What is BRO?
The BRO full form is the Border Road Organization. It is a part of the Indian Armed Forces. BRO is a road construction executive force of India. BRO takes care of the roads of India’s border areas and friendly neighbouring countries. BRO operates in 19 states and union territories. They also operate in our neighbouring countries - Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. Till now, BRO has constructed about 70,000 km of roads, over 500 permanent bridges of over 50,000 km and 19 airfields in strategic locations. BRO also performs other operations such as snow clearance. BRO is currently upgrading and building new roads on the Indo - China border.
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BRO Team
The personnel from General Reserve Engineering Force (GREF) and the officers from Border Roads Engineering Services (BRES) form the parent cadre of the Border Road Organisation (BRO). It also consists of officers and troops from the Indian Army’s Corps of Engineers on deputation. The Indian Army Pioneer Corps are attached to BRO task forces. The Order of Battle of the Armed Forces includes BRO in its team for their support.
BRO History
The Border Road Organization was formed on 7th May 1960. The main aim of forming BRO was to ensure the security of Indian borders and develop the infrastructure in the remote areas of the country especially the North-East. To ensure the coordination and expeditious execution of projects, the Government of India has formed a board, where the Prime Minister is the chairman of the board and the Defence Minister is the Deputy Chairman. The board is named as Border Roads Development Board (BRDB). Other members of the board include Director General Border Roads (DGBR), Engineer-in-chief, Chiefs of Army and Air staff, and FA(DS). Since 2015, Border Road Organization (BRO full form) works completely under the Ministry of Defence. The executive head of BRO is the DGBR who is the Lieutenant General and the Secretary of BRO is the Joint Secretary to the Government of India.
The Organization
The Border Road Organization consists of the General Reserve Engineering Force (GREF) and Border Road Wings under the Ministry of Defence. The officers of BRO are selected through Indian Engineering Services (IES) conducted by the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission). Officers are also deputed from the Indian Army Corps of Engineers. The General Reserve Engineering Force includes civil engineers, mechanical engineers, administrative officers and medical officers. The BRO officers are subjected to all provisions of the Army Act, 1950 and Army Rules, 1954. However, there are a few exceptions which are given in SRO 329 and SRO 330 both 23 September 1960. Article 33 of the Constitution of India states that the GREF is an integral part of the Indian Armed Forces. The Supreme Court declared in 1983 that the members of GREF are also members of the Armed Forces.
BRO Operates in India, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. They Have a Total of 18 Projects Which are Further Divided Into:
Road Construction Companies (RCC).
Bridge Construction Companies (BCC).
Task Forces.
Drain Maintenance Companies (DMC) and.
BRO Initiatives
The Initiatives Taken by the BRO Includes:
Overseas Infrastructure Development - The BRO operates in 5 other neighbouring friendly countries. They have completed Delaram-Zaranj Highway in Afghanistan, which was handed over to the Afghan government in 2008. They also restored the Farkhor and Ayni air bases in Tajikistan.
Border Infrastructure Development - This includes border roads, bridges and tunnels.
Disaster Management and Reconstruction - Whenever our country is devastated by natural calamities like tsunami, flood or earthquake, the BRO personnel are always there to rescue, help and reconstruct. They have given wonderful examples during the 2004 Tsunami, 2010 floods, 2005 earthquake and many more.
Director-General of BRO
The List of Director General of BRO is as Follows:
Maj Gen KN Dubey, PVSM
Maj Gen RA Loomba
Maj Gen Arjan Singh
Maj Gen JS Bawa, AVSM
Brig Gobinder Singh
Maj Gen VV Bhide, AVSM
Maj Gen JS Soin, PVSM
Maj Gen S Ahluwalia, AVSM
Maj Gen JM Rai, AVSM
Maj Gen JC Sachdeva, PVSM
Lt Gen MS Gosain, PVSM, AVSM,VSM
Lt Gen Maharaj Singh, PVSM, AVSM
Lt Gen Vimal Shinghal, PVSM, ADC
Lt Gen RJ Mordecai, PVSM, AVSM
Lt Gen AK Puri, PVSM, AVSM
Lt Gen Prakash Suri, PVSM
Lt Gen Ranjit Singh, SM
Lt Gen KS Rao, AVSM
Lt Gen AK Nanda, AVSM
Lt Gen MC Badhani, PVSM, VSM
Lt Gen S Ravi Shankar,VSM, PVSM
Lt Gen AT Parnaik, SM, VSM
Lt Gen RM Mittal, PVSM,AVSM, SM, VSM
Lt Gen Suresh Sharma, AVSM
Lt Gen SK Shrivastava, AVSM
Lt Gen Harpal Singh, PVSM, AVSM, VSM
Lt Gen Rajeev Chaudhry (incumbent)
Projects of BRO
BRO has 18 live projects in 10 states and Union Territories of India. Under these projects, they construct roads, bridges, tunnels, helipads and airfields. They also have been an integral part of the 1962 war, 1965 and 1971 India - Pakistan War, and 1999 Kargil War. The Projects are:
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FAQs on BRO Full Form
1. What is BRO?
Ans - BRO is a Border Road Organization that is an integral part of the Indian Armed Forces. They take care of the construction and maintenance of the border roads of our country and our friendly neighbouring countries.
2. What is the Role of BRO?
Ans - The role of BRO is to construct roads, tunnels, bridges, helipads, airfields, and causeways. They also maintain the road networks. BRO always takes care of road cleaning in case of roadblocks by avalanches or snowfalls. During a war, BRO has the responsibility to develop and maintain the roads to keep LOC (Line Of Control) through in original sectors and re-deployed sectors. It also executes other tasks assigned to them by the government of India that help the soldiers in war.
3. How Many Awards Are Obtained by BRO Personnel Till January 2020?
Ans - Till January 2020, the awards attained by the BRO personnel are:
Kirti Chakra
Shaurya Chakra
Padam Shri
Param Vishisht Seva Medals
Ati Vishisht Seva Medals
Vishisht Seva Medals
Sena Medals
Sarvottam Jeevan Raksha Padak
Uttam Jeevan Raksha Padak
Jeevan Raksha Padak
In 2009, 8 posthumous Shaurya Chakras were awarded to BRO personnel for their actions in places such as Sikkim, the North-East, Jammu & Kashmir and Afghanistan.