What is the Full Form of ISKCON?
ISKCON temples are highly popular all over India and in many parts of the world. ISKCON temples are spiritual places. The ISKCON full form is the International Krishna Consciousness Association. It is a religious organization belonging to the Gaudiya-Vaisnava sect. Their values and beliefs are based on Sanskrit texts such as Bhagavad Gita. According to the scriptures, the ultimate goal of all living creatures is to demand their love for God or Lord Krishna.
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ISKCON Temple was built in the ancient years of 1966 BC in New York City. ISKCON members follow the tradition of bhakti-yoga and practice devotional yoga in temples and at home. They also promote Krishna consciousness by distributing documents, movies, short clips, etc., all over the world. In addition to religious activities, ISKCON members have also established schools, colleges, hospitals, food distribution projects such as Akshaya Patre in Karnataka, etc., as practical applications of the bhakti-yoga path.
In this article, we will explore the ISKCON full form or the ISKCON Temple Full Form and the mission of the ISKCON temple and their contribution to society.
ISKCON Temple Full Form
As the ISKCON long form suggests it is mainly focused on spreading the meaning of Bhagavad Geeta preached by lord Krishna and importance of the life through Geetasara. ISKCON is known as the Hare Krishna movement on the west side and is best regarded as a monotheistic branch of the famous Gaudiya Vaishnava religious tradition. As the ISKCON full form says it is mainly believed in the teachings of Lord Krishna.
The chanting of the holy name of God is a basic practice in Krishna consciousness. It is one of the main processes of spiritual service. By activating the relationship between humans and God, it helps bring peace and happiness.
About 525 years ago, Lord Krishna came to this earth to preach the recitation of the holy name and teach the people of Kaliyuga how to become a devotee, in the form of his own devotee. The form of this devotee is the great Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is the combined form of Sri Radha and Sri Krishna. Later, he popularized the sacred mantra: "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare".
ISKCON Temple History
While understanding the ISKCON temple full form or the ISKCON long form, we come across many interesting stories related to the ISKCON establishment. In 1965, the divine grace of Srila Prabhupada left Vrindavan to spread the message of Lord Krishna in western countries. After that, he entered Boston with a suitcase full of Lord Krishna's book and only 40 rupees. In his pocket. At first, he was struggling, but a few days later, people started to notice him. Some curious people joined his singing, while others began to take care of his sacred mission seriously.
He lived in New York until 1966. He began to teach the sacred Bhagavad Gita every week. In 1966, he successfully founded ISKCON in New York. From 1966 to 1968, more believers joined the sacred mission. Therefore, he also opened temples in Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, Santa Fe, Montreal and New Mexico.
The first Rath-Yatra Festival was held in San Francisco. Rath-Yatra Festival is the largest and oldest annual festival in India. However, today, ISKCON’s believers also celebrate this Rath-Yatra festival in different corners of the world.
Between 1969 and 1973, several temples were built in Canada, Europe, Mexico, Africa, South America and India. A supervisory agency was also established in 1970 to supervise the overall development of society.
Between 1970 and 1977, ISKCON established several important pilgrimage centres and locations in Vrindavan and Mayapur, India. A larger Bombay temple of the same name was also built.
Srila Prabhupada established a publishing company BBT (Bhaktivedanta Book Trust) in 1972. In modern times, they are one of the largest publishers of Lord Krishna's books.
Srila Prabhupada converted more than 40 volumes of Krishna literature from Sanskrit to English between 1966 and 1977. Such as "Holy Dharma Bhagavatam" or "Bhagavata Pana", "18 volumes of the reincarnation story of Lord Krishna", "Recreation and devotee "," Caritas of Holy Caitanya ", 9 The Bhakti Vidanta Book Trust has published" Santa Caitanya Mahaprabhu "in more than 50 languages.
The Bhaktivedanta Institute was established in 1973 to support the Vedic teachings. 1974 was a crucial year for ISKCON. They launched a food aid program for disaster-affected areas around the world. It was November 1977 and Srila Prabhupada left his devotee alone. So far, ISKCON has successfully established around 108 temples, educational communities, centres, and more than 10,000 members
Regulative Principles of ISKCON
Society emphasizes four principles of regulation as the basis of spiritual life. These principles are inspired by the four feet of the Dharma. The four principles are as follows:
Do not eat meat, including fish and eggs.
Do not have unfair sexual relations (even between husband and wife, if not for the purpose of having a child).
Do not gamble
Do not get drunk
All Four Legs of the Law are:
Daya (Mercy).
Tapas (self-control or austerity).
Satyam (Truth).
Saucam (clean mind, body and transaction).
Mission/Purposes of the ISKCON
ISKCON Has Seven Main Purposes Which Are as Follows:
Systematic Dissemination of spiritual life Spiritual knowledge and skills to achieve a balance between the values of life and achieve true unity and peace in the world.
Spread Krsna consciousness according to the descriptions in the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam.
Brings the members of society closer to Krsna (the main entity) and develops thoughts within the members and human beings, that is, each soul is part of the character of God (Krsna).
Teach and encourage the Sankeltan movement described by the Great Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu (collective chanting of the holy name of God).
Established a transcendent recreational shrine dedicated to Lord Krishna for members and the entire society.
To teach a simple and natural way of life, to bring members closer together.
Edition and distribution of books, magazines, periodicals, etc. to achieve the aforementioned purposes.
Did You Know?
To spread spiritual knowledge, society participates in training people to follow the techniques of spiritual life in order to prove the disproportionate value of life. It is important to achieve true unity and peace in our world.
Mayapur is popular because of the Chandrodaya temple. It was created by ISKCON in Mayapur. There is the respected Samadhi of Prabhupada, whose temple is part of ISKCON. There is Shree Chaitanyamath, who is the birth centre of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. You will encounter the Goswami Maharaj temple in Dashavatar and the Samadhi in Chand Kazi.
The ISKCON visit time during the weekdays, from 7.15 am to 5 pm. From 16.15 to 20.20 pm. On weekends, there are from 7.15 to. M. Until 8.30 in the evening M. No photography is allowed in the temple. The dress code is simple.
FAQs on ISKCON Full Form
1. Who is the Head of the ISKCON?
Ans: Jaya Pataka Swami is the head of the ISKCON temple.
2.Why ISKCON Temple is Famous?
Ans: The ISKCON temple is famous for its spiritual environment and all the social work which lead society towards helping needy one.