What is the full form of SSB?
About the Organization
Services Selection Board is the focal association that assesses the contender for turning out to be officials in the Indian Armed Forces. The Board surveys the reasonableness for turning into an official utilizing the standard convention of assessment framework, which includes character tests, insight tests, and meetings. The tests are of two kinds: Composed and Useful Assignment based.
An SSB board comprises assessors who are officials in the Indian Armed Forces and have their specialization as Psychologist, Group Task Officer (GTO) and Interviewing Officer. Altogether, there are thirteen Services Selection Boards across India, out of which four sheets are for Indian Army, four seats are for Indian Air Force, and five seats for Indian Navy. SSB is a 5 to 6 days assessment process.
Recruitment Procedure
There are numerous pathways to commission as an officer in the Indian Armed Forces. This applies to both citizens of India (after 10+2, graduation, and post-graduation), just as for serving the military workforce. There is no restriction on the number of attempts that can be made. The determination happens over a five-day process. Day 1 includes a screening test, Day 2 includes mental tests, Days 3 and 4 are for bunch undertakings, and Day 5 is for the arrangement of results in Conference. The characteristics searched for in the chosen time frame incorporate keenness, duty, activity, a judgment under pressure, the capacity to reason and compose, relational abilities, assurance, mental fortitude, fearlessness, speed in dynamic, eagerness to set a model, and empathy and sentiment of faithfulness to the country. The choice depends on the ideas of Manasa, Vacha, and Karmana.
The Service Selection Board comprises an Interviewing officer and assessors who are already officials in the Indian Armed Forces having their respective specializations as Psychologist, and a Group Task Officer (GTO). The total number of seats is 13 and is divided as follows:
SSB- Eligibility Criteria
In order to secure a commissioned officer position, there are several ways offered by the Indian armed forces to secure this position. Any citizen of India can apply for SSB if they have accomplished higher secondary, graduation, or post-graduation.
SSB- Selection Process
The selection process takes a total number of 5 days.
Day 0
On the day, a candidate needs to report at the railroad station towards the beginning of the day between 7am - 8am, and from that point, candidates are accompanied to the board by one of the SSB officials. On exactly the same day, candidates are made to sit in the testing corridor, where they need to introduce their instructive archives for check and are assigned a number (called Chest Number) by which they will have the option to distinguish the competitors throughout the procedure.
Day 1, Screening test – Stage
On Day 1, phase one of testing is regulated. This incorporates a verbal and non-verbal knowledge test (about 50 inquiries each) and afterwards, a Picture Perception and Description Test (PPDT). In this test, an image, either cloudy or clear, appears for 30 seconds. Every applicant watches it and afterwards, in the following one minute, must record the number of characters found in the image. At that point, in a short time, every competitor should, in more than seventy words, make a story from the image (and not simply depict the image). The candidate must record the temperament, estimated age, and sex of the principal character they saw, known as the "fundamental character". In stage two of the PPDT, every competitor must portray his story in less than one minute. The gathering is then approached to make a typical story including each or their apparent picture stories.
Day 2, Psychology Test – Stage II
On Day 2, a Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT) or picture story composing is regulated. It is like the PPDT, yet the image utilized is clear. Again, the candidates have demonstrated an image for thirty seconds and afterwards, they need to compose a story in the following four minutes. Twelve such pictures are demonstrated consecutively. The last picture is a clear slide welcoming their preferred possibility to compose an account. Candidates don't have to recollect the number of characters in each image and there is no gathering conversation. The candidates have been shown sixty basic, regular words in succession. Each appears for fifteen seconds. For each word, the candidates compose the primary idea that strikes a chord in light of the word.
Days 3 and 4, Group test by GTO (Group Testing Officer) – Stage III
On the third and fourth days, there are undertakings including bunch conversation, gathering (military) arranging works out, dynamic gathering assignments, little (half) bunch errands, singular undertakings (impediments), bunch snag or "snake race", order undertakings, a lecturette, and the last gathering task.
Days 2, 3, and 4, Interview by IO (Interviewing Officer) – Stage IV
On days 2, 3, or 4, alongside GTO, the meeting is led by the talking official. It depends on the individual data polls filled by the competitors on day 1 and other general information.
Day 5, Last Appraisal and Results (Conference)
On day five, all the officials in Proper Uniform go to the meeting with every competitor. The candidate has a discussion with a board of assessors. While talking, the assessors search for certainty and articulation, an inspirational mentality in affliction and in everyday life and genuineness.
SSB - Grounds for Disqualification
Candidates will not be considered by the SSB if they have any of the following medical conditions:
Knock Knee
Kidney Stones
Flat Foot
Pigeon Chest
Sweaty Palms
Defective Color Vision
LASIK Surgery
Over/Under Weight
Other than these medical conditions, the candidate must have a color vision standard of CP-III and a minimum of 14 dental points with sound teeth.
The full form of SSB in the army is the Service Selection Board, which is an organization in which the assessment of candidates willing to become officers in the Indian Armed Forces is done. It is created by the Defense Ministry of India in order to conduct the interview for the recruitment of officers in the Indian army. It is specially designed to test the officer-like qualities in the candidates.
FAQs on SSB Full Form
What is the Full Form of SSB?
SSB full form is the Services Selection Board that has been set by the Defense Ministry for recruitment to the armed forces.
Is the Selection For the SSB Tough?
Yes, SSB is known as one of the toughest examinations in India. It is based on a whole range of selection procedures which encapsulates written, physical, mental and medical examinations. So, unless you are extremely confident it will be difficult to clear these examinations at the first attempt.
What are some of the facts related to SSB one should know before perusal?
Some of the facts that a candidate appearing for SSB must know are listed below.
It is reckoned as one of the toughest interviews among all the other competitive exams in India.
The duration is one of the longest in order to conduct the interviews, which is 5 days.
The candidates are monitored all the time and are being judged for their personalities via some SSB tests.
The SSB focuses on the candidates having officer-like qualities.
Only a handful of candidates are able to clear this SSB interview.
What is the first stage included in the selection process of the SSB interview?
There are two tests involved in the first stage of the selection process, the PST (Physical Standard Test) and PET (Physical Efficiency Test) stage. In the Physical Standard Test measurements of the chest, height, and weight are taken before there is any progression to the next physical test, while in the Physical Endurance Test, high jump and long jump events are organized that the candidates have to qualify in order to be eligible for the next round.
What is meant by the Detailed Medical Examination (DME) of an SSB constable?
The number of candidates called is up to three times the number of vacancies for the documentation and the Detailed Medical Examination for SSB. Some of the candidates, even though they are declared qualified in the skill test, fail to go through the DME and documentation procedures, and those candidates are not called. The candidate who is declared medically unfit will not be given any chance for an appointment in the government service.
What are the three stages of the SSB selection process?
The SSB selection process is classified into three stages, which involve the Physical Test (PET & PST) in stage 1, Written Test in stage 2, and Medical Test in stage 3. The candidates need to report to their respective centers that are allotted to them before getting on with the main stages. The candidates have to take part in a Knockout race, which is conducted for men and women separately. The time limit for mens’ 5 km race is 24 mins, while that for womens’ 1.6 km race is 8.30 mins. Candidates would only be eligible for this race if they are 10th passed and the candidates who qualify this race stage would be eligible for the main stages.