What is the Full Form of NADA?
Let’s discuss the full form of NADA and WADA. NADA is an abbreviation for the National Anti-Doping Agency. It is an independent anti-doping organisation established by the Government of India on November 24, 2005, under the Societies Registration Act of 1890. It promotes, coordinates, and monitors anti-doping programmes in sports in India. Its other activities include the adoption and implementation of anti-doping rules and policies in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
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Its headquarters are in New Delhi, India. Sh. Navin Agarwal is the Director-General as of July 2016, and Dr. Saravana Perumal is the Deputy Director-General. S is NADA's senior project officer.
Main Functions
We have already discussed NADA full form, let’s discuss the main functions.
To put the Anti-Doping Code into action and ensure that it is accepted by all sports organisations in the country.
Coordination of dope testing programmes with the assistance of all stakeholders.
To encourage dope-free sports by promoting anti-doping research, education, and awareness programmes.
Adopting best practices and quality systems to ensure the effective implementation and continuous improvement of anti-doping programmes.
Here, we are going to discuss NADA full form, what is NADA, and also the full form of NADA and WADA.
The NADA full form is National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) is the national organisation in charge of promoting, coordinating, and monitoring the country's doping control programme in all of its forms. NADA strives for a 'dope free sports environment in India.
2. NADA’s Primary Function
Adopting and implementing anti-doping policies and rules in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code, In collaboration with other sports organisations and anti-doping organisations, Encouraging mutual testing between National Anti-Doping Organizations and Anti-doping research and education.
3. Code
The World Anti-Doping Code (Code) is a document that harmonises anti-doping regulations across all sports and all countries around the world. The Code establishes a framework for anti-doping policies, rules, and regulations for sports organisations and public authorities, ensuring a level playing field for all athletes around the world.
Anti - Dope Rule Violations
WADA defines doping as the occurrence of one or more of the anti-doping rule violations listed in the WADA/NADA Code.
The presence of a prohibited substance, or its metabolites or markers, in a sample from an athlete.
An athlete's use or attempted use of a prohibited substance or a prohibited method.
After being notified, refusing to submit to sample collection.
Failure to provide accurate location information or being unavailable for doping control
Attempting to tamper with any aspect of the doping control process.
Possession of an illegal substance or method.
Trafficking in an illegal substance or method.
Using or attempting to use a prohibited substance or method on an athlete.
Association Prohibited Complicity.
Prohibited Substances and Methods
The World Anti-Doping Agency updates the List of Prohibited Substances and Methods on an annual basis. The list is the International Standard that defines what is prohibited in and out of competition. The list also indicates whether specific substances are prohibited in specific sports.
Athletes Responsibilities
According to the WADA Code, athletes are held accountable if a prohibited substance is discovered in their bodily Specimens. This means that a violation occurs whether the athlete used a prohibited substance intentionally or unintentionally, knowingly or unknowingly, or was negligent or otherwise at fault.
Latest Information
Athletes should always check with their National Federations/International Federations (IFs) to see what other substances and methods are prohibited in their sports. Athletes should also always inform their doctors that they are bound by the specific rules of their sport. Those who are unsure about the contents of a product should avoid using it until they are certain it is not prohibited. Ignorance is never an acceptable excuse.
Doping Control
Doping controls or athlete testing are the testings that are carried out in accordance with the Code and the International Standard for Testing. Athletes who compete at the international, as well as national level, maybe tested anytime, anywhere. Specially trained as well as accredited doping control personnel carry out all tests.
NADA is responsible for administering an adequate number of in-competition and out-of-competition tests to athletes in its registered testing pool. This includes athletes at the international and national levels who are being tested by NADA. The NADA creates a test distribution plan and assigns the number of samples needed for effective deterrence for each sport or discipline. Out-of-competition testing, in-competition testing, and blood and urine collection are all part of the plan.
In- competition Testing
NADA organises in-competition testing so that only one organisation tests at each event. The criteria for athlete selection are predetermined and are based on the regulations of the relevant IF or event ruling body. Athletes are notified of their selection for testing immediately after the competition, and samples are collected in accordance with the International Standard for Testing. Samples are screened for “in-competition substances” as defined by the World Anti-Doping Agency's Prohibited List.
Out of - Competition Testing
Out-of-competition testing, or testing performed outside of an event, ensures that all athletes can be tested at any time and in any location. NADA requires an athlete identified in the registered testing pool to provide accurate and up-to-date location information. This information is typically required every six months, though NADA may have different requirements, and updates are required if the athlete's plans change. Whereabouts information may include home address, work schedule, training venues and schedule, and competition schedule, as well as anything else that will assist a Doping Control Officer (DCO) in locating the athlete on any given day.
FAQs on NADA Full Form
1. What is the Full Form of NADA and WADA?
Answer. Let's look at the full meanings of NADA and WADA. The National Anti-Doping Agency, abbreviated NADA, is the national organisation in charge of controlling and monitoring the use of doping in all sports in India. NADA is in charge of the adoption and implementation of anti-doping rules and policies in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Agency's guidelines (WADA).
2. What is the Aim of WADA?
Answer. The World Anti-Doping Agency was established with the goal of bringing anti-doping policies and regulations to sport organisations and governments all over the world.