JAIIB and CAIIB Full Form
JAIIB and CAIIB full form are Junior Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers and Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers respectively. JAIIB and CAIIB are both examinations conducted by IIBF for the members of the organization, twice a year. Junior Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers (JAIIB Full Form) aims to provide a required level for basic knowledge in banking and financial service whereas CAIIB aims to provide advanced knowledge necessary for better decision making covering Risk Management, Treasury Management, International Banking, Credit Management, Economic analysis, Balance Sheet Management, etc.
In this article, we will discuss the JAIIB exam conducted by IIBF in detail.
JAIIB Exam Full Form
JAIIB exam full form, Junior Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers, is an associate examination conducted by the Indian Institute of Banking Finance. The examination aims to provide a required level of basic knowledge in banking, financial service, customer relations, banking technology, basic accounting, and legal aspects necessary for performing day-to-day operations. The examination is usually conducted twice a year in May/ June and November/December on Sundays.
Only the members of the Indian Institute of Banking Finance (IIBF) are eligible for this exam. It is conducted online in both English and Hindi at most of the centres and in offline mode only at the selected centre based on the notification given on the website.
What is JAIIB Long Form?
The JAIIB long-form is Junior Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers.
JAIIB Exam Eligibility
The examination is open only to the ordinary members of the Indian Institute of Banking & Finance.
Any person working in the Banking and Financial Industry whose employer is an institutional member of the institute can apply for membership.
The candidates who are looking to apply for the JAIIB exam must have passed the 12th standard examination in any discipline or equivalent. However, the institute may at its own permit any candidate from clerical or supervisory employee cadre of the banks to appear for the examination on the recommendation of the manager/office-in-charge of the bank office where the candidate is currently working, even if the candidate is not 12th passed or it's equivalent.
The subordinate staff of Banking/Financial institutions in India, who are members of the (IIBF), are eligible to appear for the JAIIB examination, provided that he/she has passed the 12th standard examination or equivalent.
JAIIB 2021 Examination Dates
Online Mode
Online Mode
Subjects of JAIIB Examination
Principles & Practices of Banking
Accounting & Finance for Bankers
Legal & Regulatory aspects for Banking
Note: There is no exemption in any of the subjects for prior qualification.
JAIIB Examination Pattern
Approximately 120 objective type multiple choice questions will be asked in the JAIIB examination for 100 marks including questions based on case studies/case lets. The institute may however change the number of questions to be asked for a subject.
There will be no negative marking for wrong answers.
The examination will only be held online.
JAIIB Exam Duration
JAIIB exam duration is 2 hours.
Medium of Examination
Candidates can attempt the JAIIB examination in English or Hindi, and should clearly fill in their choice of examination at the time of registration of application. In any case, the change of medium at a later stage will not be permitted.
JAIIB Examination Passing Criteria
The minimum mark for passing the examination is 50 out of 100.
Cnaduare securing a minimum of 45 marks in each subject with an aggregate of 50% marks in all subjects of the JAIIB examination in a single attempt will also be counted as having completed the examination.
Candidates will be granted credits for the subjects they have passed in an attempt till the expiry of the time limit of the examination as mentioned below.
Time Limit for Passing the JAIIB Examination
Candidates will be required to pass the JAIIB examination within a time duration of 2 years ( i.e. 4 consecutive attempts).
Candidates not able to pass the examination within a stipulated period of 2 years are required to re-enrol themself. Such candidates will not be granted any credits for the subjects they have passed earlier
The duration of 2 years will start from the application date of the first attempt. Attempts will be counted irrespective of whether a candidate appeared for the examination or not.
Periodicity and Examination Centres
JAIIB examination will be conducted on a pre-announced date published on IIBF's official website. Institute conducts exams twice a year. The periodicity of the JAIIB examination may change depending on the requirements of the Banking industry.
A list of the JAIIB examination centres is available on IIBF's official website (institutes usually examine those centres where there are 20 or more candidates).
JAIIB Online Application
Candidates willing to apply for the JAIIB examination have to follow the steps given below to register themselves.
Visit the IIBF official website.
On the home page, click on the Examination/Course option appearing on the left side of the screen.
Select the “ Flagship Course” out of the given alternatives.
Select JAIIB and a new page will be opened where you can proceed with the JAIIB application.
FAQs on JAIIB Full Form
1.What is JAIIB CAIIB Full Form?
JAIIB CAIIB full form is Junior Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers and Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers respectively.
2.Which Calculator is Allowed During the JAIIB and CAIIB Examination?
Candidates are allowed to use the calculators that are operated by batteries. The calculator can be of any type up to 8 functions namely (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Percentage, Sq.- root, tax +, tax-),12 digits.
3.What Are the Details Required for Downloading and Printing the JAIIB and CAIIB Admit Letter?
For downloading and printing JAIIB admit letter from IABF official website, candidates are required to enter the following details:
Membership of registration number as a login id.
Edit Profile Password
If the candidate does not know the edit profile password, then they have to click on the Forgot Password/Get Password button before entering membership or registration details. On clicking the refresh button, the edit profile password will be sent to their registered email id.