Full Form of ASAP
Nowadays the world is full of abbreviations. People not only use the existing sets of abbreviations but also create new ones on a daily basis as per their requirements. ASAP is one of them. If someone asks you what is the full form of ASAP, then you can have multiple answers. With respect to different aspects, the full form can vary. If we talk about language, it is mostly used in informal life but now its usage is increasing in the formal aspects as well. In this article, we will learn about the ASAP full form. We will cover what does asap stand for in SMS language, banking sector, government or corporate sector, etc.
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What is The Full Form of ASAP?
ASAP is an abbreviation that can be used to denote anything. If we talk about ASAP full form in English, it is not a formal word or a word included in a dictionary but is being used on a daily basis due to its frequent usage in our daily lives.
Its full form is given below:
A = As
S = Soon
A = As
P = Possible
It helps in showing the urgency of something for which it is used. Some of the examples are mentioned below.
Have a look and check how it is used:
You need to submit the assignment ASAP.
Call me ASAP.
This issue should be resolved ASAP.
Can you start production ASAP so that we can finish the project by the end of the month?
Send your quotations ASAP.
Let's have a look at the synonyms ASAP. Following all the words which can be used in place of ASAP:
At once
Hastily, etc.
Some of the antonyms of ASAP are mentioned below:
Unhurried, etc.
What does ASAP Stand for in SMS Language?
In SMS, people tend to use language with abbreviations or short forms in order to shorten the sentences and to type faster. If you are asked for the full form of ASAP in chat language, it is simply used to write " as soon as possible ". It is used to refer to something urgent which needs or should be done on a priority basis. In other words, we can say that it simply means " without delay ".
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ASAP Full Form in Computer
What is full form of ASAP in Computer language? In Computer, it is known as Aggregate Server Access Protocol (ASAP) which is used by the RSerPool i.e Reliable server pooling for the communication :
Between Pool elements & Pool Registrars.
Between Pool users & Pool registrars.
Between Pool users & Pool elements.
It helps, along with the Endpoint Handle Space Redundancy Protocol, in providing a high data transfer mechanism over the IP networks. It defines each communication destination as a pool and also provides full transparent support to server pooling as well as load sharing. Here, members of the server pool can be removed as well as added without any interruption in the service. The high availability server pooling can be provided with the combination of ENRP and ASAP.
ASAP Account Full Form
According to the banking point of view, one of the various types of account facilities offered by the Axis bank is Axis ASAP Instant Savings Account which is an online savings account. It is also one of the famous zero balance accounts offered by commercial banks. This account can be opened online from home instantly and very easily with the help of video KYC. You need to fill in your personal details and you also must have an aadhar card as well as a PAN card to initiate the process. Some of the basic features of this account are as follows:
Zero Balance Savings Account
ATM Withdrawal Limit is Rs.50000 & POS Limit is Rs.1 lakh.
Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)
It is known as an anti-substance abuse program which is operated by the Army Center for Substance Abuse Programs in the US Army. The main mission of this program is to strengthen the overall fitness as well as the effectiveness of the army and also to enhance the combat readiness of the army manpower.
The objectives of this program are given below:
To increase overall fitness as well as the readiness of the army.
To provide services proactively according to the needs of the army.
To emphasize deterrence, prevention, education as well as rehabilitation with respect to alcohol and other forms of drug abuse.
To implement the reduction as well as prevention strategies related to alcohol & other risks.
To provide education to all levels of commands & improve readiness.
Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP)
ASAP also refers to this body of NASA which was established in 1968 and its job is to evaluate the safety performance of NASA and also advise the organisation to improve which is based on the observations of operations of NASA. They evaluate all the risks of the organisation and advice on the same in order to improve and reduce the risks.
Additional Skill Acquisition Program (ASAP)
If we talk about the field of Government schemes and programmes, ASAP of Kerala is said to be a company registered under the Companies Act, 2013 whose main objective is to focus upon providing the job-ready skills in addition to their school or college mechanism in order to increase the employment levels. This company has created a skill-based ecosystem with the help of 121 development centres in the state of Kerala.
To wrap up the discussion we can say that ASAP has different full forms. If we talk about the most common one in terms of general language it is 'as soon as possible' which we use on a daily basis. This term is being used in both formal or informal ways these days. Besides these, we have also covered other full forms with respect to banking, computers, the army, government programmes, etc. We can say that this abbreviation is not just limited to these full forms but can be used for other purposes as well according to the ASAP long form where required.
We have learned about what is the full form of ASAP in this article. Let's go through some FAQs related to this topic:
FAQs on ASAP Full Form
Q1. What does ASAP stand for in SMS language?
Answer. In the language of chatting or SMS, if we talk about the ASAP full form, then it is considered as equal to " As soon as possible ". It simply is used to denote something which is urgent and needs to be done with much higher priority as compared to other things. In simple words, it means "without delay".
Q2. What are the benefits of using ASAP?
Answer. ASAP is a kind of abbreviation that can be used for various aspects. It is used in order to shorten the sentences or to save time. It helps in denoting the long-form in a very simple manner. Rather than writing the full name of the thing, you can just use its short form which becomes easier to communicate.
Q3. What is the full form of ASAP in banking?
Answer. In the banking sector, it refers to a digital savings account of Axis bank which is one of the popular zero balance accounts that can be opened easily online from home. A person needs to have basic documents such as Aadhar card and Pan card and by filling in the basic details and by doing video KYC, a savings account can be opened easily.