Full Form of BIS
BIS is said to be a National Standard Body of India which works as per the new BIS Act, 2016 which was implemented in the country on October 12, 2017. The headquarters of this body is in New Delhi whereas its 5 regional offices are at Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai, Chandigarh, and Delhi. Besides the regional offices, there are around 33 branch offices which are established at different locations of the country. In this article, we will cover full form BIS, BIS standard full form, its objectives and various activities along with schemes, standard formulations and its role at the international level, etc.
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BIS Certification Full Form
If we talk about the BIS full form, BIS simply refers to the Bureau of Indian Standards.
This National body of India deals with standards and is responsible for providing marking as well as the quality of certification of various goods and development of the standardization activities. It helps the economy through its standardization as well as assessment activities by providing quality as well as reliable and safe goods in order to reduce health hazards, promoting exports and protecting the environment, etc. It helps in controlling the proliferation activities also. The scheme of standards and certification not only benefits the consumers and industry but also plays an important role in consumer protection and product safety, food safety as well as environmental security & protection, etc.
We have learned the BIS full form. The objectives of the National Standards Body are given below:
Its major objective is the development of standardization activities as well as marking and certification of quality of goods.
It plays its role with respect to the growth and development of the industry sector as well as according to the needs of the consumers through its marking and standardization activities.
Activities and Standard Formulation
The various activities of this National body can be grouped into various heads which are mentioned below:
Standards formulation
International activities
Product Certification
Laboratory services
Training services
Consumer Affairs and Publicity
If we talk about the standard formulations, this body formulates standards for the country's various sectors and departments by taking care of the nation's priorities which can be grouped into the following heads:
Food and Agriculture
Electronics & Information Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Management & Systems
Metallurgical Engineering
Petroleum Coal & Related Products
Medical Equipment and Hospital Planning
Transport Engineering
Production & General Engineering
Water Resources
BIS at International Level
The full form BIS has been already covered. Let's understand its role at the international level:
BIS plays a vital role in the development of international standards by participating as a member as well as an observer at various committees and groups at ISO which refers to International Organization For Standardization and BIS is known as a founding member of this international body.
India is also represented by the body of BIS at IEC i.e. International Electro-technical Commission which is the top international body that formulates standards for electronic and related technologies.
It also plays an important role in various regional as well as cooperation activities. It signed MOUs with various national bodies of different countries as well.
It also works as an inquiry point of India at the World Trade Organisation – Technical Barriers to Trade (WTO-TBT) Matters.
Product Certification
Product Certification Scheme is operated by the BIS at the national level in India which ensures compliance to the national standards. The BIS mark which is present on the products generally known as the ISI mark ( where ISI refers to the Indian Standards Institute which was the former name of BIS ) and this mark ensures that the particular product has fulfilled the Indian Standards. If we talk about the BIS license full form, it refers to the Bureau of Indian Standards License and before giving this license to any manufacturer, BIS actually tests and checks the required infrastructure as well as capabilities of the manufacturer to produce particular products as per the standards. We learned about BIS certification full form earlier, this certificate is known as voluntary certification in nature whereas for various products it is mandatory as well according to the instructions of various statutes in the public interest.
Various Schemes of BIS
We know what BIS certification full form is. Let's go through the various schemes related to it:
A separate scheme is being operated by the BIS for the foreign manufacturers to ensure the products are in compliance with the Indian Standards. They can seek BIS certification for BIS marking on their products. This scheme is Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme (FMCS).
A registration scheme is operated by the BIS under which a manufacturer can self declare that his products are in conformity with the BIS relevant standards. Besides this, it is mandated to obtain compulsory registration from BIS for electronics and IT products as per the Electronics and Information Technology Goods (Requirements for Compulsory Registration) Order, 2012 which was issued by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. For this registration scheme, BIS provides a separate standard mark.
Hallmarking of Jewellery is provided by the BIS in order to provide third-party assurance to the consumers regarding the purity of the gold as well as its fineness. This scheme was started by the BIS in 2000 whereas, for silver jewellery or artefacts, it was started in 2005. Under this, by obtaining a certificate from the BIS, the manufacturers can sell hallmarked jewellery.
To wrap up at the end we can say that in today's world quality of products matters a lot and proper standards must be followed and a body such as BIS helps in providing quality service to consumers and also protects them from fake and cheap products by ensuring safety and quality. In this article, we learned about full form BIS, full form of BIS certificate, and various related aspects which helps us to understand how this body plays a crucial role in maintaining standards of the products in the country and helps in providing quality and standardized products to the consumers.
FAQs on BIS Full Form
1. Why is BIS Necessary?
Answer. BIS is a national body of standards of India which formulates various standards for various sectors and products by keeping the nation's priorities in mind. It is necessary to provide third party assurance to the consumers that the particular product they are consuming is certified by the BIS and in line with the standards formulated by the national body. It ensures safety as well as quality. This body plays a vital role in ensuring quality and standardized consumption as well as the production environment.
2. Who Requires BIS Certification?
Answer. BIS certification is required for the manufacturers in India. Though it is voluntary in nature for some products, it is mandatory to acquire such as electrical as well as information technology products.
3. Are ISI and BIS the Same?
Answer. Until January 1, 1987, ISI was considered as the top and national body of standards in India which refers to the Indian Standards Institute whereas later due to change in various socio-economic conditions, this was taken over by the new body known as BIS refers to the Bureau of Indian Standards. But still, the ISI mark is still in use.