NCC Full Form In Education
NCC stands for National Cadet Corps is the Indian Military corps with its headquarter located in New Delhi. NCC is open for school and college students voluntarily. It is a TrI-service organization comprising the Army wing and Armi navy engaged in shaping up the country’s youth into disciplined and patriotic citizens. A soldier youth foundation in India is a voluntary organization that aims to hire candidates from high school, higher secondary, colleges, and universities from all over India. These cadets are given special training in parades and small arms. On the completion of the course, the officers and cadets do have any liability for active military service.
What is the Meaning of NCC?
NCC's full meaning is National Cadet Corps. The NCC aims to provide opportunities to the youth of the country for their overall development with a sense of duty, commitment, dedication, discipline, and moral values so that they become competent and patriotic citizens. The NCC aims to provide exposure to the cadets in a wide range of activities with a distinct emphasis on social service, discipline, and Adventure Training. The NCC is open for all regular students of school and colleges voluntarily. The students do not possess any liability for active military service.
The aim of NCC:
To provide a suitable environment to encourage the youth to take up a career in the Armed force.
To create an organized human resource, train and motivate youth to provide leadership in all phases of life and always available for the service of the nation.
To develop discipline, comradeship, character, secular outlook, the spirit of adventure, and ideals of selfless service among the youth of the country.
NCC Core Values
NCC long form National Cadet Corps has few activities that are guided by certain core values that we aim to inculcate among all the ranks of NCC. These includes:
A sensation of patriotic commitment to encourage cadets to contribute to national development.
Ability to participate in community development and other social activities
Promoting the habits of self-restraint and self-awareness.
Understanding the value of honesty, sacrifice, truthfulness, perseverance, and hard work
Sensitivity to the needs of poor and socially underprivileged fellow citizens.
Respect for knowledge, wisdom, and power of ideas.
Respect for diversities in religion, language, culture, ethnicity, lifestyle, and habit to foster a sense of national unity and cohesion.
An enduring commitment to learning and obeying the norms and values preserved in the Indian constitution.
NCC Motto
“ Unity And Discipline” is the motto of NCC. To fulfill this motto. NCC strives to be and is one of the greatest adhesive forces of the nation, bringing together the youth coming from different parts of the country and shaping them into united and disciplined citizens of India.
NCC Uniform
Army cadets wear khaki uniforms. Naval cadets wear a white uniform of Navy. Air force cadets wear blue uniforms similar to the air force uniforms. The uniform is compulsory to wear on all occasions.
NCC Certificates and Examinations
There are three certificates in NCC. Following certificates are described from the lower value to higher values:
Certificate A: It can be obtained from JD/JW cadets of NCC, during classes 8 and 9. After promoting these classes, this certificate cannot be obtained. The candidate must have attended at least 75% of the total training period laid down in the syllabus for the first and second years of JD/JW NCC( All Wings). The candidate must have attended one Annual training camp.
Certificate B: It can be obtained by SD/SW candidates after class 10 and those studying for a degree. The candidate must have attended at least 75% of the total training period laid down in the syllabus for the first and second years of SD/SW NCC( All Wings). The candidate must have attended one Annual training camp/NIC. Candidates who received certificate A will be given extra 10 marks. Minimum 10 Glider launches must be performed by air wing cadets.
Certificate C: It is the highest level of certification for NCC. It can take in the 3rd year of training and during the third year of the degree course. Those who received certificate B can take it in the first year after the completion of their Class 12 and in the 1st year of their degree course.
The candidate must have attended one or two Annual training camp and one of the following camps:
RD Camp Delhi
Centrally organized camp
Para training amp
Attachment training with service units
National integration camp
Youth exchange program or Foreign cruise (only National wing)
NCC Gradings in Certificate
Three certificates are awarded to NCC cadets. These are:
Grade A
Grade B
Grade C
Grade A is the best grade, which has the highest value. A cadet has to achieve 45% marks in each paper and 50% in the aggregate to pass the examination.
Grading is based on total marks obtained and it is awarded as follows:
Grading A - Cadets securing 80% marks and above
Grading B - Cadets securing 65% marks and above but below 80%
Grading C - Cadets securing 50% marks and above but below 65%
Fail - Cadets securing less than 45% marks in any paper or less than 50% in aggregate.
FAQs on NCC Full Form
1.When did the NCC come into existence?
The NCC came into existence under the National cadet crop act XXXI of 1948 ( passed in April 1948, and came into existence on July 16, 1948).
2.Is the nature of the NCC program compulsory or voluntary?
The NCC program is voluntary.
3.What is the motto of NCC?
“Unity and Discipline” is the motto of NCC.
4.When is the NCC day observed?
NCC day is observed on the fourth Sunday of November.
5.Which ministry manages NCC in all states?
The education ministry manages NCC in all states.
6.What is the senior division represented in NCC?
The division of NCC to which male students from Class XI and XII and college are enrolled is referred to as the Senior wing.
7.What is the senior wing represented in NCC?
The division of NCC to which female students from class XI and XII and college are enrolled is referred to as the senior wing.
8.What is the junior division represented in NCC?
The division of NCC to which male students from school ( 13 years of age or above) are enrolled is referred to as the junior division.
9.What certificate will I earn in NCC as a JD/JW candidate?
As a JD/JW candidate, you can earn a Certificate 'A' in NCC
10.What certificate will I earn in NCC as a SD/SW candidate?
As a SD/SW candidate, you can earn a certificate 'B' and 'C' in NCC.