LOL –An Acronym in Fashion
LOL full form in English is Laughing Out Loud. Also, LOL full form in Chats means the same full form that is Laughing Out Loud.
The usage of this acronym LOL is quite a in fashion these days. We used this acronym when we find something very funny or which extremely amuses us. There are some other alternatives of this expression like ROFL, LMAO, etc. which are used according to the intensity of the cause of laughter. Today this kind of abbreviations gets newly added and the list goes huge. Smileys are also used to tone with the acronym LOL.
In this context, we will focus on LOL long-form, LOL full meaning, and other interesting aspects of this topic.
LOL Full Form
LOL stands for the expanded form laugh out loud. Well, this is the LOL full form in chat use. There are other expansions of LOL which we will broaden into our discussion in a later section.
The main agenda of this content is to highlight the question ‘What is the full form of LOL?’ which we have elucidated on it already. Next, our focus will be on other aspects of this acronym, how this acronym is in use, etc.
LOL – Social Media Vogue
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What’s trending on social media? Yes, the acronym LOL is on-trend.
While using social media frequently you must have faced ‘LOL’ but many people didn’t know the meaning or the full form of this acronym, thus here we deliver this content to answer such inquisition.
LOL was first ever included in the Oxford dictionary in the year 2011 in the month of March. LOL (Laugh out Loud) was used historically on the Usenet but as of now, this acronym is used widely in other forms of computer-mediated communication, and also while face-to-face communication.
LOL is a very popular element on the internet. This is one of the initialisms for expressing bodily reactions, that is laughter. This is moreover used in text messages or in social media posts or comments. LOL have other back-dated expansions like ‘Lots of Love’ or ‘Lots of Luck’.
The list of acronyms that are in usage in today’s time "grows by the month" (as said by Peter Hershock in 2003). All these acronyms are coupled with emoticons and smileys. While, one must be very careful, as these acronyms are controversial, and several authors recommend against their usage. One must be careful not to use them either in general or in any specific contexts like in business communications.
What Do You Mean When You ‘LOL’?
We mean we are having a great time laughing out loud at something which amused us greatly. Many social media posts are flooded with the comment ‘LOL’ this means that the post triggered great laughter in the audience. When you crack a joke or laugh at a joke, the acronym ‘LOL’ will be heard instantly, this can be said by you or your friend sitting beside you. This scenario means that the joke was really funny to laugh at.
LOL Full Meaning
Lol stands for the expansion laugh out loud or laughing out loud. The acronym originally came in the year 1980s, and by 1993 the acronym had an established use in the early forms of electronic communication.
While this is evident that ‘LOL’ has lost its charm over the usages when people use it today, this is rare to expect them to be actually laughing out loud rather this became more like a symbol of something barely funny or this acronym has turned to be a customary usage for something slightly amusing.
LOL, I Am Laughing Out Loud!
LOL is majorly used while conversing with someone over the internet. The acronym is generally used in social networking sites. While chatting, when a person finds any post funny, he uses LOL to express that he is laughing very loudly. The emotions and smiles also add up to his expression.
How Do We Use LOL?
Lol is to be used as an interjection or as a verb.
At times we like to write ‘LOL’ in all caps and sometimes we don’t. Lol is never a word, hence we cannot use it in formal communication. While we can freely use informal communication.
You cracked a great joke! lol!.
The stand-up show was amazing, the comedian left the audience in a LOL moment for a long.
I lol every time, I watch the movie ‘Madagascar’.
Other Full Forms of LOL
The other full forms of LOL are as follows:
Lord of Light.
Little old Lady.
Labour of Love.
Living on Love.
Lots of Laughs.
Lap of Luxury.
Life or Love.
Lots of Lube.
Loss of Life.
Living our Lives.
Life of Leisure.
Locks of Love.
Lists of Lists.
Lack of Love.
Lowest of Low.
Lady of the Lake.
FAQs on LOL Full Form
1.What is the Meaning of ROFL?
Ans. ROFL is the written abbreviation for ‘rolling on the floor laughing’ which is used, for example in an internet chat room, or in a showcase that you think something is insanely funny.
2.What Are Smileys?
Ans. A smiley is a symbol that expresses our emotions over the internet. Smileys are used in an email or in a text to show how someone is feeling. :-) is a smiley which shows the expression of happiness.
3.What is Informal Communication?
Ans. Informal Communication means casual communication between friends and relatives. We talk in a less formal tone when between colleagues and we are hanging out in recess, while we talk in a formal manner and communicate formally in a meeting room to our colleagues.