Full Form of CPCB
According to section 3 of Water ( Prevention and Control of Pollution ), the board formed by the central government is known as the CPCB which is a central board. This body is constituted under this act whose main objective is to promote cleanliness in streams as well as wells and also focus on maintaining the air quality. Besides this, Section 4 of this act talks about the state boards which are formed by the state governments. In this article, we will talk about this body which is generally known as CPCB. We will cover CPCB Full Form, its meaning, functions, history, and also about OCEMS, OCEMS CPCB full form, etc.
Full Form of CPCB and Description
If we talk about the full form of CPCB, then it stands for Central Pollution Control Board whereas if we talk about the full form of SPCB, it refers to State Pollution Control Boards. The CPCB that means Central Pollution Control Board is a legal organisation that works under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change as an autonomous body. In 1974, it was found under the Water ( Prevention and Control of Pollution) under the act of 1974. It was charged with the powers and functions under the act of Air Prevention and control of pollution, Act 1971. Under the provision of the environment (Protection) act, 1986, the technical services provided to the Ministry of environment and forests. The State Pollution Control Board's activities and works are organised by CPCB and it also provides technical help and guidance. It also resolves the problems among them. It comes at the top among the organisations which help in controlling the pollution as a technical wing of MoEFCC. The chairperson of the organisation is appointed by the appointments committee of the cabinet of the Government of India. Shri Shiv Das Meena Ji is the current acting chairman and Dr Prashant Gargava is the member secretary.
The head office of the CPCB is in New Delhi. It has several zones and five laboratories. The environmental assessment and research are run by the organisation. CPCB is making national standards under environmental laws, in consultation with zonal offices, tribal and local governments. It has various responsibilities like the observation of water and air quality and monitoring data. With industries and all other levels of government in a wide variety, it also works with them to prevent pollution and do some energy conservation efforts. It gives advice to the central government to control water and air pollution. To the Government of Union Territories, it also gives them advice on various concepts like industrial, water sources and air pollution. CPCB along with its other members like SPCBs that are State Pollution Control Boards are also responsible for the prevention and controlling of environmental problems. It has approximately 500 employees that include engineers, scientists and environmental protection specialists.
CPCB is inaugurated on 22 cleanliness of streams, wells. In 1986, the Environment Protection Act (EPA) was passed to close the gaps in the water and air act by adding some more functions to the CPCB. By generating relevant data, providing scientific information, giving technical devices for national policies and programmes, developing organization and manpower and organising activities to make the people and government, of all these activities and works, CPCB plays an important role in subsiding and controlling pollution in the country. In 1991, Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) was founded by the Central Government which works with (CPCB) and (NGT) to control the pollution in the capital.
Functions of CPCB
We have learned the CPCB full form. Let's go through the functions of CPCB which are given below:
It advises the government to control any matter and in preventing environmental problems like air and water quality.
It not only plans but also is the authority that executes national programs in order to prevent and control air and water pollution.
It coordinates with the State Boards and their activities and on the other side also resolves disputes between them.
It is responsible for providing technical assistance as well as guidance to the State Boards and also sponsors investigation as well as research related to water & air pollution problems.
It also plans as well as organises training for the personnel who are engaged in various programmes related to prevention and control of air and water pollution.
It also organises awareness programs related to air & water control and prevention through mass media.
It collects, compiles as well as publishes all the statistical and technical data related to air and water pollution and other related aspects and also takes appropriate measures to control and prevent.
It prepares guidelines, manuals or required code which are related to treatment as well as disposal of sewage and other related disposal activities.
It spread required information related to air and water pollution and its control and prevention matters.
Organisational Structure
(Image will be uploaded soon)
The organizational structure of the CPCB can be seen in the diagram and it is led by the Chairman who is followed by the member secretary. The various functions performed by the body under the following major heads:
Pollution assessment (survey and monitoring)
R&D and laboratory management
Development of standards and guidelines for industry-specific emissions and effluents standards
Information database management and library
Pollution control technology
Pollution control enforcement
Mass awareness and publications
Hazard waste management
Divisions of CPCB Head Office
The heads office of the Central Pollution Control Board is divided into the following divisions which have their own in-charge as well as goals, etc.
