TANCET 2022 - Application, Exam Dates (Out), Eligibility
TANCET is an entry-level entrance examination for gaining admission to various disciplines in MBA, MTech, MArch, and other courses. The exam is conducted by Anna University for the Government of Tamil Nadu.
TANCET exam date has been announced on May 14 & 15_2022. Let's look at the below table, and you will find answers to all announcements regarding TANCET.
How Important is the TANCET Exam 2022?
The TANCET exam is considered a tough and important exam. A good score would give you admission to top MBA and engineering colleges across Tamil Nadu.
As the TANCET exam date has been announced, it's time to buckle up and study hard to crack this entrance test.
A Detail List About the TANCET Exam 2022 for Your Help
Some Important Study Tips
In this section, you will go through some important study tips that would help you to fetch outstanding marks. It will be a holistic approach and would take care of your physical and mental well being as well.
Effective Timing
This is the first step for preparing for any competitive exam. You should set aside time for each subject and keep a routine. A balanced study plan would help you to give equal attention to all subjects.
Revise and Follow up
TANCET has a vast syllabus, so it requires extensive revision. Unfortunately, you have just a month left for the exams. So, prepare revision notes so that you can do a glance. It's best to prepare pointwise details of the important sections from each chapter. It would help you to remember and give an infographic picture.
Solve Previous Years Papers
Almost everybody attempts to solve previous years question papers. But there is a trick that would benefit you the most. Look at the last 5-year questions and prepare a list of repetitions. Study those answers that appeared the most during the previous years. Solving these questions would also give you an idea about the format of the exam paper.
Practice Within Deadlines
Exams are all about deadlines. You have only 2 hours, so keep a tab on your speed. Try to solve questions within a stipulated time. It would improve your accuracy and speed during exams. Also, skip questions that are difficult and reattempt them when you are done with the entire section.
Prepare a Study Group
If you have friends and relatives who are attempting this exam, prepare a study group. This would encourage interactions and help identity mistakes. The study groups should frequently interact before the TANCET exam date.
Eat Good Food and Sleep Well
Eating and sleeping are important factors that keep your energy levels running before exams. Don’t eat junk foods and concentrate on eating meals that are rich in carbohydrates and protein. Sleep regularly and take short naps in between study hours.
Keep your admit cards, pen, and documents neatly stacked before the TANCET exam date. Remain stress-free, and you would pass with flying colors during TANCET 2022.
FAQs on TANCET Exam Date 2023-24
1. State the Difference Between Actual Marks and Normalized Marks for TANCET 2022?
TANCET exam date has been announced, so it's important to know the marks division. The raw score is the actual marks that are assigned for each section. Normalized marks are calculated using the actual score. The formula adopted for TANCET is 40 + (10/S) (R– M), where M = mean marks, S= standard deviation, and R= raw marks or total marks. However, candidates should pass in each subject for clearing the exam.
2. What are the Best Books for TANCET?
You should be cautious in selecting books for any entrance examination. The books should cover the entire syllabus and clear the core concepts. Self-help books are full of mistakes, so try to avoid them. NCERT books, TANCET MBA by Ramaswamy E, are some of the good books for this exam.
3. What are the Benefits of the TANCET Exam?
There are many benefits to the TANCET exam, like scholarships, good colleges, and university grants. It’s a prestigious exam and makes you confident as a student.
4. Is there Negative Marking for TANCET?
Yes, there are negative marks for TANCET. 1/3 marks are deducted for every wrong answer attempted. So, it’s better to attempt questions that you are confident of.