Download JEE Main 2022 July 29 Evening Shift Maths Question Paper Solutions PDF
FAQs on JEE Main 2022 July 29th Shift 2 Maths Question Paper with Answer Keys and Solutions
1. Which are some good reference books for JEE Main Maths preparation?
NCERT provides one of the best books to learn and revise the basic concepts and sums of JEE Maths topics. For a thorough practice purpose you can refer to the following books.
- Class 11 and 12 Mathematics by R. D. Sharma
- IIT Mathematics by M. L. Khanna
- Differential Calculus by Das Gupta
- Integral Calculus for IIT JEE by Amit Agarwal
- Higher Algebra by Hall and Knight
You can refer to the JEE Main Maths Revision Notes as well to practice all types of Maths questions expected in JEE Main Maths.
2. Is it possible to score full marks in JEE Main Maths?
Yes, it is possible to score full marks in JEE Main Maths, if you have a strong foundation in Maths. Practice is the key here, as the more sums you practice, the better is your speed and accuracy. It is suggested that you begin learning and practising from NCERT Maths textbooks and then make use of the reference books for IIT JEE Maths.
Solve the previous years’ JEE Main question papers and JEE Main sample papers to understand the types of questions asked in the paper. Also, taking JEE Main Mock Tests will help you understand the required time management so you can attempt all the questions in JEE Main.
3. How was the overall Maths Question Paper of JEE Main 2022 29th July 2nd Shift?
The Maths question paper was quite difficult among the three questions papers in JEE Main 2022 29th July 2nd Shift.
4. Did the students find any difficulty while solving the Maths Question Paper of JEE Main 2022 29th July 2nd Shift?
The students claimed that the paper was lengthy and difficult to complete thus making it the most challenging among the three papers.
5. From which topics questions appeared the most in Maths Question Paper of JEE Main 2022 29th July 2nd Shift?
From limits, integration, mathematical reasoning, statistics majority of the questions appeared in the Maths Question Paper of JEE Main 2022 29th July 2nd Shift.