TANCET is an offline mode examination conducted by Anna University. It’s an entrance test designed for admission into MBA, MCA, M.Arch, and other courses. Students who qualify in the TANCET exam get admission to over 200 affiliated colleges in Tamil Nadu.
The TANCET Exam Pattern varies across subjects, and students need to have a comprehensive understanding of the mark’s divisions. The below section will answer this question briefly and elucidate the various marks distribution as well. Competitive exams are all about smart answering that would give you an edge over other students.
General Marking Scheme for TANCET 2022
Different subjects in TANCET have their marking schemes, but there is a general rule. Let's go through them once to get a better understanding.
General Marking Scheme for TANCET 2022
MBA Exam Pattern
Students seeking admission for TANCET MBA are evaluated against the following criteria
Mathematical ability and data interpretation
Apply business parameters in real-life situations
Knowledge of written English on the parameters of comprehension, punctuation, and grammar
The Table Below Explains the Marks Division for TANCET MBA
Exam Pattern for M.Tech/MCA & Other Technical Courses
The question paper for these subjects consists of three parts.
Part I and II are mandatory sections.
Part III is the chosen subject of the candidate during the application process
The subjects for Part I and II are Engineering Mathematics and Basic Engineering, comprising 20 questions each.
Part III consists of the specialization subject comprising 60 questions.
Marking Scheme for MCA Course
The TANCET Exam Pattern for MCA course consists of:
Quantitative Ability
Analytics & Reasoning
Logical Interpretation
Computer Knowledge
Each section comprises 25 questions with 100 marks.
Points to Note Before Appearing for TANCET 2022
TANCET is a competitive exam governed by several rules. You should have a sound knowledge of the TANCET Exam Pattern, which would put you ahead of others. Let’s check out some of them:
Don’t shade two boxes on your answer sheet as it will fetch negative marks
Answer Sheets colored using black ballpoint pens are only evaluated.
Keep your sheet neat, and don't put unnecessary marks.
Take your time to shade ovals. Don't rush and answer properly.
Questions have unique serial numbers attached. Check properly before answering and never shade the wrong answer.
Keep eraser and pencil handy, and don't use markers without consulting the invigilator.
These are the basic TANCET Exam Pattern. Go through them thoroughly before appearing for the exam. Remain stress-free and keep yourself focussed. It will help you to concentrate and fetch excellent marks in TANCET 2022.
FAQs on Exam Pattern of TANCET 2023-24
1. Can You Apply for More than One Program in TANCET?
Yes, of course, you can apply for more than one program in TANCET 2022. However, choose your subjects well since you are appearing for a competitive exam where marks are the only determining factor. Also, you need to pay the required fees of Rs 600 for applying to more than one discipline.
2. What Do You Know About TANCA?
TANCA refers to Tamil Nadu Common Admissions. It is entrusted with the responsibility of conducting the counselling rounds for TANCET. It is done via two modes, one for GATE qualifiers and the other for TANCET qualifiers.
3. How Many Colleges in Tamil Nadu Accept the TANCET Score?
TANCET scores are widely accepted in Tamil Nadu colleges. At present, over 400 colleges in the state admit TANCET qualified candidates for its postgraduate courses.
4. How Many Times TANCET is Conducted in a Year?
TANCET is held once every year between February or March. The dates are announced by Anna University, so keep visiting the official website. Notifications for TANCET are also published in leading newspapers. Prepare hard as this is only once a year opportunity.