Full Form of ARPANET
ARPANET full form is Advanced Research Projects Agency NET. ARPANET was the very first network that was created using a distributed form of control. It was also considered to be one of the first networks to implement the protocols of TCP/IP. The creation of ARPANET basically paved the way for the beginning of the web and internet with the help of these technologies.
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The basic idea behind the creation of ARPANET was to communicate with all the scientific users that existed amongst any university or institute. In this article, students will be able to learn what is ARPANET along with some other details.
What is the History of ARPANET?
The introduction of ARPANET happened in 1969 by the Advanced Research Projects Agency also known as ARPA that was a part of the US Department of Defense. The establishment of ARPANET took place with the help of PCs that different colleges had. The technology helped in sharing the information as well as messages amongst the computers. It was basically meant for playing for long separation diversions. The individuals were made to share the experiences that they had. In the year 1980, the newly upgraded ARPANET was given to the military network such as the Defense Data Network.
The formation of this technology could be seen as a particular breakthrough for other current algorithms and ideas to take place on the Internet. It is also seen as the predecessor of the modern-day internet that people use these days. It was considered to be the first completely functional and operational packet switching system of computer networks as well as the first successful network in the world. It also implemented the TCP/IP model of reference.
The main objective of creating ARPANET was to accommodate all the different research equipment with the packet switching technology. It also allowed the resources to be shared for the contractors of the Department of Defense. The network was used for connecting all the research centres along with several government locations and military bases as well. Soon, ARPANET became quite popular amongst all the researchers due to its collaboration with services such as electronic mail and much more.
Characteristics of ARPANET in Computer Networks
Mentioned below are some of the characteristics of ARPANET. These characteristics will help the students in getting a better understanding of the network.
ARPANET is basically a Wide Area Network or WAN. The development of ARPANET was done by the Advanced Research Project Agency in the year 1969.
The design of ARPANET was created to service something as big as a particular nuclear tank.
Before the creation of ARPANET, all the networks had a telephonic connection and they operated using the principle of circuit switching. However, this made the network pretty vulnerable. Even if a single line was lost, it would lead to the termination of all the conversations that were taking place.
ARPANET was the first technology to use the principle of packet switching. The testing was done on host computers and the scope of a subnet.
This subnet was basically a datagram subnet. Every single subnet included certain minicomputers that were called Interface Message Processors or IMPs.
Every single node related to the network had a particular connection with the IMP as well as a host that was connected using the short wire.
The host was able to send certain messages of up to 8063 bits to the IMP. The IMP would then break these messages into separate packets and then forward these packets in an independent manner towards the main destination.
The subnet used in ARPANET was basically the 1st electronic store-and-forward kind of packet switching network. Hence, the packets were actually stored properly before they would be forwarded.
The creation of software for ARPANET was then split into two different parts named the host and subnet.
The TCP/IP model was then invented along with its protocol in the year 1974. This was done in order to handle different forms of communications that happened over internetwork since more networks were starting to connect to ARPANET. With the creation of this model, the LAN connections with ARPANET became a lot easier.
During the period of 1980, there were many LAN Connections made to ARPANET. Hence, finding the hosts became pretty expensive and difficult as well. Hence, the creation of DNS or the Domain Naming System took place. This event happened in order to organize all the machines into different domains and map the hostnames into the IP Addresses.
The following article provides important information about ARPANET. Students can go through this article in order to gain more information about the characteristics and the history of ARPANET.
FAQs on ARPANET Full Form
1. What is ARPANET?
Ans: ARPANET Full form actually means Advanced Research Projects Agency NET. It was basically the very first network that was made using the distributed control system. After the creation of the TCP/IP protocols, ARPANET was the first technology to implement those protocols into the system. With the creation of ARPANET, a new path for the Internet was created as well. So, in other words, it can be said that ARPANET is one of the prime predecessors of the modern-day internet that we are using to this period. ARPANET was created by the Advanced Research Project Agency and there it got its name from. The main objective of the creation of such a network system was to ensure proper communication across the computers and the hosts.
2. Describe the characteristics of ARPANET.
Ans: ARPANET is basically a Wide Area Network or WAN and it was created in 1969 by the Advanced Research Project Agency. Before ARPANET was created, all the networks had a telephonic connection and they operated using the principle of circuit switching. However, this made the network pretty vulnerable. Even if a single line was lost, it would lead to the termination of all the conversations that were taking place. The creation of software for ARPANET was then split into two different parts named the host and subnet. ARPANET was the first technology to use the principle of packet switching. The host was able to send certain messages of up to 8063 bits to the IMP. The IMP would then break these messages into separate packets and then forward these packets in an independent manner towards the main destination.