IB - The Oldest Intelligence Agency
IB is the oldest intelligence agency working in India. IB was established in the year 1887, this was originally formed in order to keep an eye on the Russian troops that were deployed in Afghanistan. After which the agency was re-crafted at the time of independence in the year 1947 by the government of India. An Indian Police Service officer was always been the director of IB. The current IB director (as of 26th June 2019) is Arvinda Kumar.
The life of an IB officer is full of danger and sacrifices. IB can issue licenses of the radio frequencies and also can tap a phone line. IB also has an email spying system to monitor the emails of terrorist organizations and of other malicious groups.
In this section, we will start on to know long form of IB and all other important aspects related to this acronym.
IB Board Full Form
The full form of IB is Intelligence Bureau. As mentioned already this is the oldest intelligence agency present and functioning in India. This is a spy network that runs for the government of India. The agency safeguards our country from malicious enemies.
IB full form is Intelligence Bureau board. This is a board that is set up by the government so that they can take care of the matters relating to insider threats to this nation and also take necessary actions to protect the country.
After knowing the IB long form and IB board full form, we will know about other related acronyms used in this field.
IB – Intelligence of the Country
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IB full form stands for the elongated form Intelligence Bureau. This is an intelligence agency of India which mainly deals with the internal intelligence of this country. The agency handles all the threats which are received inside the country. IB also provides information about any suspicious activities to other intelligence agencies and to the police department so that they can take necessary action at the right time in order to protect the country and its citizens from internal or from external threats. IB is also assigned the tasks which are related to counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism.
There is also another subsidiary unit working for the intelligence bureau which is known as the Subsidiary Intelligence Bureau. This works at the state level and this is being headed by an officer of the rank of the Joint Director or someone above this rank.
Honoured Ranks in Intelligence Bureau
The distinguished ranks are as follows:
Director Intelligence Bureau
Special Director/Secretary
Additional Director
Joint Director
Deputy Director
Assistant Director
Deputy Central Intelligence Officer
Tough Secrecy Tasks Shouldered on IB
Responsibilities of IB are tremendously huge and of high risk. Also, their complicated responsibility might not be a simple one for all, hence we will point out the responsibilities so it will be seamless for us to understand:
As IB is shrouded in secrecy, the agency is used to garner the intelligence from within India and thereby execute the counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism tasks on their own.
The Bureau comprises of the employees from law enforcement agencies, mostly from the IPS level or from IRS and from the military.
However, as mentioned the Director of IB is always an IPS Officer.
Catering to domestic intelligence responsibilities, the IB is specifically tasked with intelligence collection in the border areas
In the year 1951 recommendations of the Himmat Singh Ji Committee (which is also known as the North and North-East Border Committee), a task was entrusted to the military intelligence organizations prior to independence in 1947.
All spheres of human activity within the Indian subcontinent and in the neighbourhood are allocated to the charter of duties of the agency, Intelligence Bureau.
The IB was also tasked with other external intelligence responsibilities.
Activities of IB
Reportedly, IB has a lot of successes to its credit, but the operations which are being conducted by the IB are rarely declassified. For the extreme secrecy which surrounds the agency, there is less concrete information which is available about it or its activities. The IB was earlier trained by the Soviet KGB from the 1950s.
If you dig into understand the shadowy workings of the IB, this will be largely speculative. Many a time, even the own family members are unaware of the whereabouts of an IB member. There are many such unknown tasks of IB which will leave us astonished. To know a few, we have created this list:
The IB was originally India's internal and also external intelligence agency.
IB operated on a counterintelligence program which was formulated to prevent the CIA from gathering any information about the preparations and about the activities which is related to the Indian Nuclear weapons project before the nuclear test of Pokhran – II.
IB has credited mixed success in counter-terrorism. It was reported that in the year 2008, IB had been successful in busting the terror modules. I alerted the police even before the Hyderabad blasts and gave all repeated warnings of a possible attack on Mumbai through the sea before November 2008 Mumbai attacks.
Since 2014, IB has undergone a lot of reforms and changes. One of the biggest reforms was the cessation of indulgence in internal-political espionage.
The Agency has also boosted up its own infrastructure and recruited more agents in their function.
The agency has been successful in stopping the earlier pattern of all the frequent terror attacks in India.
The agency also has been successful in counter-intelligence.
Ranks of IB
Positions in the Intelligence Bureau are given as under with their position as in Police.
Director of Intelligence Bureau - None
Special Director- Director General of Police
Additional Director – Additional Director General of Police
Joint Director – Inspector General of Police
Deputy Director – Deputy Inspector general of Police
Joint Deputy Director – Deputy Inspector general of Police
Joint Deputy Director – Senior Superintendent of Police
Assistant Director – Superintendent of Police
Deputy Central Intelligence Officer – Additional Superintendent of Police
Assistant Central Intelligence Officer - Deputy Superintendent of Police
Assistant Central Intelligence Officer II – Inspector of Police
Junior Intelligence Officer I – Sub-Inspector of Police
Junior Intelligence Officer II – Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police
Security Assistant – Head Constable
FAQs on IB Full Form
1. What Do You Mean By Counter Intelligence?
Ans. Counterintelligence is an organized activity of an intelligence service that is designed to block an enemy's sources of information, this is projected to deceive the enemy, prevent sabotage, and in order to gather political and military information.
2. What is Counter Terrorism?
Ans. Counter-terrorism which is also known as anti-terrorism, incorporates the practice, the military tactics, techniques, and also the strategies which the government, military, law enforcement, business, and even the intelligence agencies use to combat or in order to prevent terrorism.
3. What are the Other Expansions of IB?
ns. IB can be used as IB IGCSE. IB IGCSE full form is International Baccalaureate (abbreviated as IB) and International General Certificate of Secondary (abbreviated as Education IGCSE) these are the two international school education programs.
IB PYP in full form of PYP is Primary Years Program.