All About UKSEE Counseling
Uttarakhand State Entrance Examination or UKSEE is a state-level entrance examination for admission to the various colleges of the state. In this article, you will read everything you need to know about the counselling procedure of UKSEE 2022. If you have scored the cut off marks, UKSEE counselling is the final step you need to complete. For more detailed information about the UKSEE Counseling, follow the official website https.
Eligible for UKSEE Counseling
You will be called for counselling after the declaration of UKSEE 2022 results. If you qualify the UKSEE 2022 examination scoring the cut off marks, you are eligible for admission. Students with marks below the set cut off mark will not be granted admission in the affiliated colleges of UTU.
Know if you are Eligible for UKSEE Counseling
To know if you are eligible for UKSEE Counseling, you first need to check your result. Go through the following steps to check your result:
You will have to visit the official website.
The website will show you a link to the result section
Click on the mentioned link
On this page, you have to click on the course for which you had taken the exam
The link will take you to the merit list page
Check your result here
Take a print of the scorecard to present during counselling and admission sessions
UKSEE Counselling Procedure
Following are the important points regarding UKSEE Counselling Procedure:
The counselling will be held online
The counselling procedure will be conducted through the official website.
You will have to pay an amount of 2000 INR on attending the counseling
You will have to fill the choices of courses and colleges as per your preferences
If you fail to furnish original and authentic documents, you will not be allotted with a seat
Missing the counselling session will lead to losing theseat
You will be allotted seats according to the merit list, choices filled, category and the available number of seats.
UKSEE Counseling: Mandatory Documents
UKSEE admit Card
UKSEE Score card or result
Original certificates and documents for verification
Birth Certificate
10+2 board exam mark sheets
If you want admission in the lateral entry in 2nd year courses of B. Tech., MCA, B. Pharm, etc., you have to submit the residence certificate of Uttarakhand at the time of the counseling.
Medically Fit Certificate from any doctor
Family income certificate
Sports certificate, if any
Important Notifications Regarding UKSEE 2022
The examination date and all the other relevant dates are yet to be declared. The examination authorities have decided to postpone the whole event due to the rise of COVID-19 cases in the country.
FAQs on UKSEE Counseling 2023-24
Q1. When will the UKSEE exam 2022 be held?
The dates for UKSEE 2022 have been revised keeping the COVID-19 situation in mind. Follow the website to be updated about important notifications. All the information will be put up on the website.
Q2: What is the UKSEE 2022 cut off?
The UKSEE cut off has not been declared yet by the Uttarakhand Technical University. They will declare the cut off marks after the declaration of the UKSEE 2022 results. You will not be allowed for admission and counselling sessions if you fail to score the cut off mark.
Factors that will Determine UKSEE 2022 Cut off Mark :
Highest score received in UKSEE 2022
Number of seats allotted
Difficulty of the examination
Number of application received
Category of the appearing candidate such as general or SC/ST
Q3. When will I get a call for Counseling?
The counselling session for UKSEE will be held after the declaration of the result for UKSEE 2022. If you score the cut off mark, then only you will be eligible to attend the counselling session.
Q4: Who will be rejected for UKSEE?
Candidates who will have incomplete or incorrect application form, false information on the form, fail to pay the counselling amount of 2000 INR or furnish original authentic documents for verification during the counselling session will be rejected.