Download JEE Main 2022 July 26 Morning Maths Question Paper Solutions PDF
FAQs on JEE Main 2022 July 26th Shift 1 Maths Question Paper with Answer Keys and Solutions
1. Is the 26 July JEE Main 2022 Morning Shift Maths question paper tougher than the JEE Main 2022 session 1 Maths paper?
No, the difficulty level of the Maths section of JEE Main 26 July shift 1 is the same as that of JEE Main session 1. Most questions were tricky and challenging. Candidates said that the Maths section was time-consuming and lengthy in JEE Main 26 July morning session.
2. Which Maths topics carried more weightage in the 26 July morning session JEE Main 2022?
The topics like Limits and Continuity, Functions, 3D, Vectors, Probability, Statistics, Coordinate Geometry, and Mathematical Reasoning carried more weightage in JEE Main 26 July morning session Maths question paper.
3. What is a good attempt for the 26 July JEE Main Morning Shift Maths paper?
A good attempt for 26 July Shift 1 JEE Main Maths section is 55+. However, most candidates are of the opinion that 45-50 questions are an average attempt owing to the difficulty level of the question paper.
4. JEE Main Maths tends to be lengthy; what strategy can help me finish the paper on time?
Maths is all about precision and mindfulness. If you calculate your answers accurately you get full marks. Therefore, rushing through the question paper is not wise. To score high marks, you need to follow an effective strategy. You can start by dedicating around 5 to 10 minutes to search for the easy questions from among all the questions you have to attempt. Try to solve these first since you have a good grasp of them. Then move on to the more challenging questions. You can set a target to solve 20 questions in 60 minutes. Remember to leave some time for revision to avoid losing marks due to silly mistakes. Revisit the questions you are unsure of before submitting.
5. How can I remember the mathematical formulae for JEE Main Maths 2022?
Learning and retaining important JEE Main Maths formulae are vital. Most of the questions in JEE Main Maths 2022 will be based on the important formulae. The easiest way to remember formulae is by making a list or chart of the important formulae, chapter-wise, and revisiting them as often as possible. Secondly, you must also apply these formulae to solve as many JEE Main Maths Question Papers as possible. This way, you will be able to recollect the formulae while solving different questions in the JEE Main exam.