HR Full Form
HR Full Form
HR Full Form in Company
HR full form in the company is Human Resource. It is a term that refers to the set of people who form the workforce of an organization, business sector, industry, or economy. A narrow concept of human resource is human capital, the knowledge, and skills which individuals possess. The other similar terms of human resource include manpower, labor, personnel, associates, or simply people.
What Is The Full Form Of HR?
HR long-form is Human Resource.
What Does The HR Department Perform?
HR department full form i.e human resource department of an organization performs human resource management, supervise the different aspects of employment, such as compliance with labor law and employment standard, evaluation of employees benefits, interviewing, managing employees file with the required document for future reference, and some aspect of recruitment (also known as talent acquisition) and employees offboarding. The HR department serves as a link between the organization's management and its employees.
Human Resource Management Definition
There are two real definitions of HRM. The first definition states that “ HRM is the process of managing people in an organization in a structured and comprehensive manner.” This implies that it covers hiring, terminating, pays and perks, and performance management. This definition of HRM is a modern and traditional version more like what a personal manager would have performed in the 1920s.
The second definition states that “Human resource encircles the intention of management of people in an organization from a macro-management viewpoint like customers and competitors in a workplace. This emphasis on making employment relationships fulfilling for both employees and management.”
HR Manager Responsibilities
HR manager full form i.e. human resource managers are in charge of every aspect of the employee in an organization. The HR manager's responsibilities include preparing and updating the records of an employee related to hiring, transferring, promoting, and terminating. These duties include selection process, recruitment, strategic planning, posting job advertisements, evaluating the performance of an employee, organizing resumes and job applications, selection, the interview process, and ensuring background check of an employee.
Another job of HR management is payroll, and administration of benefits which deals with ensuring vacations, evaluating payrolls, and participation of different benefit tasks such as claim resolution, reconciling benefits statements, and approving invoices for payment.
The HR manager also regulates employee relation activities and programs including but not limited to employee counseling. The last job responsibility of an HR manager is regular maintenance. This responsibility of HR ensures that present HR files and databases are not updated, managing employee benefits and employment status, and performing payroll/benefits related reconciliations.
HR JoB Full Form And Activities
HR job full form is Human resource job. Following are the different activities performed by human resource manager in the company:
Supervising and evaluating employee’s work.
Ensure to avoid politics in the office.
Determining the needs of employees.
Determine whether to employ temporary staff or recruit employees to fulfill these requirements.
Deals with discrimination and performance issues.
Ensure equal opportunity.
Recruit the best employees for an organization.
Train the employees.
Maintaining Discipline work culture in an organization.
Ensures that human resource practices conform to different regulations.
Make use of “HR software” for the ease of work in an organization.
Managing employee compensation, payrolls, and other benefits.
Maintaining employee records and personnel policies.
Motivating employees.
Negotiate Disputes
Communicate information in the organization to benefit its growth.
Human resource managers need to enhance their interpersonal skills to be effective. Organizational behavior focuses on how to upgrade focus that makes an organization more effective.
Human Resource Management Roles
Following are the six major role played by human resource management:
The Conscience Role
HR management plays an important role in reminding the management of its morals and obligation towards its employees.
2. Counselor
The HR manager also acts as a counselor. Whenever an employee is not satisfied with the job he approaches the HR manager for counseling and guidance.
3. Spokesperson
The HR manager acts as a spokesperson both within the organization as well as the representative of an organization.
4. Mediator
In an organization, there are times when there are differences in opinions and misunderstandings between the management and employees or among the employees themself. Here, the HR manager acts as a mediator, peacemaker, and communication link between them.
5. The Change Representative
Change is always resisted by the employees. HR managers act as a change representative in order to bring about change in the ongoing system or an introduction of a new system.
6. The Problem Solver
HR manager acts as a problem solver with respect to the issues that comprises human resource management and comprehensive organizational planning.
HR Planning
Administration and operation were the two roles of human resources. The strategic planning came into an effect as a result of companies identifying the needs to consider HR needs in goals and strategies. HR directors sit on the company executive teams due to the HR planning function. The number and types of employees to be recruited and the evolution of the compensation system is mainly considered in the planning role.
FAQs on HR Full Form
1.What is the HR job full form?
The HR job full form is Human resource jobs.
2.What is the important role of human resources in an organization?
Human resource plays an important role in developing and making a company or organization at the beginning and making a success at the end because of the labor provided by employees. Human resource management aims to exhibit how to have better employment relationships in a workforce. Also, it aims to bring the best work ethics of an employee and therefore tries to maintain a better working environment in the organization.
3.What are the seven HRM policies?
Following are the 7 effective HRM policies:
Recruitment and Selection
Performance Management
Succession Planning
Learning and development
Compensation Benefits
Human Resource Management System
HR Data and Analytics