ACD is basically known as Automatic Call Distributor
What is ACD?
Automatic call distributor or Automatic call distribution system is a telephonic instrument which receives and allocate calls to the designated areas or agents within the organization. It often acts as a voice-based program to direct called based on the consumer choice. Major supporting intermediary software is CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) and CSTA (Computer-supported Telecommunication Applications) which helps in providing advance ACD system. This technology can be utilized as a rule-based command as such Caller Id, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Automatic Number Identification.
To help understand more about clearly defined as an example of call centres where ACD helps managing calls and segregating them in the below following manner.
When your custom care executive is offline.
When there are a lot of call flows.
When you requested for Automated responded for frequently asked questions.
When post working hours calls will be handled.
What is the Difference Between ACD and IVR?
This is a programed base cal routing which distributes incoming calls to the specific allocated areas where required. For example, to identify the premium customer calls depends upon the calling number and connect them within 3 rings or 15 seconds.
IVR is a keypad originated programmed system which supplies information to callers without any human voice or executive assistance. For example, Thank you for calling The dark INC.
For reception press 1
For grievance handling press 2
For bookings press 3
To speak to a customer care executive press 9.
How Does ACD Performs?
ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) plays an important role in distributing the inbound calls to the right person in a short span of time, its really a hasslefree programme, in this call routing depends upon the various reasons as such time of the day, call traffic, the origin of the phone number etc.
Here below is a brief description of ACD implementation of call routing in call centres.
Weighted Call Distribution:
While handling calls in call centres each weight is allocated to a specific person as per the agent’s experience and ability to perform it in the right way. Furnishing smooth distribution of calls to the right agent.
Round Robin Distribution:
In this distribution, calls are supposed to route in an equal and synchronize manner. It ensures that other agents shouldn’t be burned with loads of calls.
Programmed Distribution:
Through programmed distribution call centres identifies the synchronization in which the call to be distributed to the agents, according to their competency and language proficiency etc.
Idle Agent Distribution:
This system determines the agents who are ideally handling the calls in a short span of time and maintains call time duration ass well. This confirms the ideal use of all agents working hours.
Advantages of ACD:
ACD is benefitted in all aspects to serve a customer a good response and satisfaction while furnishing hassle-free services to them, here are some benefits mentioned below.
Quick Response to Priority Calls:
It furnishes quick response to priority or important calls which needs priority attention, it connects callers to an expert agent who resolve their issues in a quick and satisfying manner.
Programmed Call Routing:
Its is all set with programmed call routing, route calls to specific call queues, teams, agents or extensions. It allocate to direct calls based on priority and requirement etc.
Improve Agents Productivity:
Increase in agents productivity by distributing calls which are certain to the area of expertise, skills training and experience etc.
Reduce Call Waiting Time:
ACD determines to reduced or minimize the call waiting time for callers, it directly helps in connecting to right agent without taking longer waiting time. Instant connection of calls also satisfy callers or customers.
Right Agent for the Right Call:
It assists in connecting callers as per their requirement demands as regional language callers will be connected to that department, technicians for advanced queries, sales executives to giving demos to inquires, complain handling, booking a new product and so on.
Globally Connected:
ACD (Automatic call distributor) permits for companies that have agents or departments spreads in various locations to functions as one.
How Productive is ACD for Business:
Business often find they receive more incoming calls that their executives can handle it easily, either they arrange some software that keeps the call centre organized. ACD as a system which helps in combining to your wide CRM strategy.
Enhancing Customer Experience:
Advanced ACD programme ensures a smooth work process. ACD identifies VIP numbers to prioritize call without keeping them on wait and direct calls to the right agents who provide instant solution of their queries.
Metrics for Database Strategy:
This strategy defines the performance level of call centres where it stands in the marketplace. A live feed is also a tool which gives accurate information of day to day operations
Enhancing Call Coaching and Mentoring:
In absence of ACD systems call agents may transferring the calls for any queries on which they find and doubt in replying, so they direct them to their supervisor, that maximize hold time and making customer repeat their problem multiple times this all process leads to customer irritation. Whereas Advanced ACD system determines for whisper coaching and enabling supervisors to coach agents without knowing the caller that there someone else on the line too.
FAQs on ACD Full Form
1. What is the Full Form of ACD?
Ans: ACD referred to as Automatic Call Distributor.
2. What are the ACD Features?
Ans: Here are mentioned ACD feature which assists in improving call centre performance.
Call queueing
Smart call routing
Forward to voicemail
Automatic call back
Call monitoring
3. Which Companies Use this ACD Systems?
Ans: companies which receive daily calls and need to coordinate with customers on a daily basis. That kind of companies have this ACD enables system services.