Pollution Control Planning Division (PCP)
Pollution, Assessment, Monitoring & Survey (PAMS)
Pollution Control Implementation Division -I (PCI-I)
Pollution Control Implementation Division-II (PCI-II)
Pollution Control Implementation Division - III (PCI-III)
Urban Pollution Control Division (UPCD)
Hazardous Waste Management Division (HWMD)
Information Technology Division
Environmental Training Unit (ETU)
Zonal Offices
Zonal offices are known as field offices of this structural organization which means all the plans which are framed by the head office are actually executed by the zonal offices. There are 7 zonal offices established by the CPCB for catering to various states and each zonal offices used to cater for a fixed number of states. They do field activities and investigation and then send all the necessary reports to the head office in order to take further actions. The sends reports of air quality monitoring, water quality monitoring, industrial inspection reports, etc. These offices are established at Lucknow, Bhopal, Kolkata, Shillong, Bengaluru, Vadodara and Agra.
It is one of the projects of the Central Pollution Control Board where OCEMS CPCB full form is Online Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems. CPCB runs several projects for air quality and water quality management, waste management, noise and urban pollution etc. To monitor Industrial pollution, OCEMS is one of the projects that was Launched by CPCB. It is compulsory to report the emissions by industries that are grossly polluting industries to pollution control boards. The industries have been urged by the CPCB to install this OCEMS so that data can be passed by OCEMS to the Central Pollution Control Board or State Pollution Boards. Since 2015, it was made mandatory for the industries to install this system.
It consists of all the necessary equipment in order to determine and analyze the concentration of gases emissions or particulate matter or emission rate by the usage of analytical measurements as well as computer programs. The data through this system is gathered through either analog outputs to the recording system or will be sent directly to the Data Acquisition System for the purpose of storage or transmission. This system consists of special modules for the purpose of data validation as well as transmission to the servers located at Central/State Pollution Control Boards.
If we talk about the advantages of this monitoring system, then it is helpful in continuous monitoring for a longer period without even the requirement of skilled manpower to do the analysis. In this online system, everything is automated such as the collection of samples, transportation, calibration or analysis, etc. Even during any sudden disturbance if occurs in the system then the online analysers can provide information on time in order to take preventive steps.
Therefore we can conclude that CPCB is a national body that is responsible for maintaining air and water quality along with other related environmental management. It provides directions and guidance to the State Boards and issues guidelines for various programs and projects that need to be implemented in the country. OCEMS is one of those projects of CPCB to monitor industrial pollution. In this article, we learned the full form of CPCB, SPCB & OCEMS, meaning and functions, etc. This body helps in monitoring pollution in the country and receives reports on the same from the zonal offices upon which further action is taken.
FAQs on CPCB Full Form
1. What Are CPCB and SPCB?
Answer. CPCB refers to Central Pollution Control Boards whereas SPCB refers to State Pollution Control Boards. CPCB is the main National level body under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and it works as an autonomous body whereas SPCBs are state level bodies. The CPCB looks after as well as provides advice on various matters of air management, water and other environmental acts to the Government as well the State bodies.
2. What Are the Functions of CPCB?
Answer. It provides advice to the government on the matters of monitoring air and water pollution and other related environmental matters. It also coordinates the state boards and resolves the disputes as well along with providing technical assistance, guidance and direction. Various programs are launched by the central body to implement them on national, state or zonal levels.
3. How is CPCB Different From NGT?
Answer. CPCB means Central Pollution Control Board whereas NGT refers to National Green Tribunal. The former was formed under the Water ( Prevention and control of pollution ) Act, 1974 whereas the latter was established through the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010. The former focuses on promoting cleanliness and air quality whereas the latter helps to provide environmental justice and to reduce litigation matters related to the environment.