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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 The Ailing Planetthe Green Movement'S Role


Class 11 English Chapter-4 NCERT Solutions - The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement's Role - Free PDF Download

The Ailing Planet constitutes a part of class 11 Hornbill chapter 4 NCERT solutions that deals with the current scenario of this planet that has suffered a lot in the hand of humans. The central theme of this text is Green Revolution that to the author's belief can save this planet and make it alive again.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 11


Class 11 English

Subject Part:

Class 11 English - Hornbill

Chapter Name:

Chapter 4 - The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement'S Role


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English and Hindi

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The Ailing Planet class 11 extends a profound insight into the duty of humans as a part of this planet. Students will get to learn a vital lesson in protecting Mother Nature. It will not only help them to score well in the final examination but also make them a responsible citizen in the near future.

Access NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 – The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role

1. Notice these expressions in the text. Infer their meaning from the context.

Ans: i) a holistic and ecological view: It refers to a point of view that advocates for the preservation of the planet and an appreciation of the value of the planet's resources and environment for future generations.

ii) inter alia: as well as others

iii) sustainable development: A balanced development that serves current demands while also considering the needs of future generations.

iv) decimated: to dramatically reduce the number of people

v) languish: Many species are overlooked or undetected.

vi) catastrophic depletion: a detrimental and devastating reduction in the number of something

vii) ignominious darkness: Nobody knows or is informed about them, therefore they are shamed or dishonoured.

viii) transcending concern: a concern that transcends generations and borders It concerns not just the present but also the future; it concerns individuals and the earth.

2. Locate the lines in the text that support the title. 'The Ailing Planet'.

Ans: The lines that support the chapter's title are listed below.

“The earth‟s vital signs reveal a patient in declining health.”

“Are we to leave our successors a scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes, and ailing environment?

…the environment has deteriorated so badly that it is „critical‟ in many of the eighty-eight countries investigated”.

“When this happens, fisheries collapse, forests disappear, grasslands are converted into barren wastelands and croplands deteriorate. It has been well said that forests precede mankind; deserts follow. Several species of life face extinction as a result of their destruction. The environmental problem does not necessarily signal our demise, it is our passport for the future.”

3. What does the notice 'The world's most dangerous animal' at a cage in the zoo at Lusaka, Zambia, signify?

Ans: “The world's most dangerous animal,” reads a sign outside a cage in the zoo in Lusaka, Zambia. There is no animal within the cage, only a mirror in which one may view one's reflection. It's a satirical way of pointing out how humans are to blame for the extinction of so many species, resulting in resource depletion and environmental degradation. Man is to blame for this, and his survival is in jeopardy.

4. How are the earth's principal biological systems being depleted?

Ans: The earth's biological systems are divided into four categories.

Fisheries, woods, grasslands, and croplands are examples of these systems. These four systems provide practically all of the raw materials for the industry, in addition to supplying our food. However, the productivity of these systems is being limited as a result of the "unsustainable" increase in human demand. Excessive demand causes these resources to deteriorate and be depleted. Overfishing is prevalent in a place where protein is consumed on a big scale, resulting in the collapse of fisheries in that area. Grasslands have devolved into deserts, and food production is declining.

For the sake of obtaining firewood, enormous areas of forest are destroyed. Several species have been extinct as a result of the depletion of tropical forests.

5. Why does the author aver that the growth of the world population is one of the strongest factors distorting the future of human society?

Ans: Overpopulation is one of the most powerful causes of poverty and unemployment in a country.

It disrupts the earth's major biological processes, resulting in environmental deterioration. The author emphasizes the problem of overpopulation by highlighting the mentality of the impoverished, who believe that having more children implies having more labour to make money. They are oblivious to the fact that more children equal more jobless individuals. He claims that development is the best contraceptive, citing the spread of education, improved health, and increased affluence as examples. People become more conscious as a result of increased education, which leads to a decrease in the "fertility rate." The author adds a note that underlines the never-ending cycle of population and poverty, stating, "The decision is basically between population control and poverty perpetuation."

