TS POLYCET Exam - Application, Admit Card, Result
This write up is aimed towards the aspirants of the TS POLYCET Exam 2022. In this article you will read about all the crevices of the 2022 instalment of the TS POLYCET.
What is TS POLYCET Exam?
The TS POLYCET Exam is a common entrance examination in the state of Telangana for the admission in Diploma Courses in Engineering and Non-Engineering and Technology in different educational universities in the state. It is held by the Telangana State Board of Technical Education and Training.
Know the TS POLYCET Application Form:
If you wish to appear for the TS POLYCET Exam 2022, head to the official website to find a link that will direct you to the application form.
You Need to Feed in the Following on Your Application Form Carefully:
Your name under your school records
Year of passing class 10 along with the admit card number for class 10
Father’s name
Date of birth [Date /Month/Year]
Preferred examination center
Your area code
Reservation category (BC/SC/ST)
A special category, if
Minority details, if any
Preferred medium of examination
Aadhaar Number
Sign the declaration confirming your physical fitness
Keep a print out of the same
Important Notifications for TS POLYCET Application Form:
When Will the TS POLYCET Exam 2022 Commence?
Originally, the date of the commencement of the examination was scheduled for 12th June 2021.
But, with the rise of nationwide lockdown issued to combat the pandemic COVID-19, the exam authorities have decided to revise the TS POLYCET Exam date to 30th June 2022, with the last date for the submission of the application form on the 4th week of June 2022.
Keeping the rise of the disease and prolonged lockdown situations, the examination authorities have decided to keep a hold on the examination. They are yet to declare the finalized date for the TS POLYCET Exam 2022. Keep a close check on the official website for further notification on the examination.
The TS POLYCET Admit Card:
You will get access to the admit card for the TS POLYCET Exam 2022, 2 to 3 days after you submit your correctly filled in application form. Visit the official website to get access to the admit card:
A specific button on the website will take you to the admit card.
Click on the button to open the admit card.
Take a print out of your admit card, keep it safe for further use.
Failing to produce a valid admit card, you will be shunned out of the examination center. The admit card will be required during the time of result declaration and counseling sessions as well.
Why is the Cut Off Mark Important?
The importance of cut off marks is unfathomable. It is your key to securing a fabulous seat for yourself. The main purpose of the cut off mark is to limit the number of students taken it. This is so, as there are a fixed number of seats in the participating educational facilities that are offered to the aspirants.
The number of applications received every year surpasses the number of seats available. Thus, by fixing the cut off marks, the authorities screen out only the best of the bests. Candidates who can reach the set cut off mark or beyond are rewarded with the seats offered.
Here is a List of Factors That Will Determine the Cut Off Marks for TS POLYCET Exam 2022:
Number of application received for the exam.
Result f the highest score received in the examination.
Difficulty of the examination
Number of seats allotted for the students
Category of the appearing candidate such as general or SC/ST
The Eligibility Criteria for TS POLYCET Exam 2022:
You can visit the official websites to gather more information about the eligibility criteria for the 2022 examination.
There are a Few Set Requisites That You Need to Fulfill, As Listed Below:
Belonging to Indian nationality is mandatory, along with being a local to the State of Telangana or Andhra Pradesh.
Having a clearance certificate for S.S.C. Examination is conducted by State Board of Secondary Education of Telangana or Andhra Pradesh or any other equivalent and recognised examination such as CBSE, ICSE, TOSS, NIOS, APOSS, along with Class 10 examination conducted by various State Boards of 11 Secondary Education in India are also eligible for TS POLYCET makes you eligible for the examination.
Mathematics is a mandatory subject in your class 10/SSC examination.
A minimum of 35% marks in the qualifying examination is necessary.
If you belong to any other examinations recognized as equivalent to SSC by the state of Telangana, then passing in ALL the subjects including Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics is mandatory with a minimum of 35% score in each subject.
The TS POLYCET 2022 Examination Pattern:
Check Out the Following List to Know the Basic Exam Pattern:
The exam is for 2 hours and 30 minutes.
You will be tested on only one paper as per the syllabus of the subjects Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry & Biology of the Class 10 S.S.C. Examination conducted by the State Board of Secondary Education of the state of Telangana.
The examination is conducted for 120 marks, where Mathematics has 60 marks, Physics for 30 marks and Chemistry has 30 marks
30% of the total of 120 marks i.e., 36 Marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry all together is required for you to score
Mobile phones, calculators, pagers, Logarithmic Tables, or any other electronic gadgets are not allowed into the Examination Hall. Candidates found with such things will not be allowed to sit for the exam
The examination will be conducted on specially designed Optical Mark Reader (OMR) Response Sheets
A second OMR sheet will not be issued to you under any circumstances
It is Time for the Results
The results will be declared within 15 days of the commencement of the actual examination. The rank card will be issued 7 days after the declaration of the result on the official website
Keep the Following in Mind:
Scoring a minimum of 35 out of a total of 120 marks is mandatory
Scoring a minimum of one mark is mandatory for candidates belonging to the SC/ST category
The marks obtained by you will be used to assigning a rank to you.
If there is a tie in rank at the entrance test, marks obtained by you in Mathematics, marks scored in Physics, and date of birth will be considered in the same order as written to resolve the issue of the tie. Candidates born earlier will get the first preference.
If not anything, the candidate with the highest percentage in the 10th standard examination will be considered first.
All About Counseling and Admission:
You will not get a separate letter of call for the Counseling session. You will get the notification for the sessions via the daily English/Telugu/Urdu newspapers of the state of Telangana.
You Need to Carry the Following for the Counseling Session.
Original certificates and documents for verification
POLYCET Admit Card and Rank Card
Mark sheet of Class IV to X
SSC or equivalent exam mark sheets
Certificate of Conduct and Transfer from Head of the Institution where last studied
Birth Certificate
Fit Certificate from any doctor
Sports certificate, if any
Family income certificate
Community Certificate from Revenue Authorities, issued by officers above the rank of MRO
If you took the qualifying exam privately, submit a Certificate of Residence for the immediate next 7 years of the exam authorized by an officer above the rank of MRO
If you belong from the minority community, you have to submit a certificate of minority issues by the head of the institution of your previous school
FAQs on TS POLYCET Exam 2023-24
1. When Can I Appear for TS POLYCET?
A: If you have cleared your SSC or equivalent examination, then you are eligible to appear for TS POLYCET Exam 2022. You can still appear for TS POLYCET Exam 2022 if the results for the 2022 qualifying examination are yet to be declared for 2022
2. When Will TS POLYCET Exam 2022 be Held?
TS POLYCET Exam 2022 will be held on 30th June 2022.
3. Is the Admit Card Needed for TS POLYCET Exam 2022?
You will not be allowed inside the examination hall without a valid admit card
4. When Will I Be Rejected for POLYCET 2022?
Incomplete or incorrect application forms, furnishing false information on the form, failing to comply with the eligibility criteria, failing to produce a valid admit card, possessing any electronic device during the examination will result in rejection of the candidate.