Count To a Billion
The numbers in the general form can be expanded using positions. Having said that, wondering how long does it take to count to 1 billion? If you do it manually, count to a Billion might take over 100 years". However, an online calculator can help you calculate 1 billion counts and easily perform the conversion as well, in a matter of seconds. Just how you would take 10 seconds to count to 100, similarly (put your own value in the billion to million calculator) and find out how many millions make 1 billion.
How to Find 1 Billion How Much Million?
In Mathematical domain, the numbers can be easily described with the help of place value. The place value of the numerical digits is represented in two different ways i.e. The Indian System and the International System. The place value charts significantly help us to determine the positional values of the number.
The order of the place value always goes from right to left. It means that the place value begins from the unit place {one’s (1’s) place}, then moves to tens (10’s), hundreds (100’s), thousands (1,000’s), ten thousand (10,000’s) and so on. Here, we will discuss the value of 1 billion in rupees, how many millions in a billion and how many crores in 1 billion in terms of the Indian system of place value. Also, we will take into account the place value chart for the Indian System as well as the International System.
1 Billion in Rupees Value
From the place value charts, billions are mainly used in the International System of valuing. The equivalent value of 1 billion in rupees (with respect to Indian System) is given as follows:
1 Billion = 1,000,000,000 Indian Rupees (INR)
We can also write it as:
1 Billion = 10,000 Lakhs (Since, 1 lakh = 1, 00,000)
How Many Crores in 1 Billion
Need to know 1 billion is equal to how much crore?
1 Billion = 100 crores (Since 1 crore = 1, 00, 00,000)
How Many Millions in a Billion
Thinking hard about how many millions are there in 1 billion? If you’re looking to make a move from million to billion, you’ll require to multiply by 1,000. Simply to say, there are 1,000 million in a billion.
1,000,000 × 1,000 = 1,000,000,000
There are six zeroes (0’s) in a million (or say two groups of three zeroes). While, if we see, there are nine zeroes (0’s) in a billion (or say three groups of three zeroes).
Thus, 1 Billion = 1,000 millions
Reference Chart For How Many Millions Make 1 Billion
Solved Examples
What is the value of 6.4 billion in crores?
Now, we already know that
1 Billion = 100 crores
Thus, 6.4 Billion = 6.4 x 100 crores
6.4 Billion = 640 crores
therefore, the value of 6.4 billion is 640 crores.
Find out the value of 3 billion in lakhs?
It is already known that
1 Billion = 10,000 Lakhs
3 billions = 3 x 10,000 lakhs
3 Billions = 30,000 lakhs.
Fun Facts
A major difference between the Indian number system and the International number system is the position of comas.
Millions are written after thousands under the International numbering method, whereas lakhs are written after thousands when in the Indian system.
In countries including India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Myanmar the Indian numbering system is most commonly used.
The term ‘crores’ is mostly used to represent large sums of money in countries including India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh.
The Indian number system is represented through—Thousands, Lakhs, Crores.
International number system represented through – Million, Billion, Trillion
FAQs on Count Billion
1. What Exactly Refers to a Billion?
Answer: One billion basically equals 109. It is, however, crucial to be aware, particularly when going through older texts, that in the United Kingdom billion hasn’t always meant 109. Until the 1970s, when the UK officially adopted the American description of billion, this term represented 1012 in British English.
2. How Many Lakhs Make One Billion?
Answer: As already mentioned, count to a billion is on tips now with the technique of place value charts. That being said, refer to the below calculation:
One Billion is equal to ten thousand lakhs or,
1 Billion = 10,000 lakhs
From the Indian numbering system, the term lakh and crore are numerically expressed as given:
1 lakh = 1, 00,000 (5 zeroes)
1 crore = 1, 00, 00,000 (7 zeroes)
The one crore means ten million (since 1 million = 10 lakhs).
Now, with respect to the Indian numbering scheme, it equals 100 lakhs (1,00,00,000).
Now we know that
1 Million = 10 Lakhs
10 Million = 100 Lakhs
1000 Lakhs = 100 Million
10000 Lakhs = 1 Billion (1000 Million)
10000000 Lakhs = 1000 Billion
1, 00,000 Crores = 1 Trillion (1000 Billion)
1 Billion = 1,000 Million
1 Trillion = 1,000 Billion
3. Which Place Value System Uses Billions?
Answer: The International Number System for place value uses the word billion, which equals to 1,000,000,000.