6. Laws are never respected not enforced in India.

Ans: India, the world's largest democracy, is chastised for its lax attitude toward the rule of law. In our country, laws are made but never followed or enforced. The Indian Constitution, for example, states that casteism, untouchability, and bonded labour will be eradicated; nonetheless, these ills continue to exist openly today. According to the author, Article 48A of the Indian Constitution states that "the State shall endeavour to maintain and promote the environment, as well as to safeguard the country's forests and animals." However, little is being done to support this. Over the previous four decades, we've seen a near-"catastrophic depletion" of forests. Forests are losing at a rate of 3.7 million acres per year throughout the decades. In actuality, areas that are officially labelled as forest land are devoid of trees. The true pace of forest loss is eight times higher than the government data indicate.

7. “Are we to leave our successors a scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes, and an ailing environment?”

Ans: The first Brandt Report, as we discover in the book, posed the above-mentioned question about the planet's worsening health. Earth is like to a "patient in poor health." Excessive demand for resources has resulted in the depletion of forests, grasslands, fisheries, and croplands. Overpopulation has put a serious burden on our planet's health. We must quickly recognize that it is completely our responsibility to save our world in this "Era of Responsibility." We must recognize that the earth belongs to future generations just as much as it does to us. Rather than making it our own, we should do everything we can to protect it for the generations from whom we have "borrowed" it.

8. “We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children”.

Ans: People's attitudes toward the world have shifted over the decades. Human perspective has transformed into a "worldview that is holistic and ecological." The Earth is a living being with finite resources. These resources won't last indefinitely. The earth has metabolic requirements that must be addressed. The term "sustainable development" refers to the necessity to meet the demands of the current generation without jeopardizing the needs of future generations. Our current difficulties are not always deadly, but they do serve as a "passport to the future." This is the "Era of Responsibility," which requires us to act responsibly. We must recognize that the earth belongs to future generations just as much as it does to us

9. The problems of overpopulation that directly affect our everyday life.

Ans: Poverty and unemployment are challenges that arise as a result of overpopulation. Unless the main cause, population, is addressed, the vicious spiral of population and poverty will persist. It stifles a country's progress. As a result, natural resources are depleted at a far faster rate. The consumption of fossil fuels, the depletion of natural resources, the clearing of forests, the heat created, and the resulting global warming are all consequences of the world's rapidly rising population. The current global population is expected to be 5.7 billion people, with one million people added every four days. If the population continues to grow at this rate, development will be impossible. Many problems can be solved by controlling the population.

10. The phrase 'inter alias meaning 'among other things is one of the many Latin expressions commonly used in English. Find out what these Latin phrases mean.

i. Prima face

Ans: "Prima facie" implies "at first glance, before the further examination."

ii. ad hoc

Ans: ad hoc implies "For the precise purpose, case, or scenario at hand and for no other,"

iii. in camera

Ans: The phrase "in camera" means "in secret, in private."

iv. ad infinitum

Ans: ad infinitum is a Latin phrase that means "to infinity, without end."

v. mutate multanis

Ans: mutatis mutandis means "just changing those items that need to be altered," or "only making the essential changes." The term "caveat" refers to a "warning or caution."

vi. tabula rasa

Ans: Tabula rasa refers to the opportunity to begin anew, "without any prior experience or information."

11. Locate the following words in the text and study their connotation.

i) gripped the imagination of 

Ans: have a strong impact on the imagination

ii) dawned upon

Ans: realization of the thing for the first time

iii) ushered in

Ans: started a new idea

iv)passed into current coin

Ans: have been put into practice

(v)passport of the future

Ans: something that makes something possible or allows someone to achieve something growth authorization

12. The words „grip‟, „dawn‟. „usher‟, „coin‟, „passport‟ have a literal as well as a figurative meaning. Write pairs of sentences using each word in the literal as well as figurative sense.


a) During the rock-climbing session, she was fantastic. She has a strong grip.

b) The 'India Against Corruption' movement has gripped the hearts and minds of Indians.


a) The day dawned with a clear sky.

b) The thought suddenly dawned on him.


a) They were ushered to their seats by the waiter.

b) The Green Movement ushered in the start of a new era of environmental awareness.

