Full Form IUCN
We'll talk about IUCN full form, full form IUCN, IUCN long form, IUCN full form, IUCN red list in this article. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the preservation of nature. Its headquarters are in Gland, Switzerland, and it was founded in 1948. It was previously known as the World Conservation Union. The IUCN promotes a long-term, mutually beneficial approach to conserving the planet's flora and fauna.
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IUCN is a network of environmental groups and is the world's oldest organisation for biodiversity protection. The International Union for the Protection of Nature was created in order to promote environmental protection and the sustainable use of natural resources.
The 1300 member organisations of the IUCN, as well as the participation of over 15,000 experts, decide the course for the organization's activities and global conservation. Government and civil society organisations are among its members. It is a global authority on the state of the natural environment and the measures required to protect it because of its diversity and breadth of expertise.
About IUCN
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was founded in the French town of Fontainebleau on October 5, 1948. It was the first worldwide environmental union, bringing governments and civil society organisations together with a common purpose of protecting the environment. Its goal was to promote worldwide cooperation while also providing scientific knowledge and tools to help conservationists make better decisions.
The IUCN's principal objective throughout its first decade was to investigate the impact of human activities on nature. It raised awareness of pesticides' negative impacts on biodiversity and encouraged the adoption of environmental impact assessments, which have subsequently become standard practice across all sectors and businesses.
In the 1960s and 1970s, much of the IUCN's work focused on the protection of species and the ecosystems that are crucial for their survival. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species was founded in the year 1964, and it has since evolved into the world's most comprehensive data source on the global extinction danger of species.
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (1971), the World Heritage Convention (1972), the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (1974), and the Convention on Biological Diversity all owe their existence to the IUCN (1992).
The World Conservation Strategy, published in 1980 by the IUCN in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), was a groundbreaking document that helped define the concept of "sustainable development" and shaped the global conservation and sustainable development agenda.
In the run-up to the 1992 Earth Summit, the three organisations released a revised version of the strategy called Caring for the Earth. It guided the formation of the Rio Conventions on Biodiversity (CBD), Climate Change (UNFCCC), and Desertification (UNFCCC) and served as the foundation for worldwide environmental policy (UNCCD).
The UN General Assembly gave IUCN formal observer status in 1999, as environmental issues continued to acquire relevance on the international scene.
IUCN launched its corporate engagement approach in the early 2000s. Its goal is to ensure that any use of natural resources is fair and ecologically sustainable, with a focus on industries that have a substantial impact on nature and livelihoods, such as mining and oil and gas.
IUCN pioneered ‘nature-based solutions' later in the 2000s, which are efforts to conserve nature that simultaneously address global concerns like food and water security, climate change, and poverty reduction.
IUCN is the world's largest and most diverse environmental network, with more than 1,300 Members – including States, government agencies, NGOs, and Indigenous Peoples' Organizations – and over 15,000 international specialists. It continues to champion nature-based solutions as key to the implementation of international agreements such as the Paris climate change agreement and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
Functions of IUCN
To encourage the conservation of natural resources and their sustainable usage.
To collect data, analyse data, perform research, and field projects, among other things.
To work for gender equality, poverty reduction, and long-term business viability.
The creation and publication of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Lifeforms
IUCN plays a major role in the implementation of several international conventions on nature conservation as well as biodiversity.
It brings together the world's most powerful organisations and leading experts in a collaborative effort to conserve nature and accelerate the transition to sustainable development.
Brief History of IUCN
It was established in 1948 as the International Union for the Preservation of Nature (IUPN).
It was renamed the International Union for the Preservation of Nature and Natural Resources in 1956.
The IUCN prepared an international list of Nature Parks and Equivalent Reserves for UNESCO in 1959.
The IUCN received a grant from the Ford Foundation in 1969, which allowed it to expand its international secretariat.
When UNESCO adopted the Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1972, it asked the IUCN to provide technical evaluations and monitoring.
The IUCN and UNESCO collaborated in 1980 to publish a World Conservation Strategy.
FAQs on IUCN Full Form
1) Write the Full Form of IUCN or IUCN Long Form.
Answer) The full form of IUCN/ IUCN long-form/ IUCN red list full form is The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) congratulate TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network, on the recently announced revised board structure and trustees appointed to guide its work combating wildlife crime and promoting sustainable wildlife trade.
2) Where is IUCN Located?
Answer) Gland, Switzerland
Its headquarters are in the Swiss town of Gland. The IUCN has observer and consultative status at the United Nations and helps to implement several international conventions on nature conservation and biodiversity.
3) What's the IUCN Red List Full Form?
Answer) The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is the most authoritative, objective, and comprehensive list of animals, plants, and fungi whose extinction risk has been assessed.