Learn about the Life and Teachings of the Buddha
Buddha or Gautam Buddha was born in Nepal in the village of Kapilavastu into the infamous Gautama Family that belonged to the Shakya Clan. These people were basically members of the warrior-priest clan. It is a fact that the father of Gautam Buddha who was called Shuddhodhana was basically the tribe's head. While Gautam Buddha married a woman named Yashodhara and has a son named Rahul, he left his life of luxury and attained nirvana under a Papal Tree. In this article, we are going to discuss some important details about the life and teachings of the buddha. After reaching the age of 35, Gautam Buddha attained the stage of enlightenment and that is when he came to be known as the Buddha or the enlightened one.
The Story of Buddha: What you Should Know?
Before learning all about the teachings of the Buddha as well as the statues, it is important to know about the life of Buddha. Students all over the world who are currently practicing Buddhism tend to know the life and the story of the buddha. So, here we are going to provide some important details to those who want to know about it.
In 563 BC, the Buddha was born as Siddhartha in the clan of Shakya to Shuddhodhana and Mahamaya Gautama in the village of Kapilavastu, Nepal. The Shakyas were basically warrior-priests who were a very wealthy tribe. Siddhartha’s father was the elected head of the tribe. We all know the Buddha by many names but his birth name was Siddhartha. That is one of the main reasons why he is also known as Gautama Buddha or Shakyamuni. He was the sage who was responsible for the founding of Buddhism after attaining the stage of enlightenment when he reached the age of 35.
The Buddha and his Dhamma: Know About the Life of Buddha
The process of becoming the Buddha was a very hard one but Prince Siddhartha managed to achieve that goal when he reached the age of 35. He left his luxurious life in order to understand the meaning of the lives that we are provided with. He became the Enlightened One when he achieved Nirvana under the Bodhi Tree which is situated recently in Bodh Gaya. He went through several hardships for about 6 years of his entire life. With the help of meditation, he managed to achieve the enlightenment that he was looking for. Not to mention he also found several other forms of knowledge such as the ultimate truths and other paths to a better life. Not just that but the statues of the Buddha are currently worshipped in different regions that practice Buddhism.
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After attaining the stage of Nirvana, Buddha continued his process of meditation for 49 days more. After that period was over, he then went on with his journey. He went on to teach the teachings in Sarnath. Some of these teachings included different variants of all the Buddhist-related knowledge such as the Noble truths, Eightfold paths, as well as some other discourses of Buddhism in the best way. It is also speculated that most of these teachings then formed the basis of the Hinayana principles. Here we are going to have some discussions about these different teachings of Buddha and hence students will be able to gain more information about it in the best way.
Apart from attaining Nirvana, Gautama Buddha also managed to find truthful answers regarding some of the most unsolvable questions in the lives of people that center around truth, rebirth, death as well as life. These teachings as well as the philosophy of the Buddha then saved the lives of so many people and souls all over the world. His teachings are now divided into different discourses that are practiced all over the planet in the form of Buddhism.
Some of the Basic Teachings of the Buddha
Some of the most important teachings as well as the statues of the Buddha are seen as religious forms in different parts of the world. Here we are going to talk about some of these teachings so that people can have a better understanding. This way, people will be able to know the true meaning of the Dhamma wheel as well as the other philosophies of Buddhism as well.
The Triple Gem
There are 3 important things that are taught in Buddhism and these are the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. It is taught that people should be able to take proper refuge in these three important things as well. People need to know the true meaning of these 3 important gems in order to seek refuge amongst them.
"I Take Refuge in Buddha
I Take Refuge in Dharma
I Take Refuge in Sangha"
Three Universal Truths
After attaining the stage of Nirvana, Gautama Buddha also found several truthful answers to some of the unsolvable riddles of life. These are now known as the Universal Truths in Buddhism. These truths are:
Nothing really gets lost in the Universe
Change is constant as things keep on changing for most of their time
Effect and cause are inevitable
Noble Truths
These 4 noble truths are also a part of Buddhism teachings. These noble truths tend to speak about suffering, the cause of it, and the end of it as well as the noble eightfold path that leads to the ending of the suffering in people. These are definitely some of the most important teachings that have been forwarded by Gautama Buddha. By following these noble truths, one will truly find an end to their suffering for sure. These teachings have managed to provide a new meaning to the lives of so many different people in the world.
Noble Eightfold Path
In order to end their suffering, one needs to follow the noble eightfold path that has been suggested by Gautama Buddha in the Four Noble Truths that he has taught the entire world. These noble paths are definitely the means to end the suffering and the cause of the suffering as well. These paths are mentioned below so that people can get an idea about the Buddha’s teachings in the best way.
Right Intention
Right View
Right Contact
Right Speech
Right Livelihood
Right Mindfulness
Right Effort
Right Concentration
These are some of the basic teachings that have been taught by the Buddha. These teachings have a very important role to play in the formation as well as the proper development of the religion of Buddhism that is practiced in different regions all over the world. The Asian countries are the major groups that follow Buddhism as their religion. The monks in different Buddhist monasteries still live the lives that have been prescribed by the Buddha.
Different Buddha Statues
The statues of the Buddha are some of the most important mediums with the help of which the monks, as well as the devout Buddhism followers, tend to feel connected to the Buddha. There are different styles and traditions practiced by different regions that follow Buddhism. All of these have their own versions of the Buddha statues. Here we are mentioning some of the most important Buddha statues:
Teaching Buddha
Blessing Buddha
Earth Touching Buddha
Meditation Buddha
Reclining Buddha
Medicine Buddha
Laughing Buddha
Walking Buddha
Fasting Buddha
Contemplation Buddha
So, these are some of the important incidents and facts about Buddha that people need to know about. There are many different styles and forms of Buddhism that are practiced in different regions. The way of living life as prescribed by the Buddha is truly enlightening and will help people in finding new meaning in their entire lifetime in the best way. That is one of the main reasons why the teachings of the Buddha Dharma are still considered to be really important.
FAQs on The Buddha
1. What are the different names of the Buddha?
2. What do we know about the early life of Buddha?