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NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Mridang Chapter 4 The Cap Seller and The Monkeys


Class 1 NCERT English Chapter 4 Question and Answers - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu’s Class 1 English NCERT Solutions, Chapter 4, is here to help students learn the art of social interaction. This story is of a clever cap-seller and some mischievous monkeys. Your child will develop essential reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills through this story.

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The complete NCERT Class 1 English Chapter 4 Question Answer is updated for the latest CBSE Class 1 English Syllabus. Our FREE PDF download for Class 1 English NCERT Solutions Mridang includes detailed question answers, making it easy for students to understand and learn. This resource is designed to enhance comprehension and increase confidence in English.

Glance on Class 1 English (Mridang) Chapter 4 -  The Cap-seller and the Monkeys

  • This chapter introduces a captivating story about a cap-seller and his encounter with playful monkeys.

  • Children learn about the cap seller's problem and how he cleverly solves it, enhancing problem-solving skills.

  • The story encourages vocabulary building with words related to caps, monkeys, and their actions.

  • It develops reading comprehension as children follow the story's sequence and understand the characters.

  • The chapter develops imagination and creativity as children visualise the story and its characters.

  • It instils a love for storytelling and the ability to retell the story in their own words.

  • The story's playful nature makes learning enjoyable and engaging for young learners.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 4 The Cap-seller and the Monkeys

Let us speak

A. Answer the following questions:

Question 1: Do you have a cap? What is its colour?
Answer: Yes, I have a cap. It is red.

Question 2: Why do you think the monkeys threw the caps in the basket?
Answer: The monkeys threw the cap because they mimicked what they saw.
The cap-seller threw his cap in the basket and they also threw their caps.

B. What is the first sound of the words in each row?

Sound of Word C

The first letter sound is of the words C.

Sound of Word M

The first letter sound is of the word M.

Sound of Word B

Answer: The first letter sound is of the word B.

Let us Write

A. Circle the words that start with the same sound in each row.

Circle the words


Circle the words

B. Write the numbers (1 – 4) next to the pictures according to the story.

numbers (1 – 4)


numbers (1 – 4)

Let us Sing


Would you like to replace butterflies with anything else? Try
Answer: Yes, I can replace butterflies with pigeons.

Let us Speak

A. Answer the questions


Teacher: Look up! What do you see on the tree?
Child: I see birds, a nest, a kite, a beehive, a snake, a
monkey, an owl, a swing, and mangoes on the tree.
Teacher: Look down! What do you see on the ground?
Child: I see a squirrel, a river, a cow, and houses on the ground.
Teacher: Look up! What do you see in the sky?
Child: I see birds and an aeroplane in the sky.

B. Say and clap

Say aloud each line of both poems, clapping for every word.

line of both poems

Answer: Student’s Class activity. Do it yourself.

Let us write

A. Encircle the words that have ‘p’ in them.

Encircle the words


Encircle the words

B. Encircle the matching letters in each row.

Encircle the matching


Encircle the matching

C. Match the words with the same initial syllable.

Match the words


Match the words

Let us Speak

Listen and repeat
Some words have two syllables. Notice the words below:

two syllables

Answer: Students Activity. Do it yourself.

Let us Listen

A. Close your eyes and listen to the words your teacher says.

listen to the words

What is the first sound in each of these words?
Answer: Group activity to be performed in the class.

What is common in all these words?
Answer: Rhyming words.

B. Let us make words by adding one letter to it as shown.
The first has been done for you.

adding one letter


adding one letter

C. Listen and do the actions that your teacher says:
Answer: Group activity to be performed in the class.

D. Now listen to the following words. Do you know what they mean? Ask your teacher.
Answer: Group activity to be performed in the class.

Let us Read

Try to read the story ‘Catch Me If You Can’ again by yourself.
Answer: Group activity to be performed in the class.

Let us do

What shall we make? A cat and a rat?

cat and a rat

Answer: Look at the picture on page 72 and do it yourself.

Let us Explore

Look at the insects, flowers, birds, animals, and trees around your home.
Draw some of these and tell your friends more about them.
Answer: Class Activity to be performed with the help of teachers.

