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Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Class 10 Maths Syllabus - Latest 2023-24


Maharashtra SSC Board Maths Syllabus for Class 10 - Free PDF Download From Vedantu

Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Latest Syllabus 2023-2024 is available on the website of Vedantu and its mobile application for free to download for Class 10 Maths. Students are advised to download the Maharashtra SSC Board Syllabus in order to score good marks in the exam. Our highly qualified subject teachers have meticulously analysed the syllabus as per the latest Maharashtra Board exam pattern. We have made sure that Maharashtra Board syllabus have been properly checked and provided for class 10 Maths. Syllabus is the first and foremost thing one needs to refer to and is of utmost importance for the preparation of any exam. 

Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) syllabus for Class 10 Maths will be uploaded soon on this page.

Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Maths 2021-2022 Syllabus for Class 10

Competitive Exams after 12th Science

The Syllabus for Maharashtra Board Class 10 (SSC) Maths is Available for Download at Vedantu

Maths is one of the most important subjects, and students are required to have a good grasp of the subject to score better marks in the exam. Also, if students are thinking of pursuing a science stream after Class 10 (SSC), Maths becomes a vital subject for them. Because many important topics are discussed in Maharashtra board class 10 (SSC) physics subject. Hence, Vedantu has brought to you the detailed syllabus for the Maharashtra Board Class 10 (SSC) Maths.

Also, if you are looking for the syllabus of Class 10 (SSC) science subject for Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) you can find it here at  Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Class 10 Science Syllabus - Latest 2021-2022 (vedantu)

Importance of Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Class 10 Maths Syllabus (SSC):

It is crucial for all the students to have a syllabus because the syllabus gives the students an idea of what the subject is all about. The syllabus of Maths is important for the same reason. Starting the preparation of a subject without knowing a syllabus is like starting a journey without a map, in which case, more often than not, you are going to be lost somewhere in the middle. And students don’t want to get lost midway. Therefore, consider the syllabus for Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Subject, a map for getting a good score in the exam.

  1. The syllabus for class 10 maths, helps the students know all the topics and chapters covered in the subject.

  2. Maths syllabus helps the students to have an idea of which chapter is going to require how much of the time.

  3. Maths Syllabus helps students analyse the subject (Maths) in advance and prepare a timetable.

Hence, Vedantu provides the complete syllabus for Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Class 10 Maths subject.

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FAQs on Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Class 10 Maths Syllabus - Latest 2023-24

1. How many chapters are there in the Maths subject of the Class 10 Maharashtra State board?

There are many chapters covered in the Maharashtra State Board class 10 Maths (SSC). The textbook of the Maths Subjects is divided into two parts. In the first part, there are a total of 6 chapters are covered, which are as under:

  1. Linear Equations in two Variables.

  2. Quadratic Equations.

  3. Arithmetic Progression.

  4. Financial Planning.

  5. Probability.

  6. Statistics.

In the second part, a total of 7 chapters are included, which are as under:

  1. Similarity.

  2. Pythagoras theorem.

  3. Circle.

  4. Geometric Constructions.

  5. Coordinate Geometry.

  6. Trigonometry.

  7. Mensuration.

2. Are all the chapters of the Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Class 10 Maths syllabus, important to study?

Yes, studying all the chapters, that is to say, 6 chapters of part 1, and 7 chapters of part 2 of Class 10 Maths are important for the students. In the final exam of the Maharashtra board questions are asked from all the chapters of both the parts, so if students have studied all the chapters, only then can they answer the questions. Also, many of these 13 chapters are at a foundational level, which is going to help the future aspect of the students. For example, financial planning is going to be helpful for the students who are thinking of going into the commerce stream, and chapters like Quadratic equations, are helpful for the students who are going for the science stream.

3. How can I study effectively to master all the chapters of the Class 10 Maths, Maharashtra board?

To master all the chapters which are covered in the Maths subject, of the Maharashtra Board, students should follow the following steps.

1. Start with the syllabus: read the syllabus thoroughly, to know what you have to study for class 10 maths.

2. Now make a note of strengths and weaknesses. Chances are there can be a few chapters of the syllabus, of which you may have studied some topics. Therefore, these topics become your strengths. And the totally new topics can be considered your weaknesses. Lastly, make an effective timetable according to your strengths and weaknesses.

4. Where can I find the syllabus for the Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Class 10, Maths subject?

Finding the syllabus for the Maharashtra Board, Class 10 (SSC), Maths subject is as easy as visiting the Vedantu website and downloading the syllabus. Yes, you can find the latest and complete syllabus for the class 10 Maths subject at Vedantu, for completely free. It includes all the chapters and all the topics covered in the mathematics subject. And the syllabus is available for free download in a PDF File Format, so the students can view it anytime and anywhere.

You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store.

5. Why should I download the syllabus for Class 10, Maths, Maharashtra board from Vedantu?

At Vedantu we have a team of highly qualified teachers who analyse everything and after that provides the best of the material to the students, so that students can focus solely on their studies. And the syllabus for the Class 10 Maths of Maharashtra Board is prepared in the same manner. Also, the syllabus that Vedantu provides comes in a downloadable PDF file format, and it is totally free so that all the students of Class 10 can benefit from it.