(iv) Coin

a) I have 10 Rs. 5 coins.

b) A well-known philosopher coined the term.

(v) Passport

a) He recently received his passport to see you.

b) He forgot his passport in his haste to go.

Class 11 English NCERT Solutions Chapter 4 - Free PDF Download

Hornbill class 11 chapter 4 is an article by Nani Palkhivala and was published in “The Indian Express” on 23rd November 1994. Here this article gives an account of the Green Revolution and how a zoo in Lukasa, Zambia declared humans as “world’s most dangerous animal”.

Later this article became a part of class 11 syllabus. The Ailing Planet class 11 is a wonderful text that will help students to learn about the importance of peaceful coexistence of all creatures on this planet.

It further elucidates how humans have always exploited nature, and as a result, this planet is ill and requires adequate treatment and medicines to restore its health. This text also contains an “exercise” section that students have to solve after finishing reading.

Moreover, a detailed solution of class 11 English hornbill chapter 4 comes in PDF format that students can download from any reliable educational site and read offline. Following this solution, students will get a firm grasp on this text and will secure excellent marks in the examination.

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Poem

The Ailing Planet: An Overview

The title of this text is self-explanatory and symbolic. NCERT solutions of English Hornbill chapter 4 class 11 contain several questions of varying marks and degrees; some are straightforward while others are conceptual. In order to understand the whole concept and answer those questions in a detailed way, students need to go through this solution a few times. After getting all the information right that this text delivers, they also necessitate revising the entire solution once again before the exam to memorise all vital points clearly.

The solution starts with several expressions or phrases from the text, and students need to write the exact explanation of each of them. This includes:

  • Inter alia

  • Languish

  • Catastrophic depletion

  • Ignominious darkness

Along with that Ailing Planet class 11 also contains some conceptual questions like the significance of the title, the inner meaning of the phrase, “world’s most dangerous animal” and others.

Then it proceeds to ask questions on the different factors that made this planet sick. Factors like how biological sources are depleted, how increasing population is a threat to the society, etc. are part of this chapter.

Furthermore, it also discusses different laws that safeguard the forest and wildlife in India. Questions from reference to the context are also asked in this chapter that students have to answer. Additionally, the Ailing Planet class 11 also contains some Latin phrases that students have to write the meaning of.

Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4- Weightage 

Chapter 4 Class 11 English Hornbill is a significant lesson from the CBSE board exam point of view. In Section C of the paper, which is the literature section, a total of 9 marks is dedicated to the book Hornbill. Hornbill Chapter-4 ‘The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement's Role’ is included in the Term 2 syllabus. Hence, students need to prepare well in order to be able to answer any question asked in the chapter. They can avail the solutions at Vedantu and check the answers to all the questions that have been provided in simple and crisp language.

Why is The Ailing Planet Class 11 NCERT Solutions Essential for Students?

Following are some of the reasons why NCERT solutions for class 11 English Hornbill chapter 4 are a must-have for students:

  • The simple explanation helps students get each concept accurately.

  • They develop an understanding of how to write a compact answer.

  • Each concept of the chapters is written in lucid language.

  • The solution strictly adheres to the desired answer pattern of a final examination.

  • Solutions are written in an engaging way so that students can stay focused on the study.

Do I Need to Pay to Download the PDFs of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4?

No! The NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 PDF download of Chapter 4 is available free of cost. Students seeking to obtain the solutions to NCERT Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 can visit the Vedantu website and follow the links. It is pretty easy! These PDFs have been prepared in accordance with the latest CBSE guidelines and exam patterns. These are essential for school exam preparation and boards as well. Students should consult the NCERT Solutions provided by Vedantu to clear doubts and train themselves in answering complex questions. Following these solutions will ensure that students get a firm grasp of the text, important concepts, difficult words and meanings, thereby securing excellent marks in the examination. Moreover, it will also help students learn more about the language, develop writing skills and use their analytical skills while answering questions.

NCERT solutions for class 11 English The Ailing Planet carry considerable marks in the examination, and thus it is imperative for students to follow this solution to secure excellent marks. Moreover, e-learning platforms like Vedantu offer these solutions in PDF format that students can download and read as per their convenience.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 The Ailing Planetthe Green Movement'S Role

1. What are some questions of Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role?

Given below are some questions in Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 The Ailing Planet:

  1. How are the earth’s principal biological systems being depleted?

  2. Why does the author aver that the growth of world population is one of the strongest factors distorting the future of human society?

  3. Laws are never respected nor enforced in India. Comment.

2. Where can I find NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement's Role?

Vedantu provides comprehensive and well-prepared NCERT Solutions for English Hornbill Chapter 4 The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement's Role. It is available in free PDF format. You can avail it online or download the file for offline use. The solutions are designed by the subject experts who are accustomed to NCERT and board guidelines. The answers are prepared by them as per the latest exam pattern. Students will get the proper explanation of the exercise questions in these solutions. These are really helpful during exam preparations. You can download the free PDF of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 The Ailing Planet on Vedantu and score well in exams.

3. What are the advantages of online NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement's Role?

The best thing about online NCERT Solutions is that students need not search multiple resources to find the answers to the textbook questions. Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement's Role can be easily availed on Vedantu. NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 includes detailed answers to exercise questions written in simple language. These solutions are written by subject experts who have many years of experience in the field of teaching. These solutions also help in revising the chapters conveniently. NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 free PDF is the best study material to improve marks in the exam.

4. What does the Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 The Ailing Planet stress upon?

Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 The Ailing Planet stresses about how humans greed has resulted in depletion of resources and deterioration of the environment. Humans are responsible for harming the environment and they only have to suffer the consequences of it. The chapter highlights the environmental issues that the world is facing today.

5. What is Chapter 4 “The Ailing Planet” of Class 11 English Hornbill about?

“The Ailing Planet” is Chapter 4 of Class 11 English Hornbill. In this Chapter of Class 11 English Hornbill, Earth is said to be the ailing planet. To understand more about this Chapter, you can easily visit the Vedantu website or download the Vedantu app, where you can avail all the comprehensive solutions free of cost and easily downloadable.

6. What do you mean by an ailing planet, according to Chapter 4 of Class 11 Hornbill?

The Earth is an ailing planet. This means that it is a suffering planet. Earth is said to be the planet that is suffering.

For a more detailed answer and explanation, you can consult Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for Chapter 4 of Class 11 English Hornbill. On Vedantu you will get the most accurate and perfectly detailed answers to your questions.

7. Why is Earth called the ailing planet, according to Chapter 4 of Class 11 English Hornbill?

Earth is being called the ailing planet because it is being exploited. The Earth has lost most of its valuable and vital resources due to this exploitation. There is a lot of pollution and degradation of nature that is taking a toll on our Earth. Due to all of these, the Earth is suffering too much. The Earth is struggling to survive. Hence, the Earth is called the ailing planet.

8. Who wrote the article “The Ailing Planet” of Chapter 4 of Class 11 English Hornbill?

The article “The Ailing Planet” was written by Nani Palkhivala. The Indian Express published it on 24 November 1994. Nani Ardeshir Palkhivala was born on January 16, 1920. He took his last breath on December 11, 2002. During his lifetime he was a successful jurist and a liberal economist. He was a resident of Bombay throughout his lifetime. This is an interesting Chapter and all the solutions are easily available on Vedantu.

9. How to study NCERT Chapter 4 of Class 11 English Hornbill for examinations?

For examinations, you should read the text of Chapter 4 of Class 11 Hornbill thoroughly first. After that, you should practise all kinds of questions and solutions related to the Chapter. Other than that, you should make a study plan in order to study the chapters in an orderly fashion. Making a study plan and a lesson plan will ensure that you do not miss out on any important topics discussed in any chapter. Make sure to remember every important definition and point that is discussed in each chapter. If you follow this manner, you will be able to study every chapter thoroughly.