What is The Full Form of CGL?
CGL is one of the most important and toughest examinations of India to get into the government services which is being conducted by the SSC to fill various government vacancies. It provides employment to various candidates. It consists of various stages and every stage of the exam analyzes different aspects of the candidates. On the basis of the final merit list at the end, candidates are being selected for the job. In this article, we will talk about this exam only. We will cover CGL full form, CGL meaning, eligibility, structure, and related aspects to understand this particular examination.
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CGL Meaning
SSC is the body that is responsible for this examination and it is one of the most desirable and responsible organizations of the country for the government exams which helps in filling the various vacancies of the government ministries, departments, and offices. The full form of SSC here is Staff Selection Commission. If someone asks you CGL full form in SSC, it simply refers to Combined Graduate Level. It clearly says that this exam is for graduate-level candidates or above. This exam is conducted in four stages and there is no interview stage from 2016 onwards. Through this exam, various Group B and Group C posts are filled for various departments of the Government under different pay scale criteria.
CGL Exam Full Form
The two major exams conducted by the SSC i.e Staff Selection Commission are SSC CHSL and SSC CGL. The full form of the former exam is Staff Selection Commission - Combined Higher Secondary Level whereas SSC CGL full form is Staff Selection Commission - Combined Graduate Level. The former exam is for the higher secondary level whereas the latter is for the graduate level. Various vacancies are filled by the SSC under these two categories.
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We have learned what CGL stands for, so let’s look into the eligibility criteria for the exam. The following eligibility criteria are applicable for the examination:
(1.) Nationality
A Candidate Must Be Either:
A citizen of India, or
A subject of Nepal, or
A subject of Bhutan, or
A Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before the 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
(2.) Age Limit
Different Age Criteria Are Given By The SSC For Different Posts:
For the posts for which the age limit is 18-27 years: The candidate must have been born not earlier than 02-01-1994 and not later than 01-01-2003.
For the posts for which the age limit is 20-27 years: The candidate must have been born not earlier than 02-01-1994 and not later than 01-01-2001.
For the posts for which the age limit is 20-30 years: The candidate must have been born not earlier than 02-01-1991 and not later than 01-01-2001.
For the posts for which the age limit is up to 30 years: The candidate must have been born not earlier than 02-01-1991 and not later than 01-01-2003.
For the post for which the age limit is up to 32 years: The candidate must have been born not earlier than 02-01-1989 and not later than 01-01-2003.
Besides these, age relaxation are also provided to various categories in upper age limit such as for SC/ST age relaxation is 5 years, 3 years for OBC, 10 years for unreserved PwD, 13 years for PwD OBC, 15 years for PwD SC/ST and various other categories.
(3.) Educational Qualifications
We Have Seen CGL Full Form & Meaning. Let's Check Out What Are The Educational Qualifications Are Required To Attempt This Exam:
For Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer:
Essential: Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institute.
Desirable: Chartered Accountant or Cost & Management Accountant or Company Secretary or Masters in Commerce or Masters in Business Studies or Masters in Business Administration (Finance) or Masters in Business Economics.
For Junior Statistical Officer:
Bachelor’s Degree in any subject from a recognized University or Institute with at least 60% Marks in Mathematics at 12th standard level; Or a Bachelor’s Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects at degree level.
For All Other Posts:
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent. In addition to this, candidates in the final year also can apply for the examination.
Structure of the Exam
We have already covered what is the full form of CGL. Now, let us look at the exam pattern.. The CGL exam which is conducted by the SSC consists of the following four stages.
Tier-I = Computer Based
(Objective Multiple Choice Type Questions )
Tier-II = Computer Based
(Objective Multiple Choice Type Questions )
Tier-III = Descriptive Paper in English / Hindi
(Pen and paper-based exam )
Tier-IV = Skill Test/Computer Proficiency Test
(Computer-based )
The score of Tier I & II are normalized by the SSC if the exams are being conducted in multiple shifts and the score that is normalized by the SSC will be considered as the final score for the selection of the candidates for further stages of the exam. On the basis of the first three tiers and their marks, the final merit list will be prepared and there are no interviews and have been discontinued from 2016.
Tier-1 Pattern
This Exam is Conducted Online and Includes Objective-Type Questions. It Consists of The Following Aspects:
Total Questions = 100
Total Marks = 200
Time given = 60 minutes
Negative marking = 0.5 marks per wrong answer
Unattempted Question = No negative marking
Sectional Cut off = No
Sections = 4
General Intelligence & Reasoning
General Awareness
Quantitative Aptitude
English Comprehension
Tier-1 Exam Pattern
Tier-2 Exam Pattern
This exam is also objective-based which consists of four exams and questions are given in both English and Hindi except in the case of the English Paper.
There is a negative marking of 0.25 marks in the case of paper II which is English Language and Comprehension whereas 0.50 marks in the case of other papers.
Paper I and Paper II both are compulsory exams for all the posts whereas Paper III & Paper IV are for eligible posts.
Tier-3 Exam Pattern
The exam of Tier III is a descriptive paper and the mode of the examination is pen and paper. The descriptive paper is conducted in English or Hindi and includes writing of Essay, precis writing, letter or applications, etc. It consists of a total of 100 marks and the total time which is allowed is 1 hour for all the candidates whereas 1 hour 20 minutes for those who are eligible for scribe.
Tier-4 Exam Pattern
This Exam is known As Computer Skill Test and Is Conducted in The Following Form of Two Tests:
DEST = Data Entry Speed Test.
In this test, candidates are required to type 2000 words on a computer in English in 15 minutes.
CPT = Computer Proficiency Test.
This test is conducted in order to check the computer proficiency of the candidates.
Fee Structure
As we read the structure of the CGL exam where full form CGL is the Combined Graduate Level. The fee to fill the exam is only Rs. 100/-. There is fee exemption for females, SC, ST, Physically Handicapped & Ex-Servicemen candidates. The fee can be paid through SBI challan i.e State Bank of India or SBI net banking or other debit cards. Challan can be generated online and cash can be paid in any branch of SBI.
Thus there is no doubt that the SSC CGL examination is very important to fill the vacancies of the government departments and also offers a very good salary and government security but we can't deny it is one of the toughest examinations as well which consists of various stages that need to pass in order to get into the service. Here, we have covered CGL full name, SSC CGL .full form, CGL meaning, eligibility criteria, structure or fee of the paper, etc. This exam has four stages and different papers in different modes for which proper preparation is required in order to crack the examination.
FAQs on CGL Full Form
Question1. Is Tier 3 compulsory in SSC CGL?
Answer. Yes. Tier 3 examination is mandatory for all the candidates who clear Tier 1 & Tier 2. Even all the tiers are important and mandatory. Tier 3 is the only descriptive mode of paper which means it is a subjective paper where no multiple-choice questions will be found but descriptive answers need to be written. It will be in both English and Hindi.
Question2. Are questions repeated in SSC CGL?
Answer. Yes. Questions can be repeated in SSC CGL from the past papers and most of the time data of the questions are being changed. It depends upon the importance of the topic. That's why it is always recommended to go through the previous year’s papers and solve them. They will not only give you an idea about the examination but also an idea about the important topics or kinds of questions which are being repeated and you can solve & revise them again and again in order to master those topics.
Question3. Is SSC CGL tougher than UPSC?
Answer. First of all these two examinations can not be compared. The pattern or structure of SSC CGL and UPSC examinations are entirely different from each other. These both are tough examinations and demands proper strategy and smart work in order to crack the examination.
Question4. Can CGL be prepared in 2 months?
Answer. CGL exam is not just a single exam but an exam with different tiers. The first tier consists of four subjects that need to be prepared. If you're good in quantitative aptitude or reasoning, it will become easy for you to prepare in 2 months. Besides this, a proper strategy or timetable needs to be followed in these 2 months and full focus should be on the exam. Revision of the syllabus and practising the questions should not be missed in any case.