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ICSE Class 9 Chemistry Syllabus 2024-25 Examinations


ICSE Syllabus for Class 9 Chemistry - Free PDF Download

If you are looking towards achieving some good marks in the examinations for Class 9, having the ICSE Class 9 chemistry syllabus is going to be a game-changer for you. Chemistry class 9 syllabus consists of all the important chapters that are going to be helpful to the students. We can say that Class 9 chemistry is really important and essential for students who need to have a piece of fundamental knowledge about different concepts and topics related to chemistry. Hence, the foundation of the students needs to be strong.

This is where the Class 9 Chemistry syllabus proves to be a big help. With the syllabus, students can easily understand what different chapters they have to study so that they can stay at the top of their class without any difficulty or problems. With slight assistance from Vedantu and the Chemistry syllabus for Class 9 ICSE, students can ensure that they have all the help that they need for getting better grades in school. Students are required to maintain some knowledge about the syllabus so that they can have a clear understanding of the topics that they might come upon. We are presenting the updated syllabus to the students right here at Vedantu.

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ICSE Syllabus for Class 9 Chemistry - Free PDF Download

The ICSE Class 9 Chemistry Syllabus mentions all the important information that a student needs to go through to plan his studies. This helps in proper planning and preparation that are key to scoring well in the exam. Here are a few important details mentioned in the ICSE Class 9 Chemistry Syllabus:

  1. Exam pattern: the syllabus mentions that the exam paper will be for two hours and will carry a total of 80 marks. The question paper will be divided into two sections as follows:

  • Section I (40 marks): short answer questions all of which will be compulsory to answer. These questions will cover the entire syllabus. 

  • Section II (40 marks): this section will contain six questions, out of which students will need to answer only four.

It is also mentioned that for the exam students need to study all the chemical reactions with reference to the reactants, products, conditions, observations and the (balanced) equations.

  1. List of chapters and topics: the syllabus then mentions a list of 7 chapters and their important topics for the exam. These are as follows:

  • The Language of Chemistry

  • Chemical changes and reactions

  • Water

  • Atomic Structure and Chemical bonding

  •  The Periodic Table

  • Study of the First Element -Hydrogen

  • Study of Gas Laws

For complete detail on the topics from these chapters, download the syllabus from Vedantu.

  1. Internal assessment details: The syllabus mentions that the internal assessment will be based on the practical work done by the students and will carry 20 marks in total. Students will be required to observe the effect of reagents and/or of heat on substances supplied to them. The syllabus then goes on to mention the list of all the simple experiments that students may be required to do for the practical work. 

As can be seen, the syllabus carries crucial details about the subject and hence, it is recommended that students download it and keep referring to it in the course of their preparation for the exam so that they do not miss important guidelines. 


ICSE Syllabus for Class 9 Chemistry - Free PDF Download

Download the Updated Chemistry Syllabus for Class 9 From Here

There are a lot of amazing chapters in the Chemistry syllabus for Class 9 ICSE and students need to know what they are. Hence, downloading the syllabus from us will prove to be a very good idea. Every single chapter from the syllabus contains some great lessons on different fundamental concepts of Chemistry that will help the students in gaining more knowledge about the subject. Not to mention that there are questions and answers at the end of every single chapter. These questions are made to test the prowess of the students in the Chemistry subject and hence will be helpful during the revision. With the detailed syllabus, students can get an idea of the preparation tactics that might be very useful during their preparation for final examinations. This is one of the main reasons why students are always looking forward to downloading the Class 9 ICSE Chemistry syllabus as fast as they can.


One great thing about the ICSE Syllabus for Chemistry Class 9 is that at our site, these are very easy to download. Anyone with a working device such as a laptop, computer, or mobile phone will be able to download it in the easiest way possible. Apart from that, the syllabus is also free of cost and will be easy to understand. Students can get some serious help from the class 9 ICSE chemistry syllabus if they download it from our site. Most of the chapters are important when the students are trying to build a good foundation in chemistry. We all know how important subject chemistry can be. With our syllabus, they can get an in-depth understanding of the chapters and delve deeper into the concepts and that is going to be helpful in their upcoming examinations as well as higher studies too.


A Comprehensive Syllabus of Chemistry Class 9 ICSE

Now is the time to get your hands on the syllabus of Chemistry Class 9 ICSE because these are free of cost. Some of the important chapters which are included in the syllabus are Chemical Changes and Reactions, The Language of Chemistry, Study of the First Element: Hydrogen, Study of Gas Laws, Water, the Periodic Table and so much more. These chapters provide some insights into the different basic concepts that are so important for the students. Created by some expert authors and scientists, these chapters are thoroughly researched and provide a lot of concepts helpful for the students. That is why we urge you to download the class 9th chemistry syllabus right now.


Most of the chapters in the Class 9 Chemistry syllabus are easy to understand and will be explained well by the teachers. For the students that need more help, we are here with our notes and so much more so that students don’t have any trouble grasping the intricate details of Chemistry.

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FAQs on ICSE Class 9 Chemistry Syllabus 2024-25 Examinations

1. Why should students go for the Chemistry Syllabus of Class 9 ICSE?

Having complete knowledge of the syllabus comes in very handy to properly create a study plan. Students need to be well aware of the requirements of the subject right from the start so that they can devote the required time and effort to it. One of the main reasons why students need to download the syllabus of chemistry Class 9 is that it is free of cost at our site, Vedantu. Not to mention that the entire process of downloading is very easy too and doesn’t take much time. 

2. How can one prepare for examinations with the Chemistry Syllabus for 9th Class?

With the help of the syllabus of Chemistry ICSE Class 9, students can prepare a proper plan on how to go about studying for the subject. With the correct knowledge about important topics, exam patterns, internal assessment requirements, suggested assignments and evaluation schemes, students will be able to stay organized with their study plan. The syllabus is also important for examinations as it saves students’ time by listing out all the important topics and mentioning the deleted ones so that students do not spend too much time on them.

3. What are some Chapters of the ICSE Syllabus for Chemistry Class 9?

Some chapters from ICSE Class 9 chemistry syllabus are:

The Language of Chemistry, Chemical Changes and Reactions, Water, The Periodic Table, Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding, Study of Gas Laws, and much more.

To have good knowledge about all the chapters that will be asked in the examination along with the important topics from them, students must cautiously go through the entire syllabus on this page. They must also download the syllabus for their reference in the future. This will make them fully aware of all the chapters that they need to prepare for the ICSE exams.

4. Is ICSE Class 9 Chemistry difficult?

Chemistry is a subject that requires time and effort on part of the students. ICSE Class 9 Chemistry may seem difficult to some students but if students are on top of their studies since the beginning of the academic year, they will find the subject fascinating and consequently score well in it. This requires proper planning from the start, studying from the correct resources, and getting a lot of practice of the reactions and important questions by going through sample papers and previous years’ question papers. Proper revision regularly also helps in the retention of the concepts making the subject easier to remember.

5. How can Vedantu help in studying ICSE Class 9 Chemistry well?

Vedantu offers several study aids that can help the students in excelling in ICSE Class 9 Chemistry. These include:

Students can register for free on Vedantu to download all the above-mentioned study material absolutely free of cost.