Full-Form of NIA India
NIA full form National Investigation Agency is India’s anti-terrorist task force. The agency is authorized to deal with the crimes related to terror throughout the states without any special permission from the states. On December 31, 2008, the agency came into existence with the validation of the National Investigation Agency act 2008 by the Parliament of India, which was elapsed after the life-threatening terror attack in Mumbai.
Such an attack certainly failed the intelligence and ability to track such activities by existing agencies in India. The Government of India perceived the requirement of a separate body to comply with the terror-related activities in India, hence establishing the National Investigation Agency. The NIA headquarters is in New Delhi and its branches are in Kochi, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Mumbai, Kolkata, Raipur, and Jammu. The NIA maintains its most-wanted list.
What is the Full Form of NIA?
The full form of NIA is National Investigation Academy.
NIA Overview
NIA Chief and Founding Director
Radha Vinod Raju was the founding director of NIA, and he served his position till January 31, 2010. He was replaced by Sharad Chandra Sinha till March 2013. Navneet Rajan Wasan held the position of DG till July 2013. Sharad Kumar in 2017 was appointed as the Chief of the NIA, Y.C. Modi was appointed as the Chief of NIA in September.
NIA Formation Bill
A bill for the formation of NIA was passed in Parliament in December 2008. According to the bill, NIA has coexisting jurisdiction which permits the Central Investigation agency to investigate attacks in any part of the country, covering crimes, along with the challenges to the country's jurisdiction and ethics, bomb blast, skyjacking of ships and aircraft, attack on nuclear installation. The amendments to the NIA attack have brought annoyance in terms of smuggling in extensive quality counterfeit Indian Currency under the definition of a terrorist attack aimed at damaging the monetary stability of the country and hence can be investigated by the NIA.
The field personnel of the agency in the national capital could be drawn from existing central staff and security organizations while in the states, a permanent delegation from the state police could be withdrawn.
On December 30, 2008, the NIA bill and unlawful activities ( prevention) Amendment bill became law as President Pratibha Patil gave her acceptance to the legislation which was passed in the last meeting of the government.
NIA Amendment Bill 2019
On July 17, 2019, the NIA Amendment bill 2019 was passed. The NIA Amendment bill 2019 aims to give more prongs to the investigating powers of the bill. It authorizes the NIA to investigate terror attacks targeting Indian and Indian interests abroad. The revised legislation that primarily aims to empower the anti territory agency to investigate scheduled offices such as circulation of fake currency, human trafficking, manufacturing and selling of illegal arms, and cyber terrorism was passed with a majority of 273 votes in favour and six against in the Lok Sabha. It was also passed in Rajya Sabha after those in opposition staged a walkout. This bill permitted NIA to investigate the Sri Lanka Easter Bombings and Kabul Gurudwara Bombings.
NIA Vision
NIA long-form National Investigation Academy aims to be a profound licensed investigative agency meeting the best international standard. The NIA aims to maintain the standard of anti-terrorism and other national security-related investigations at the national level by evolving it into a highly trained, partnership-oriented workforce. It also aims to formulate obstacles for existing and potential terrorist groups/ individuals. It aims to emerge as a treasury of all terrorist-related information.
NIA Mission
Comprehensive professional investigations of scheduled delinquency using the modern scientific method of investigation and setting up such standards to ensure that all the cases delegated to the NIA are investigated.
To build confidence among the citizens of India through selfless and fearless efforts.
Ensuring effective and speedy trial.
Introducing traditional methods and updated technology in all areas of responsibility of the agency.
Helping all states and other investigating agencies in the investigation of cases related to the terrorist.
Forming a professional workforce through regular training and exposure to the best standard and procedures.
Set up a computer database of all the information related to the terrorist and share this data with the States and other agencies.
Maintaining professional and peaceful relations with the government of states and union territories and other law enforcement agencies in conformity with the legal provision of the NIA act.
Study and analyze laws related to terrorism in another country and regularly evaluate the adequacy of existing laws in India and suggest changes as and when necessary.
FAQs on NIA Full Form
1.What is NIA?
Ans: The NIA, full form National Investigation Agency is a central anti-terrorism agency functioning under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. The NIA is permitted to deal with crimes related to terror throughout the states without the special permission of the states.
2.Who is the Current NIA Chief of India?
Ans: Yogesh Chandra Modi (Y.C.) is the current Director-General/Chief of the NIA.
3.What is the NIA Long-Form?
Ans: The NIA long-form is the National Investigation Agency.
4.When Was NIA Established?
Ans: NIA was established in 2009.
5.Can the State Government Investigate a Case Under the Scheduled Offence?
Ans: Yes, it is issued under section 10 of the NIA act, 2008.
6.What is the Responsibility of the State Government During the Investigation of the Case by the NIA?
Ans: The State Government shall cooperate and assist the NIA in the investigation of the scheduled offence under section 9 of the NIA Act.
7.Can a State Government Request the NIA To Acquire the Investigation of a Case?
Ans: A State Government may appeal to the Central government to render the investigation of a case to the NIA, provided that there is a reasonable justification to suggest the commission of a scheduled crime under the National Investigation Agency acts in the said crime.