What is a Multiplication Chart ?
A very simple way to teach the students how to multiply is by using a multiplication chart or multiplication tables. These multiplication charts will help the students to memorize different multiplication equations so that they can find answers quickly and accurately.
This particular article will give you access to free multiplication charts that can be printed for your classroom. We’ll also explain the best ways to teach multiplication tables to your students and show you different multiplication tables to help them memorize these tables.
What is Multiplication?
After learning counting and addition, students will have to take the big leap for multiplication.
The efficient way to teach multiplication is by saying ‘groups of’ instead of times. Explain to the students that when we are multiplying, they are adding groups of numbers together.
3 × 4 becomes 3 groups of 4.
4 + 4 + 4 = 12
Multiplication is an easier way to add groups of numbers together. This method of thinking will help students to understand why they are multiplying and how it generally works.
How to Memorize the 1-12 Multiplication Table?
We can teach the students different tricks to help memorize the multiplication charts.
We’ll go through a 1-12 multiplication table and show the best tips to teach the students so that students can memorize multiplication charts!
Tips For the 1 Times Table
Anything multiplied by one stays that number. These equations will always mean that there’s only one group of numbers.
Tips for the 2 Times Table
Anything multiplied by two is being doubled. Students are allowed to think of this as adding the two same numbers together.
6 × 2 is the same as 6 + 6.
Tips For the 3 Times Table
Three doesn’t have any kind of rules which make its multiplication table easy to learn, but there is also a pattern for every ten multiples of three:
3× 1 = 3
3× 2 = 6
3× 3 = 9
3× 4 = 12
3× 5 = 15
3× 6 = 18
3× 7 = 21
3× 8 = 24
3× 9 = 27
3× 10 = 30
The last digit of these multiples will always repeat, it means that the students can learn these digits to help them with the multiplication table of three.
Just take a look at the ten next multiples of three:
3× 11 = 33
3× 12 = 36
3× 13 = 39
3× 14 = 42
3× 15 = 45
3× 16 = 48
3× 17 = 51
3× 18 = 54
3× 19 = 57
3× 20 = 60
The last digits in both the groups are the same: 3, 6, 9, 2, 5, 8, 1, 4, 7, 0.
If the students can remember this way then they will at least know what the last digit of any of the multiplication of three will be. Example, numbers which will end with a nine that are then multiplied by three are going to become a number that will end with a seven.
9 × 3 equals 27, 19 × 3 equals 57 159 × 3 equals 477 1,428,659 × 3 equals 4,285,977
Teach all the students about the pattern for the three multiplication tables in an easy way as if it were a phone number of some sort, (369) 258-1470.
Tips For the 4 Times Table
Whenever a number is multiplied by four, double it and then double it again. It is not the most clever trick, but it works!
8 multiplied by 4 becomes 8 + 8 equals 16 → 16 +16 = 32.
Tips For the 5 Times Table
Five is one among the simplest multiplication tables to master. Teach the students that five times table will always follows the pattern of ending with:
5, 0, 5, 0, 5, 0...
Odd numbers multiplied by five will end with a five, while even numbers multiplied by five will end with zero.
Tips For the 6 Times Table
When we multiply an even number by six, the solution will always end with the last digit of the number that is being multiplied.
2 × 6 equals 12 74 × 6 equals 444 216 × 6 equals 1,296 1,238 × 6 equals 7,428
But unfortunately, this trick only works for the even numbers, and not for the odd ones.
Learning Multiplication Chart
A multiplication chart is divided into two different parts, lower times table, and upper times table.
The multiplication tables of 1, 2, 5, and 10 are easy to remember because they have a pattern. The product of any number with one is the number itself but the product of any number with 2 is double that number. The ones digits of the multiplication table for 5 alternates between 0 and 5 and it is easy to remember the table of 10 as well because the digit at the ones place is always zero. These parts of the multiplication chart which are easy to remember are called lower times tables.
The rest part of the table is known as the upper times table.
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The upper times table can also be learned using repeated addition and vigorous practice.
One very important property of the multiplication is that the order in which we multiply any two numbers and it does not affect the product.
So, in a multiplication chart, for any of the products, we can find the identical number with the numbers which are reversed in the statement.
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How to Memorize Multiplication Chart?
Any number which is multiplied by 1, remains the same.
Any number which is multiplied by 2, becomes the double of itself. We can also consider it as an addition of the two identical numbers. For example, 9+9=18 and 9*2=18, gives the same result.
We can write the table of numbers by adding the number itself. This method works for each number. Example, if we have to write a table for 7, we will have to add 7 to that number so that we get the next number.
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To remember the table of number 9, first we have to write 0 to 9 (from top to bottom) and then 0 to 9 (from bottom to top).
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Ten has the easiest multiplication table to memorize.Always write 1 to 10 and put a 0 after each of the numbers.
For the table of 11, repeat the number. Example, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, and further.
To remember the table of 17, we have to write the table of 7 and put the sum of the underlined digits. We can also remember the table for 12.
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FAQs on Multiplication Chart
1. What is the pattern in multiplication?
The Identity Property of Multiplication states that for all numbers a, a × 1 = 1 × a = a. ... Use of this property leaves us with 45 facts to be remembered. Whenever a number is multiplied by 10, the product is always found to be a zero after the number.
2. What is the multiplication symbol called?
The sign for multiplication, which is also known to be the times sign, is the symbol represented as ×, which is mainly used in mathematics to denote the multiplication operation and its resulting product. It is similar to the small letter X (x), and the form is properly a rotationally symmetric saltire.
3. What is the best way to teach multiplication facts?
Here are ways to teach multiplication facts:
Relate multiplication to addition.
Always start with the multiples for zero and one.
Complete the multiplication table, always starting with the “easy” numbers.
Show how the commutative property will make things easier.
Break memorization down into easy steps.
Introduce the associative and distributive properties.
4. What are some tips for table 1?
Anything multiplied by one stays that number. These equations will always mean that there’s only one group of numbers.