Let us do

A. Help these animals find their homes.




Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 4 The Cap-seller and the Monkeys 

  • NCERT Solutions for Chapter 4 English Class 1 often breaks down complex concepts in simpler terms, making them easier to understand.

  • These can make the chapter content more relatable and help you visualise learning activities.

  • Practising with solved questions helps you understand the format and expectations for exam answers for English Chapter 4 Class 1.

  • You can learn to structure your responses effectively and identify key points to address.

  • By analysing the solved questions, you can understand which areas are emphasised and require more focus during revision.

  • Working through solutions for class 1 English Chapter 4 question answers allows you to check your understanding and identify areas where you might need to revisit the textbook or ask your teacher for clarification.

Important Study Material Links for English Chapter 4 Class 1 - The Cap-seller and the Monkeys 

S. No.

Important Study Material Links for Chapter 4 The Cap-seller and the Monkeys 


Class 1 The Cap-seller and the Monkeys Important Questions


Class 1 The Cap-seller and the Monkeys Revision Notes


NCERT Solutions for English Class 1 Chapter 4 The Cap-seller and the Monkeys is a comprehensive resource for understanding the lesson’s concepts. With step-by-step explanations and examples, students can learn the concepts effectively. The solutions aid exam preparation with exercises and practice questions. Accessible in PDF format, students can review the material conveniently. These solutions for English Mridang Chapter 4 Class 1 enhance understanding, and exam performance, making it easier for students studying in Class 1. You can easily access and download the FREE Class 1 English Chapter 4 PDF from Vedantu updated for the 2024-25 syllabus. Students can refer to these solutions to perform better in their examinations. 

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 1 English - Mridang

After familiarising yourself with the Class 1 English Chapter 4 Question Answers, you can access comprehensive NCERT Solutions from all English Class 1 Mridang textbook chapters.

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English (Mridang)

S. No

Unit Name



Unit 1 My Family and Me


Unit 2 Life Around Us


Unit 3 Food


Unit 4 Seasons

Related Important Links for English (Mridang) Class 1

Along with this, students can also download additional study materials provided by Vedantu for English Class 1.


Important Links for Class 1 English


Class 1 English NCERT Book


Class 1 English Worksheet


Class 1 English Grammar Solutions


Class 1 English Revision Notes


Class 1 English Important Questions

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Mridang Chapter 4 The Cap Seller and The Monkeys

1. What is the story Class 1 English Chapter 4 "The Cap-seller and the Monkeys" about?

The story is about a cap-seller who encounters a group of mischievous monkeys that take his caps while he is napping.

2. How do the NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 4 help in understanding the story?

The solutions provide detailed explanations, question answers, and activities that enhance comprehension and retention of the story.

3. What are the main learning objectives covered in the NCERT Solutions Class 1 English Chapter 4 The Cap-seller and the Monkeys?

The objectives include improving reading comprehension, vocabulary, sequencing of events, and moral understanding.

4. What types of questions are included in the NCERT Solutions for this chapter of English Class 1?

The questions include multiple-choice, true/false, short-answer, and picture-based questions to test understanding and recall.

5. How do the NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 4 The Cap-seller and the Monkeys enhance vocabulary for students?

They introduce new words from the story, provide meanings, and include exercises for using these words in sentences.

6. What activities are suggested in the NCERT Solutions of Class 1 English Chapter 4 for better engagement?

Activities such as role-playing, drawing scenes from the story, and enacting the story with props are suggested to make learning fun.

7. What is the moral lesson 4 "The Cap-seller and the Monkeys" highlighted in the NCERT Solutions for English Class 1?

The moral lesson is about cleverness and problem-solving, as the cap-seller uses his wit to retrieve his caps from the monkeys.

8. How do the NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 4 help in developing sequencing skills?

The solutions include exercises where students arrange events from the story in the correct order.

9. What illustrations or visual aids are used in the NCERT Solutions for this chapter The Cap-seller and the Monkeys from Class 1 English?

Visual aids include pictures from the story, flashcards for new vocabulary, and diagrams for sequencing activities.

10. How do the NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 4 address different learning styles?

They include various activities such as reading, writing, drawing, and acting, catering to visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners.