What is CISF?
CISF full name is Central Industrial Security Force. It is an Indian central armed police force that reports to the Indian government's Ministry of Home Affairs. It is the world's largest industrial security force. Its 132 battalions have a total of roughly 170,000 soldiers. New Delhi, India, is where the company's headquarters are located. Sh. O.P Singh has been the Director General of the CISF since September 2016. It also offers consulting services to a variety of corporate and public sector companies. Its consulting arm has a long list of prestigious clients, including TISCO, Orissa Mining Co., IB Thermal Power Plant, and NBRI.
In this article we will discuss CISF full form, understand cisf full meaning and different branches of CISF.
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The CISF was established in 1969 by an Act of the Indian Parliament. The CISF's main purpose is to protect industrial units and important installations such as nuclear power plants, electricity plants, and currency note presses.
CISF Long Form
CISF long form is the Central Industrial Security Force. CISF now has 132 battalions, and its primary mission is to provide protection to industrial units while also assisting with the connection of power plants. It also includes the essential fittings for the nation's power plants.
Furthermore, the CISF has 132 battalions with a total of 170,000 personnel. The Central Industrial Security Force was established in 1969 under the Indian Parliament Act. As of September 2016, the Director General of this Security Force is Sh.O.P.Singh. The main goal of the CISF is to protect industrial units while also assisting in the installation of power plants. It also involves key power plant and currency note presses facilities. In addition, it provides consultancy services to a variety of private and public sector enterprises. IB Thermal Power Plant and TISCO are two of the most important clients of the Central Industrial Security Force (Tata Iron and Steel Company limited). Orissa Mining CO and the National Botanical Research Institute are two more clients. As a result, the CISF plays a significant role in the installation of such power plants and the production of currency note presses.
CISF Full Name
Full name of cisf is Central Industrial Security Force.
CISF mainly has three branches:
Executive branch
Fire Service branch
Ministerial branch.
It's also divided into six sections. A Sector Inspector General is in charge of each sector. The following are the sectors:
Eastern Sector with headquarters at Patna
Northern Sector with headquarters at New Delhi
Western Sector with headquarters at Mumbai
Southern Sector with headquarters at Chennai
North Eastern Sector with headquarters at Kolkata
Airport Sector with headquarters at New Delhi
The CISF protects 300 industrial enterprises, government infrastructure projects and facilities, and other establishments across India. The CISF protects industrial sectors such as atomic power plants, space installations, mines, oil fields, and refineries, major ports, heavy engineering, steel plants, barrages, fertiliser units, airports, and hydroelectric/thermal power plants owned and controlled by Central Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), as well as currency note presses that print Indian currency. As a result, it spans installations across India, spanning a wide range of topography and climatic conditions. The CISF also provides consulting services to commercial businesses and other government agencies in India. The consulting services provided by CISF include security consulting and fire protection consultancy.
The CISF is a one-of-a-kind paramilitary force in India, responsible for seaways, airways, and some of the country's most important infrastructure. There are several reserved battalions in the CISF that collaborate alongside state police to maintain law and order. In disaster management, the CISF plays a critical role. The CISF has a 'Fire Wing' that assists in the event of a fire in an industry where the CISF is stationed.
Top Seven Ranks in CISF
Director General
Additional Director General
Inspector General
Deputy Inspector General
Assistant Inspector General
Deputy Commandant
Fire Wing
CISF offers protection against fire dangers in addition to providing protection, safety, and security to industrial undertakings/installations. The CISF has a fire wing that is highly specialised, well-trained, and well-equipped. In FACT Cochin, the first fire wing unit with a strength of 53 troops was inducted. The fire wing has been inducted into 91 units so far. The Fire Wing currently has a strength of 6769 personnel.
The Fire wing, which is part of the Central Industrial Security Unit, is the government's largest, best-trained, and equipped firefighting force. It is regarded as an exceptional firefighting unit with an enviable track record. It covers establishments such as power plants, refineries, petrochemicals, fertilisers, steel plants, surface transportation, heavy industries, and the Space Application Center, among others. The Undertaking's Fire Wing Induction does not stop at providing manpower to combat fires. It also ensures the availability of proper and adequate fire prevention and firefighting equipment, as well as firefighting personnel.
Women in CISF
Initially, only men were eligible for enlistment and posting to the CISF. When Mrs Asha Sinha was deployed as Commandant of the Central Armed Police Forces in India in 1992, she made history as the country's first woman commandant. Previously, women were allowed to serve in the Central Armed Police Forces, which included the CISF, but only in supervisory positions. The Indian Parliamentary Committees on Women's Empowerment suggested that women be given more responsibilities in the CAPF, especially the CISF. Following these recommendations, the Ministry of Home Affairs established a reservation for women in paramilitary forces and later announced that they can be enrolled as combat officers in all five Central Armed Police Forces.
FAQs on CISF Full Form
1. What Does CISF Mean?
Ans: The CISF is the country's central armed police force and the world's largest industrial security force.
2. Why Do We Celebrate CISF Raising Day?
Ans: The main goal of the CISF Raising Day is to improve the “protection and security” of industrial undertakings in the country, both in the public and private sectors.
3. How Many Sectors are there in CISF?
Ans: The CISF is led by a Director-General of the Indian Police Service, who is aided by an Addl. Director-General of the Indian Police Service. The force is organised into nine sectors (Airport, North, North-East, East, West, South, Training, South-East, Central, and Training, South-East, Central), as well as a Fire Service Wing.