What is PHP Full Form and Meaning?
PHP Full Form: Hypertext Preprocessor (earlier called, Personal Home Page). PHP is a general-purpose programming language that is particularly well suited to web development. Formal paraphrase Rasmus Lerdorf, a Danish-Canadian programmer, designed it in 1994. The Hypertext Processor Group currently produces the PHP reference implementation. Hypertext Processor (PHP course full form)was originally an abbreviation for Personal Home Page, but it is now used to refer to the recursive initialism. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor(PHP language full form). On a web server, Hypertext Processor(PHP long form) code is often executed by a PHP interpreter, which can be implemented as a module, a daemon, or a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable.
The outcome of the interpreted and executed PHP code – which might be any sort of data, such as produced HTML or binary image data – would comprise the entirety or a portion of an HTTP response on a web server. There are several online template systems, online content management systems, and web frameworks available to coordinate or ease the development of that answer. Furthermore, PHP may be used for a variety of programming jobs other than web development, such as standalone graphical apps and robotic drone control. PHP code may also be run straight from the command line. The Zend Engine, which powers the standard PHP interpreter, is free software distributed under the PHP License. PHP has been widely ported and can be installed for free on virtually any web server running practically any operating system or platform.
History of PHP
Rasmus Lerdorf began developing PHP in 1994 when he created many Common Gateway Interface (CGI) applications in C to manage his personal webpage. He enhanced them to function with web forms and interface with databases and dubbed this version "Personal Home Page/Forms Interpreter," or PHP/FI. PHP/FI has the potential to be used to create basic, dynamic web apps. On the Usenet discussion group comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi on June 8, 1995, Lerdorf announced the release of PHP/FI as "Personal Home Page Tools (PHP Tools) version 1.0" in order to speed up bug reporting and code improvement. This version already had the fundamental features that PHP has today. This included Perl-like variables, form handling, and HTML embedding. The syntax was similar to Perl's, but it was simpler, more constrained, and less consistent. PHP was not meant to be a new programming language at the time, and it expanded naturally, as Lerdorf noted in retrospect: "I'm not sure how to stop it; there was never any intention of creating a programming language, I had no clue how to develop a programming language, so I just kept adding the next logical step along the way."
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Features of PHP
Simple: It is incredibly basic and straightforward to use when compared to other scripting languages, and it is extensively used all over the world.
Interpreted: It is an interpreted language, therefore no compilation is required.
Faster: It runs quicker than other scripting languages such as asp and jsp.
PHP is a case-sensitive programming language when it comes to variable definition. In PHP, all keywords, classes, functions, and user-defined functions (e.g., if, else, while, echo, etc.) are case-insensitive.
Hypertext Processor (PHP full form computer language) code will operate on all platforms, including Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows.
Use of PHP
It is used to build dynamic websites.
Interacting with the webserver (Apache etc).
To communicate with any backend/database server, such as MySQL.
Interaction with the operating system's native file system.
To put the business logical levels in place (one or more).
PHP File
A PHP file is a website with PHP which stands for, Hypertext Preprocessor(PHP language full form) code. PHP functions that may handle online forms, obtain the date and time, or retrieve information from a database, such as a MySQL database, may be included. PHP files are normally solely used by web developers when generating or altering PHP files for the development of web pages with additional functionality. Average consumers, on the other hand, may download PHP files from a site using a web browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. The site's PHP code is parsed (processed) by a PHP engine on the web server, which dynamically generates HTML. The HTML, which includes the content of the site, is subsequently transmitted to the user's web browser. As a result, even when inspecting the website source, the viewer never sees the real Hypertext Processor(PHP full form in HTML) code embedded in the webpage.
What is XAMPP?
XAMPP full form stands for Cross-platform, Apache server, Mysql, Hypertext Processor(PHP programming full form), Perl programming language, it's a free and open-source cross-platform web server stack bundle created by Apache Friends that contains the Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB database, and PHP and Perl script interpreters. Because most genuine web server installations employ the same components as XAMPP, it is straightforward to convert from a local test server to a live server. Because of XAMPP's simplicity of deployment, a WAMP or LAMP stack may be rapidly and easily deployed on an operating system by a developer, with the added benefit that popular add-in programs such as WordPress and Joomla! The name XAMPP is an obvious acronym. On the Apache Friends page, however, no official acronym extension is mentioned. Their webpage header says "XAMPP Apache + MariaDB + PHP + Perl" (XAMPP Full Form)hinting that this is a recursive acronym.
FAQs on PHP Full Form
1. What Exactly is PHP and Why is it Used?
Answer: PHP is an HTML-enabled server-side programming language. It is used to manage dynamic content, databases, session monitoring, and even to create full e-commerce websites. It is compatible with several common databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server.
2. Why is PHP So Bad?
Answer: PHP began as a scripting language with few of the capabilities of more established programming languages; for example, it did not have OO support until PHP4. This is where it first gained a reputation for being despised.
3. What's the Distinction Between PHP and HTML?
Answer: HTML is a markup language, whereas PHP is a programming language. HTML defines the overall structure and content of a web page, whereas PHP offers dynamic content via scripts. PHP is normally used on the server, whereas HTML is used on the client.