Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Free PDF Available on Vedantu
FAQs on Class 10 NCERT Books for Hindi Sparsh Free PDF Download
1. Summarize the Chapter 5 - by Sumitranandan Pant in Class 10 Hindi Sparsh?
The poet has described nature in this poem in such a way that it seems that nature has come alive. The poet says that nature is changing every moment, sometimes it rains and sometimes the sun comes out. Thousands of flowers growing on the mountains seem as if mountains have eyes and they are looking at themselves in the mirror-like pond spread by their feet with the help of these eyes. The waterfalls falling from the mountains are making the melodious sound of yesterday, which are filling the veins with happiness. The trees growing on the mountains are looking at the calm sky as if they are trying to touch it. After the rain, the weather has become such that it seems due to dense mist. As if the trees have blown away, that is, they have disappeared, because of being around, it seems that there is a fire in the pond. It seems that in such weather, Indra is also carrying his cloud-like plane and roaming here and there, seeing a game of magic. Download the Vedantu mobile application to uplift your knowledge!
2. Explain the summary of Chapter 4 by– Maithili Sharan Gupt ?
In the first part, the poet says that death should not be feared because death is certain, but we should do such a thing so that people remember us even after death. In the second part, the poet says that we should be generous because the praise of generous people is everywhere. A man is said to be the one who cares for others. In the third part, the poet says that there are many examples in the Puranas of people who are still remembered for their sacrifice. A true man knows the spirit of renunciation. In the fourth part, the poet says that there should be a feeling of kindness and compassion in the mind of human beings, man is called the one who dies and lives for others. We should think above discrimination. In the sixth part, the poet wants to say that we should be kind because even the gods welcome kind and benevolent human beings. Therefore, we should do charity and welfare for others. In the seventh part, the poet says that the external actions of human beings may be different, but our Vedas are the witness, everyone's soul is one, we are all children of the same God, so all human beings are brothers and human beings are the same ones who are suffering from other human beings. Come to work In the last part the poet wants to say that by removing adversity and obstacles, man should follow his chosen path, maintain mutual understanding and should not increase discrimination, only a person with such thinking can save himself and others.
3. Explain the summary of Chapter 3 by Leeladhar Mandloi?
This chapter 'Tatara Vamiro Katha' focuses on a small island in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The feeling of enmity with each other on that island had reached its final limit. To root out this feeling of enmity, a couple had to sacrifice themselves. The sacrifice of the same couple has been described by the author in the present text.
Who can deny that love brings everyone together and hate widens the distance between all? Therefore, whoever sacrifices his life, his love for society, the society not only remembers him but also does not let the sacrifice and sacrifice made by him go in vain. This is the reason due to which this couple, who set an example before the then society, is still remembered by the residents of this island with pride and reverence.
4. Explain the summary of Chapter 8 by– Habib Tanvir?
This chapter describes the adventures of a brave knight who had only one goal - to drive the British out of the country. In this chapter, the author has described four persons, they are – Colonel, Lieutenant, Sepoy and Sawar.
The colonel and the lieutenant talk among themselves about the exploits of Wazir Ali, saying that Wazir Ali has stifled the British and seeing him reminds them of Robinhood. The colonel then tells the lieutenant about Saadat Ali. He gave half his wealth and ten lakh rupees to the British to remain on the throne of Awadh.
When the lieutenant learns that many kings, emperors and nawabs of India are inviting the nawab of Afghanistan to attack Delhi, the colonel, agreeing to the lieutenant's words, says that if this happens, the company will do whatever it takes. Whatever has been achieved in India will have to be lost.
Listening to the colonel's words, the lieutenant tells the colonel that Wazir Ali's independence is a threat to the British. The colonel says that that's why he is following him with his entire army and Wazir Ali has been deceiving him for years. Wazir Ali is a very brave man. Wazir Ali has also killed a lawyer of the company. Describing the incident of the assassination, the colonel said that after the removal of Wazir Ali from his post, the British had sent Wazir Ali to Benares, after a few months the Governor-General started calling Wazir Ali to Calcutta (Kolkata). Wazir Ali complained to the Company's counsel that the Governor-General was calling him to Calcutta. The lawyer did not pay any heed to the complaint of Wazir Ali and on the contrary, started abusing Wazir Ali. Wazir Ali's heart was already full of hatred against the British and such behavior of the lawyer made Wazir Ali angry and he killed the lawyer there with a knife.
5. Explain briefly Chapter 1 by– Premchand?
'Bade Bhai Sahab' story is composed by Premchand. His stories have always been instructive. He has attacked one problem or the other through his stories. Big Brother Saheb is just an attempt to revive the feeling of duties, which is dying out in society. In this story, the elder brother is fulfilling his responsibilities towards his brother, while handling his duties. His age is not so much as his responsibilities. But his responsibilities seem small for his age. He does not hesitate to sacrifice his childhood for the sake of his younger brother. They realize that their wrong steps can spoil the future of the younger brother. He doesn't hesitate to play with his future. A step taken by a fourteen-year-old child lays the foundation for a bright future for the younger brother. These ideals make the elder brother even higher in front of the younger brother. This story teaches that man is older not by age but by his deeds and duties. In the present age, man is developing but is forgetting the ideals. We have given up our ideals in the race to collect material pleasures. For us today material happiness is everything. Our responsibilities towards our younger and elders are not necessary for us. Premchand has placed the importance of these duties in front of everyone.