
Average marks scored by all candidates
Seats available during that particular year
Adjusted previous year cut-offs
Eligibility Criteria for TANCET
Let’s go through the eligibility conditions for TANCET:
Graduates or appearing graduates from any recognized university
Candidates who passed 10+2 or 10+2+3 from any vocational or technical institute
Candidates with a valid GATE score can appear.
MBA aspirants must have cleared 3 years graduation with 50% marks
MCA aspirants must have cleared 3 years graduations with Mathematics as a subject in Plus 2 and Plus 3 levels
Candidates passing out from distant modes are not eligible.
Sponsored candidates are given admission in University Departments and campuses.
TANCET Exam Pattern
It’s important to get a snapshot into the exam pattern of the TANCET Exam 2022. This would guide the candidates in a focussed manner and help them to crack the exams.
The exam is conducted offline.
The duration of the exam is 2 hours and conducted in 2 days
Multiple choice questions, that is MCQ types are prepared
Total marks for MBA/MCA is 100, and for others, it’s 115
There are 1 mark awarded for every correct answer and 1/3 deducted for the wrong answer
The medium of instruction is English and the vernacular language Tamil
Questions are normally set on Quantitative aptitude, Comprehension, Data Interpretation, English, Business Analytics, Engineering, among others.
Announcement of TANCET Result
Anna University has released the scorecard for TANCET Exam 2022 on 30th March and the results were declared on May 2022. The last date for downloading mark sheets has been extended till May/June 2022 due to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic. You can get the results from the official website by entering with your mail id and password.
The University releases three separate results for ranks. These are GATE ranks, TANCET ranks, and sponsored ranks. Candidates secured more than the cut off marks will be called for further counselling.
Counselling for TANCET
Due to the ongoing lockdown for COVID-19, Anna University has postponed the counselling dates to July.
Candidates who have cleared the examination need to pay Rs 300 in the form of demand draft for counselling. Then the candidates will be sent their call letters by speed post mentioning the date and place for counselling.
Documents to be presented during the counselling round are:
Marksheets of graduation and Class XII
Caste certificates
Transfer certificate from college
TANCET application, hall ticket and mark sheet
Sri Lankan Tamil Refugee Certificates
Medial Fit Certificate
Any other professional degrees or certificates
During the counselling process, the candidates will be asked to choose their preferred college, and it would assign depending on vacancies. Seats are allotted to candidates after reviewing their merit list and skimming out the quota category.
FAQs on TANCET Exam 2023-24
1. Is Calculator Allowed Inside the Examination Hall?
Electronic devices like mobile phones, pagers, calculators, and other devices are not permitted inside the examination hall. Candidates are requested not to bring any of these items inside the hall during examination time.
There will be separate rooms where you can deposit your items. The collector will issue you a token, and your valuables will be safe. You should also remember that once you enter the examination hall, you will not be permitted to go outside under any condition. It is only exempted in case of medical emergencies.
2. Is There Any Stipend/Scholarship for TANCET Exam 2022?
There is no stipend or scholarship for appearing in TANCET. But if you have good marks, you can get government or private scholarships. Scoring above 80% in this prestigious examination will hold you in good stead to get scholarships.
Many bodies offer scholarships and fee waivers for meritorious students. You can also avail of the scholarship program from the Tamil Nadu government around Rs 40000. SC/ST students and Sri Lankan refugees are also eligible to get these scholarship benefits upon clearing their TACET examination.
3. What are the Coordinating Centres for TANCET 2022?
Here is a brief list of coordinating centers for TANCET 2022. The list is not exhaustive, and you will find more details on the official website.
Coimbatore Government College of Technology
Chennai Examination Centre
Erode Institute of Road and Transport Technology
Madurai Anna University Regional Centre
Arts College for Women Tirunelveli
Anna University
Nagercoil Salem Government College of Engineering
Vellore Thanthai Periyar Government Institute of Technology
4. How to get good marks in TANCET?
Speed and accuracy are the two important criteria for clearing these exams. Candidates should focus on building accuracy and complete the questions paper on time. It can be easily achieved with regular practice and consulting previous year papers.