Braille Converter
Braille is a tactile system of writing preferred by visually impaired people. It is generally written with an embossed paper. The visually impaired people who use braille writing systems can read computer screens and other electronic supports using refreshable braille displays. Braille is not a language, rather it is a system of writing and reading different languages without the help of sight.
A software known as braille translator converts the given script into braille codes and proceeds it to a braille embosser, which further provides the hard copy of the original print text. The braille converter transforms only script, not language. Braille translator software can be easily run on a personal computer, smartphone, network servers, or large minicomputers or mainframes of larger institutions.
What is Braille?
Braille is a widely acknowledged system of writing used by blind persons, comprising just a code of 63 different characters, where each code is made up of one to six raised dots presented in a six-position matrix or cell.
Each cell in the braille cell represents a letter, a word a combination of letters, a numeral or punctuation mark. The first ten letters of the alphabet are represented using the top four dots (1,2,4,5). Including a dot 3 makes the next 10 letters, and including a dot 6 makes the last 6 letters of the alphabet (except W as it was not very much used in the French language at the time Louis Braille invented the Braille system).
Punctuation is represented by using a unique set of codes, most often found in the lower part of the cell. Along with the alphabets, braille codes consist of many contractions, which are braille cells that represent combinations of letters or entire words.
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English to Braille Translator
English To Braille translator is an online tool that translates English to Braille. With this translator, you can easily translate English words, phrases, or sentences to Grade 1 braille notations. Grade 1 braille is the easiest version of the Braille alphabet which is formed by a simple letter by letter translation of English alphabets to Braille codes.
In grade 1 braille, the positioning of dots within a cell represents only 1 letter, punctuation symbol, or special braille composition sign. It is a one - to -one conversation. Individual cells cannot represent words or abbreviations in grade 1 braille. Grade 1 braille is generally used by one who is new to learning the grades of braille.
The following braille chart shows the braille symbol for each letter of English alphabets.
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Braille Softwares
Duxbury Braille Translator Software - The Duxbury Braille Translator Software was developed by the Duxbury system that translates ink print to braille and braille to ink print braille for over 100 languages. The Duxbury Braille Translator permits you to import Microsoft Word documents, convert these documents into braille and further forward the braille material to braille embossers or braille devices. The Duxbury Braille Translator Software-defined by the Duxbury system is useful for both the people who know braille or those who don't know. The software permits anyone to create precise braille for learning and teaching support materials, bus schedules, personal letters, office memos, and many more.
Liblouis - Liblouis software is considered to be an open-source braille translator and back translator introduced in honour of Louis braille. It formats a large number of braille languages and braille codes.
Fun Facts
Braille is not considered to be a language, rather it is a code made up of different symbols and rules, It is a system of writing and reading.
There is a unique braille code named “ Nemeth code” for writing Maths. Using this code, individuals can write simple to complex maths equations.
Braille is a code through which many languages such as Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, English, and many more are written and read.
FAQs on Braille Translator
1. How to Write Braille?
Ans. The slate and stylus are the tools that are used to write braille. A slate is considered as a plastic or metal guide that opens using a hinge on one end, A slate is available in different shapes and sizes. A stylus is the smallest tool used for writing braille. It is almost 3 inches long and has a metal point at one end and a wooden knob or plastic handle at another end. A card stock paper is inserted into the state, and the stylus is used to punch holes in the paper. The holes that are punched are raised dots that will be read by touch. While writing braille, you must write the cell in reverse order and also ensure writing letters from right to left so that when you remove the paper from the slate and flip it over to read the raised dots, the braille cells will be in the correct direction and order to properly read them.
2. How to Read Braille?
Ans. Braille codes help blind and partially sighted people to read and write through touch. In order to read braille, people slide their fingerprints from right to left across the lines of dots.
3. What is the Difference Between Braille Transcription and Braille Translation?
Ans. Braille transcription is the process of transforming printed text to braille whereas braille translation is the process of converting one language into another. Sometimes, people get confused between both terms. Unfortunately, this conveys misleading information that braille is a language rather than merely a different system of reading and writing a specific language.