Full Form of PAC
Most of the time in books or the internet or in military and force academy the word PAC is often used. PAC is a common and famous acronym that is referred to in a wide variety of categories be it cosmetic, military, a village in Albania, business, aviation, politics that has a public account committee (PAC full form) in parliamentary body as well as in education. Some of the PAC full forms and its categories are mentioned in the below table.
But this article mostly elaborates PAC full form in police / PAC force full form and PAC in medical as well as in computing systems. Most of the people who are an aspirant for police service examinations or any governmental exams that relates to provincial force in India have come across this word PAC many times but not many knows “what is the full form of PAC” concerning the force in India.
What is the Full Form of PAC?
PAC stands for Provincial Armed Constabulary which is actually donated to the police forces in India that is divided into 3 zones, 7 sectors and 33 battalions. The 33 battalions of Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC full form in police) are further divided into 273 companies, however, due to lack of manpower only 225 are active right now. It is also called pradeshik armed constabulary which is an armed police force in Uttar Pradesh that was created to maintain the serious law and order situation in times of social unrest without deploying any army forces. Though pradeshik armed constabulary (PAC full form for police) was initially established to serve the state of Uttar Pradesh but now this force is serving the lengths and breaths of the entire country.
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PAC is an armed force reserve that is posted at the key locations of the country and becomes active only when there is an order from the higher official or authority within the force like deputy inspector general (DIG) of police force and is immediately mobilized in the locations of serious unrest. The head of this force is the director general of Provincial Armed Constabulary. Before 1952, it was famously known as the United Province Military Force or Uttar Pradesh Military Force. In 1952 this force was renamed to Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC full form in police) and is known by the same name in present days in India. Other than PAC there are three zones of UPPAC and those are central zone, eastern zone and western zone. These are generally headed by Inspector General (IG) or Additional Director General of police (ADG).
Thus PAC is established as the wing of Uttar Pradesh and is situated at the different cities in the state. Each PAC battalion comprises 7 to 8 companies and each company comprises 200 jawans. These jawans carry only sticks commonly known as lathis with them.
Aims and Objective of PAC
The main aims and objectives of PAC are as follows:-
To secure the lives and properties and at the same time limit the deaths due to natural or counterfeit calamities.
It helps in preparing salvage and actively provides help with the accessible assets in rescuing lives in flooded-stuck regions.
It also associates with the other alleviation organizations to provide quick aid.
It helps provide preparation ime to police like PAC and identifies traffic police with salvage and elevations in order to prepare a joint force to control the damages done by serious calamities.
They often design and carry out mindful programs in order to influence people and generate volunteers who then help in accomplishing salvage work during the debacles.
It has been long associated with the alleviation and salvage work in the following kinds of disasters.
Natural disaster as well as social unrest scenario.
Substance and nuclear disaster.
Heavy flood as well as water logging.
earthquakes or similar geographical catastrophes.
Major Function of PAC
There are various significance of Provincial Armed Constabulary, some of them are listed below:-
It is largely allocated by and for the securities of VIPs.
To keep up social peace and harmony during big events or celebrations like Id, Diwali or cataclysmic events, races, games, fairs etc.
It is generally active to control the associations’ distress of understudies or dissent, flare up works, arrange wrongdoings within the law and order system or otherwise and certain general uproars.
It is trained in order to identify and arrest any intimidation tasks carried out by an enemy.
PAC System Full Form
Other than Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC full form in police), it is also used as an acronym for medical image data processing system. PAC system full form stands for picture archiving and communication system which is a medical imaging technology that helps in economical storage as well as retrieval, management, distribution and presentation of clear medical images. Here the electronically built images are transferred digitally with the help of the PAC system. Thus it has made it easy to store data by eliminating the need of piling manual files or transportation of film jackets from one place to another. It broadly helps the healthcare organizations specially hospitals to capture as well as digitally transmit the images both internally and externally. Thus, PAC consists of four major components and those are
The imaging modalities.
A secured close network that transmit the patients data digitally.
An elaborate and user friendly workstation where the datas and images are reviewed and interpreted.
An archive for storage and retrieval of reports and images of patients.
Within the evolving technologies and their easy availability in the global market, PACS has evolved as a major tool to efficiently and timely deliver the data, provide easy access to images and their retrieval, display and distribution.
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The PACS has been proven beneficial to physicians, diagnosticians, patients as well as to the hospitals. Some of the benefits are listed below:
Benefit for Diagnosticians:
File integrity and faster retrieval.
Better diagnostic images.
With the current patient's file it helps in accurate and quick retrieval of old files of patients.
Benefit With the Current Referring Physician:
Early diagnosis and intervention.
Better patients management.
Reduces legal costs due to loss of film jackets, lack of patients history, incorrect diagnosis or maladministration.
Reduce length of stay and hence improve patients outcome.
Benefits for Patients:
Reduce Waiting time for results.
Reduce the exposure of X-rays radiation for multiple image requirements.
Shorter time requirement for examination.
Reduce the inconvenience caused to patients for repetitive visits to hospitals for examination and reexaminations.
Reducing the chance of adverse reactions to contrast agents.
Benefits for Hospitals:
Better hospital administration.
Less crowing of patients and chances of mismanagement.
Better interaction with the doctors in concern.
Greater staff retention due to improved moral values and less legal involvement.
PAC Full Form in Medical
PAC in medical term stands for preanesthetic evaluation or pre anesthetic assessment that is defined as a pre medical checkup and the laboratory investigations done by the anesthesia supplier or provider and the doctor or nurse in concern in order to analyse the pre medical condition of the patient before any surgery or any other medical problem or unidentified diseases that the patient is suffering from. The major goal of this assessment is to identify any hidden risk implied due to any health condition of the patients and increase the complexity of the surgery and to modify the medical procedures properly and accurately. This particular procedure helps in identifying the correct anesthetic reagents and techniques to be used keeping the perioperative care, patient’s satisfaction while reducing the risk factors that can evolve due to any physical health condition of the patient. PAC involves collective medical information from the past medical history, physical examinations, interviews as well as the investigation reports of the lab in preanesthetic evaluation. A learning technique has been suggested for the preanesthetic evaluation in order to ensure all aspects are covered. This goes as follows:
A - Affirmative history or airways
B - Blood hemoglobin, blood availability, breathing pattern and blood loss estimation
C - Clinical examination and co-morbidities
D- Details of previous anesthesia and surgical history and drug being used by the patients
E- Evaluation investigation and assessing the end point to be taken for the surgery
F- Fasting and fluid status.
G - Giving full physical status and getting consent.
FAQs on PAC Full Form
1.What is the Full Form of PAC in India?
Ans. PAC stands for Public Account Committee, a selected public committee that is responsible for auditing the revenue and expenditure of the government and is appointed by the members of parliament.
2.How Many PACs Are There in Uttar Pradesh?
The PAC in U.P. is divided into 3 zones, 7 sectors and 33 battalions that comprises 273 companies out of which 223 are operational at the moment due to the lack of manpower.
3.What is the Need of PAC Clearance in Medical Terms?
Ans. It is basically a pre-examination of any risk factors involved with the medical health condition of the patient and mainly focuses on pulmonary, cardiac and infectious complications that might hinder the functional capacity of the patient and therefore is an essential component for any preoperative evaluation.