The TS POLYCET Counseling is the final step of the POLYCET exam.
For any information regarding the counseling dates and other notification, make sure to keep on checking the official websites from time to time.
The Call for TS POLYCET Counseling:
You will not get a separate letter of call for TS POLYCET Counseling. The daily English/Telugu/Urdu newspapers of the state of Telangana that have wide publicity is used by the authorities to release a detailed programme with the ranks of the candidates called for counseling each day in those daily Newspapers.
This will pose as your call letter. The admission programme will also be displayed at the admission camp and in all Polytechnic facilities.
About the TS POLYCET Counseling:
The Official website is your resort to find out about the details of web-based counseling and venues for certificate verification and option entry.
From the manual option form given to you, you have to create a set of all possible college-course options you want to opt for.
Then login to the website with a password given to you
Now, you need to submit your options. You can submit more than one option. You can have a copy of the options printed out for safekeeping
The options submitted n the last counseling will be made final
Next, the college authorities will allot se4ats to you, and a challan will be issued for you to pay the due fees for the admission within a limited period of time
You will not be granted any seats if you fail to turn up or be late for the counseling on the notified date and time, or not paying the fee through challan.
Must Haves for the TS POLYCET Counseling:
Keep in mind the following so that you do not face any trouble during your counseling session.
Original certificates and documents for verification
POLYCET Admit Card and Rank Card
Birth Certificate
SSC or equivalent exam mark sheets
Mark sheet of Class IV to X
Community Certificate from Revenue Authorities, issued by officers above the rank of MRO
If you took the qualifying exam privately, submit a Certificate of Residence for the immediate next 7 years of the exam authorized by an officer above the rank of MRO
Certificate of Conduct and Transfer from Head of the Institution where last studied
Fit Certificate from any doctor
Family income certificate
Sports certificate, if any
If you belong from the minority community, you have to submit a certificate of minority issues by the head of the institution of your previous school
Some Important Dates
FAQs on TS POLYCET Counselling 2023-24
Q1. When is the TS POLYCET Exam 2022?
TS POLYCET 2022 Exam will be scheduled for 30th June 2022.
Q2: How to Get TS POLYCET Admit Card?
First fill in the application and pay the due fees of 400INR for general candidates and 250 for SC/ST candidates for the application form. Then after 2 or 3 days, you will be assigned with your admit card. Visit the official website to download your admit card.
Q3. When Will I Get a Call for Counseling?
You will not get a separate call for counseling. All the counseling notifications will be released in the leading English/Urdu/Telugu newspapers of Telangana. Keep a lookout for the notices.
Q4: Who Will Be Rejected for POLYCET?
Candidates with incomplete or incorrect application forms, false information on the form will be rejected. If you fail to comply with the eligibility criteria mentioned on the official website of POLYCET or fail to produce a valid admit card, you will not be allowed for the examination. Entering the examination hall with any electronic device mentioned banned by the authorities will make you eligible to be banned from the examination.