Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts 2 NCERT Books - Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Books for Class 7 Social Science Our Pasts 2
1. How many parts of Social studies are there in Class 7 NCERT?
The NCERT of Class 7 Social Studies has been divided into three parts.
The first past covers - Our Environment
Second part covers - Social and Political life
Third part covers - Our Past 2
2. How can I download the Free PDF of NCERT books?
To download the free PDF follow the step given below -
Visit the website of Vedantu
Go to the option ‘study materials’ visible on the top of the website
From study materials select CBSE and click on NCERT books
From the available list of options select the required Class according to your need
Free PDF of all the Classes are made available on the website
You can also download the Free PDF from the mobile application of Vedantu
Download now and start your learning process.
3. Does the Class 7 Social Science NCERT books cover the modern history part of India?
Modern history is usually referred to as the history from the Revolt of 1857 to the Indian Independence. If you see the content you will observe that Class 7 History covers the medieval part of our history. Modern history has been covered in the higher Classes.
Refer to the NCERTs of 9 and 10 to cover the modern history part of India.
4. Can students understand the Class 7 Social Science Chapters by themselves through self-study?
The language of the NCERT books is very lucid and student friendly. Students who prefer self-study can easily understand the concepts from the Chapters. However, for the benefit of the students, the experts at Vedantu have prepared the free PDF in a simpler and organized manner.
Also, NCERT solutions and free lecture videos are available to add to the preparation level of the students.