ETC Long Form
The etc full form is Et Cetera. It is a Latin expression. In English, it is used to mean “the other similar things” and “so on”. Et Cetera is also abbreviated as etc., etc, et cet., &c. or &c. In Latin, “et” means “and” and “cētera” means “the rest”; and hence, Et Cetera means “and the rest.” Et Cetera (etc long form) is a loan translation of the Alexandrian dialect, Koine Greek which means “and the other things”. The modern Greek form is και τα λοιπά meaning “and the remainder.”
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Etc Full Form Meaning: Spellings and Usage
The spelling used for etc is “etcetera”. This spelling can be found in the dictionaries. Most used abbreviated form or etcetera is “etc”, “etc.”, and “et cet”. “&c.” and “&c.” are occasionally used.
Usage - Et Cetera (etc long form) is used to denote logical continuation of anything - any series or any description. When etc is used at the end of the sentence, there is only one dot and not two. At the end of the sentence, it will be “etc.” and not “etc..”. In the middle of a sentence, it is preceded by a comma. In the case where it appears at the end of exclamations or questions or clauses, the dot can be suppressed but punctuation marks according to the mood of the sentence and to continue or end the sentence has to be put. Et Cetera and its derivatives are used airily, humorously, or dismissively, often as a cadigan. For example, The cost of the locomotives and their etceteras is to be ₹1,20,000; The chivalric etceteras of old.
Etc Long Form In Other Areas
The Other Full Forms of Etc Are:
Etc - Electronic Toll Collection
Etc - Electronic Theatre Controls
Etc - Equipment Trust Certificate
Etc - Electric Telegraph Company
Etc - Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation
Etc - Expressive Therapies Continuum
Etc -Extratropical Cyclone
Etc - European Team Championships
Etc - Ericsson Texture Compression
Etc - Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers
Etc - Electronic Throttle Control
Etc - Electron Transport Chain
Etc - Experimental Theatre Club
Etc - European Technical Center
Etc - European Travel Commission
FAQs on ETC Full Form
1.What is Etc Word Full Form?
Ans - Etc full form name, in common is Et Cetera. Other etc long forms are Electronic Toll Collection, Evil Type Correction, Experiment Test Cycle, Earth Terrain Camera and Estimated Time of Completion.
2. What is the Etc Full Form in Engineering?
Ans - Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering is the etc full form in engineering. This branch of engineering deals with digital transmission, analogue transmission, voice and data, reception of video, basic electronics, solid-state devices, analogue and digital communication, microprocessors, analogue integrated circuits, microwave engineering, satellite communication, antennae and wave progression.
3. How is Etc Used in Popular Culture?
Ans - The expression “...et cetera, et cetera, et cetera……” is repeatedly used by Yul Brynner in the 1956 movie The King and I. He was portraying the role of King Mongkut of Siam, to characterize the king who wanted to impress everyone with his breadth of great knowledge and the importance of one with no need to expound. It was also reflected in the novel Anna and the King of Siam, where the playful understanding of innumerable things of the king was expressed with the repetitive phrase of "&c., &c."
4. What is Etc Funny Full Form?
Ans - Etc full form (funny) is often expressed in the form of a joke. The joke is as follows: Why do we sometimes write 'etc' at the end of the exam? Because…… etc means End of Thinking Capacity.